Opt in to the new abandoned checkout automation

The abandoned checkout reengagement automation allows you to send automated emails to customers who added a product to their cart and started checking out, but left the checkout before completing their purchase.

The abandoned checkout automation settings are moving to theMarketingsection in your Shopify admin. The new settings give you more design flexibility and control over when your abandoned checkouts are sent, and to whom. Navigate to this section to opt in to the new automation.

You can continue to use the existing abandoned checkout email withinSettings>Checkoutuntil it's removed, at which time you will need totransition to the new abandoned checkoutin theMarketingsection. Until its removal, you can refer torecovering abandoned checkoutsto learn more.

Switch to the new abandoned checkout automation


  1. From the Shopify admin, clickMarketing>Automations.
  2. ClickCreate automation.
  3. Select theAbandoned checkoutautomation template.
  4. Optional: ClickEditto edit the email content or to make changes to the automation’s workflow.
  5. ClickTurn on automation.
  6. Review the information and clickContinue.

After the new automation is turned on, you can edit and manage the automation, including turning it off and on, from the automation’s summary page.

Edit an abandoned checkout email

You can change the customer list that the email is sent to, the subject line, the preview text, and the email address that the email is sent from.

你也可以编辑的内容你放弃了checkout email using the same email editing sections used in Shopify Email. You can add text and customize your design by adding a logo or changing the color scheme to reflect your store brand. You can alsoadd a discountthat your customer can use when they navigate back to their checkout. Learn more aboutcustomizing your email messages.


  1. From the Shopify admin, clickMarketing>Automations.
  2. ClickCreate automation.
  3. Select theAbandoned checkoutautomation template.
  4. ClickEdit>Edit email.
  5. ClickEdit.
  6. Review the considerations for editing the email, and then clickContinue.
  7. Optional: Edit any of the following:
    • BesideTo:, you can select the customer group you want the email to send to.
    • BesideSubject:,您可以更改默认的电子邮件标题one that you want your abandoned checkout email to have.
    • BesidePreview text:, you can summarize your email with text that displays after the subject line.
    • BesideFrom:, you can clickEditto open the sender email settings to change the email address that the email will be sent from.
  8. Customize your email messageusing Shopify email's section editor.
  9. ClickSave.

Automatically email a customer a link to their abandoned checkout

To send abandoned checkout emails automatically, you need to create an automation. Each automation email contains a link to the customer's abandoned cart, allowing them to complete their checkout if they choose. If you don't want to send these emails automatically, then you can send themmanually.

When you create the new abandoned checkout automation through theMarketing>Automationssection, your settings are carried over from your previous abandoned checkout settings. If you create a second abandoned checkout automation, then the automation defaults to a 10 hour wait time before the email is sent to customers and sends to only customers subscribed to marketing.

You can useShopify flowto edit the workflow for your new abandoned checkout automation, including the wait time.


  1. From the Shopify admin, clickMarketing>Automations.
  2. ClickCreate automation.
  3. Select theAbandoned checkoutautomation.
  4. ClickEdit>Edit workflow.
  5. UseShopify flowto edit the workflow.
  6. ClickTurn on workflowwhen you're done editing.

Understanding undelivered abandoned checkouts

An abandoned checkout reengagement email isnotsent for an abandoned checkout in the following circumstances:

  • When the customer hasn't previously completed a purchase and subscribed to marketing.
  • When a customer creates one or more abandoned checkouts and then completes a purchase before the abandoned checkout email is sent.
  • When none of the items in the checkout are available for purchase.
  • When all the items in the checkout are free, and the customer doesn't visit the shipping page to add a shipping fee, or the shipping fee is also free.
  • When a checkout is abandoned from the Shop app's checkout. The automation only applies to the Online Store checkout.
  • When a customer abandoned a more recent checkout, and the wait time from the latest abandoned checkout hasn't lapsed.

如果您已经配置了自动商店send abandoned checkout emails, then theAutomationspage will contain performance data.

Review automation workflow delivery details

On theAutomationspage, you can click into a specific automation to display detailed information for that automation, such as if an abandoned checkout email failed to deliver to a customer. Each email that is sent is referred to as a Run, and has a corresponding ID.


  1. From the Shopify admin, clickMarketing>Automations.
  2. UnderAutomations, click the automation that you want to review the results from.
  3. In theWorkflowsection, clickView recent activity.
  4. Click the email sent, or Run ID, that you want to review the details for.

The details for the email, or Run ID, display under theResultssection.

Manually send an abandoned checkout email

You can choose to manually send an abandoned checkout email to a customer. The email contains a link to the customer's abandoned cart, allowing them to complete their checkout. You might want to send the abandoned checkout email manually if you haven't set up the automation to send automatically, or if your customer requests the abandoned checkout link.


  1. From your Shopify admin, clickOrders>Abandoned checkouts.
  2. Click the number of the abandoned checkout that you want to recover.
  3. Click the customer’s email under the customer information.

Your email client launches with the abandoned checkout template in the email body.

TheRecovery statuson theAbandoned checkoutpage only updates to display as recovered if the customer completes their order using that link.

Review your abandoned checkouts

You can review your abandoned checkouts to find patterns that might suggest why your customers aren't completing orders.

Abandoned checkouts are saved in the Shopify admin for three months. Every Monday, abandoned checkouts that are older than three months are removed from your admin.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. ClickAbandoned checkouts.

View payment events from an abandoned checkout

Each time a customer tries to pay for their order, a payment event is noted in the history of the abandoned checkout. You can expand payment events for more details.

Payment events can be helpful if a customer is trying to place an order and their payment fails. If a customer contacts you because their payment doesn't work at checkout, then you can view the details of the payment event, and use the information to help your customer place their order.

If your customer successfully paid at checkout, then instead go to theorder's timelineto view payment events.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders>Abandoned checkouts.

  2. Click an abandoned checkout.

  3. In theHistorysection, click a payment event.

Abandoned checkouts email report

TheAbandoned checkouts emails report by Shopifyhelps you better understand how effective those emails are at bringing your customers back to finish a transaction. It's available in theMarketingsection of Shopify.

The report tells you how many sessions and completed orders have resulted from the reminder emails. It also includes information such as conversion rate, total amount of sales, average order value, average number of products sold, and how many customers were first-time customers.

The report displays data only from November 18, 2019 onwards.

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