
You can set up multiple locations in your Shopify store so that you can track inventory and fulfill orders at your locations. Your locations can be retail stores, warehouses, popups, dropshippers, or any other place where you manage or stock inventory. With multiple locations, you have better visibility into your inventory across your business.

A location is a physical place or an app where you do any or all of the following activities: sell products, ship or fulfill orders, and stock inventory.

To make sure your inventory quantities are always accurate, online orders and in-person sales are assigned to locations. If some of your inventory is out of stock at one location, but it’s in stock at another location, then Shopify will split the order so that it can be fulfilled from multiple locations.

If you make sales from physical locations using the Shopify POS app, then you canadd a locationto your sales device to track your inventory accurately.

The maximum number of locations that you can have depends on your plan. Locations that youdeactivatedon't count toward your location limit. Apps that stock inventory or fulfill orders for you are considered to be locations but don't count towards those limits. When you add such an app to your store, the app is automatically added as a location.

If you have a custom app that was developed specifically for your store, then you might have to update it to use inventory tracking for multiple locations. Developers can learn more aboutmigrating to support multiple locations.

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