Organization management

The Shopify organization admin is an enhancement to the standard Shopify admin. If you operate multiple stores, then the Shopify organization admin enables you to operate at the organizational level instead of at the individual store level.

Users who have been given access to the Shopify organization admin can perform actions across multiple stores in your organization that affect users, stores, and Shopify workflows.

Benefits of using the Shopify organization admin

The Shopify organization admin includes the following features to help you manage your organization more efficiently.

The benefits of using the Shopify organization admin
Feature Description
Analytics overview Analytics overviewenables you to do the following:
  • View the total sales and orders for your entire organization.
  • View the total sales and orders for specific stores.
  • Access analytics about a specific store's performance.
Shopify Flow management Shopify Flow managementenables you to do the following:
  • Build new workflows.
  • Review and edit workflows.
  • Enable workflows in stores without installing the Flow app.
  • Copy workflows directly from one store to another.
User management User managementenables you to do the following:
  • Add new users to your organization.
  • Reactivate, suspend, or remove users in bulk.
  • Assign or remove access to organization-level features.
  • Control store-level accesses and permissions.
  • Create roles that combine organization-level access and store-level permissions, and assign roles to users.
  • Enforce two-step authentication.
Store management Store managementenables you to do the following:
  • View and access all stores in your organization.
  • Filter stores by type or status.

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