Finance reports

You can view key financial information about your business in the finance reports.

On theReportspage, you can filter byCategories>Financesto display a list of financial reports. To access a summary and find more detailed financial reports, click theSummaryreport.

When you open a finance report, the data is up-to-date, give or take about 1 minute. You can reopen or refresh the report to display newer data.

Bills and fees

If you're looking for information about your Shopify account bills and fees, then you can view your account history in theBillssection of theBillingpage in your Shopify admin.

Finances category filter of the Reports page

You can access a list of finances reports on theReportspage by filtering byCategory>Finances. In the list of reports, you can access theSummaryreport page, and other key reports.

TheTotal salesreport displays the number of orders for the time period and organizes the orders into transactions such as sales, returns, and shipping amounts.

ThePaymentsreport displays the number of monetary transactions across all payment providers (Shopify Payments, manual payments, gift cards, and so on), including both payments and refunds. The detailed Payments finance report groups the transactions by payment provider.

Finances summary page

TheFinancessummary page displays an overview of yoursales,payments,liabilities, andgross profitdata for the selected time frame. Each section has links to related reports.

View the Finances summary page


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toAnalytics>Reports.
  2. ClickCategories.
  3. SelectFinancesto filter the reports to include only finances reports.
  4. In theNamecolumn, click theSummaryreport.
  5. Optional: Select a channel and choose a date range.

If you remove a channel, then it won't display in the channel list. However, you can still view historical data for the removed channel by selectingAll channels.

Sales overview

TheSalessection displays an overview of your sales finance reports. It also has links to each of the other sales finance reports:

  • Gross salesreport
  • Discountsreport
  • Returnsreport
  • Net salesreport
  • Shippingreport
  • Taxesreport

Each of these other sales finance reports focuses on a specific metric from theSalesreport.

Payments overview

ThePaymentssection displays an overview of your payments finance reports. It also has a link to a separate payments report for each payment method that your customers have used.

Liabilities overview

TheLiabilitiessection displays an overview of your gift card sales and tips for the selected date range.

In this section,Gift card salesdisplays the total sales of gift cards, which is the face value of sold gift cards minus any discounts that were applied at the time of the sale.

Gift cards outstanding balancedisplays the total outstanding balance of gift cards that were sold or issued.

Tipsdisplays the total value of tips received.

Gross Profit overview

TheGross Profitsection displays an overview of your net sales, costs, and profit. In this section,Net sales without cost recordeddisplays net sales where cost wasn't recorded at the time of the sale.Net sales with cost recordeddisplays net sales where cost was recorded at the time of the sale. Together these add up to your totalNet salesfor the selected date range.

OnlyNet sales with cost recordedare included in yourCost of goods soldreport, and count toward yourGross profit.

United States sales tax report

The United States sales tax report displays a detailed summary of the sales and taxes information for your orders in the United States. You can view this report at the country, jurisdiction, or transaction level. Only sales that were made to customers with shipping addresses located in the United States are included in this report.

Before accessing the United States sales tax report, review the following considerations:

  • Currently, the United States sales tax report displays data starting from June 1, 2023. Data from before this date isn't displayed. To access tax data from before June 1, 2023, refer to thetaxes finance report.
  • The United States sales tax report displays a maximum of 1,000 rows. You can export a comma separated values file (CSV) to access all data in the report.
  • A CSV file exported from this report has a maximum amount of one month of data. To export data for more than one month, export a CSV from thetaxes finance reportinstead.
  • If a refund is processed for line item, then only the tax that's associated with that line item is refunded. In the country and jurisdiction summary views, the tax amount is reduced by the amount of the refund. In the transaction view, the refund is displayed in a separate row.
  • If a refund is processed that isn't associated with a line item, then tax isn't refunded and isn't included in the United States sales tax report.
  • Net sales doesn't include the following information.

The default view for the United States sales tax report is the state overview. Click on a state to access thejurisdiction view, which provides a summary of sales and taxes for a specific state. ClickView Transactionsto access thetransaction view, which displays itemized transactions with more detailed data.

View the United States sales tax report


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toAnalytics>Reports.
  2. ClickUnited States sales tax report.
  3. Optional: Refine your results by adding filters, changing the report date range, or selecting specific columns.
  4. Optional: ClickExportto download a CSV file of the report.

State overview

The country view displays a summary view of sales and taxes collected in each state that you made sales to. Orders that were made through third-party marketplaces, such as Amazon, aren't included.

If you haven't made sales to a state, then it isn't included in this view.

Definition of United States sales tax report terms in the state overview.
Field name Definition
Destination state The states in which your sales were made. You can click a state to review information for tax jurisdictions in that state.
Total net item sales Total line-item sales are equal toTotal line-item sales from orders destined for a particular state after discounts and returns. This value doesn't include shipping.
Total item tax amount The total amount of tax collected on sales. This value doesn't include taxes collected on shipping.

At the state overview level, the value in this column is the sum of all tax collected for jurisdictions including the state, county, city, and special tax jurisdictions.
Total shipping The total amount charged for shipping to customers in that state.
Total shipping tax amount The total amount of tax collected on shipping.

Jurisdiction view

The jurisdiction view displays a summary of sales and taxes collected in each jurisdiction in a specific state. A tax jurisdiction is a designated region that imposes a tax with a specific intention or purpose. This can be a state, county, city, or a special tax jurisdiction. Orders that were made through third-party marketplaces, such as Amazon, aren't included.

If the tax rate changes in any jurisdiction during the date range that you select for your report, then that jurisdiction is listed multiple times in the report. Each tax rate is reflected in a separate entry.

Definition of United States sales tax report terms in the jurisdiction-level view.
Field name Definition
Tax jurisdiction type The type of tax jurisdiction. There are four possible values for this column.
  • State表明,税收为出售在收集the State level, such as California.
  • County表明,税收为出售在收集the county level, such as Orange County.
  • City表明,税收为出售在收集the city level, such as Irvine
  • Special tax jurisdiction表明,税收为出售在收集the specific special tax jurisdiction level, such as Orange County Tax SP.
Tax jurisdiction The name of the tax jurisdiction.
Tax jurisdiction code The tax reporting code associated with a tax. The jurisdiction code defines the tax authority to which taxes are paid.

If a tax jurisdiction doesn't have a code associated with the tax or a code can't be reliably determined, then the tax code is displayed asN/Aor is blank.
Tax rate The tax rate charged on applicable sales within that tax jurisdiction.
Total net item sales The total line-item sales from orders that had tax collected after discounts and returns. This value doesn't include shipping, tax exempt customer orders, or products exempt from sales tax.
Exempt item sales The total line-item sales that are exempt from tax. This value doesn't include shipping.
Non-taxable item sales The total line-item sales that were non-taxable. This value doesn't include shipping.
Total exempt/non-taxable item sales The sum of sales that were exempt or non-taxable. This value doesn't include shipping.
Total taxable item sales The total line-item sales that were taxable.
Total item tax amount The total amount of tax collected from sales. This value doesn't include taxes collected on shipping.

At the jurisdiction level, the value in this column is the sum of the tax collected for each different type of tax jurisdiction. Values will differ between state, counties, cities, and special tax jurisdictions.
Total shipping The total amount charged for shipping to customers in that tax jurisdiction.
Total shipping tax amount The total amount of tax collected on shipping.

Transaction view

The transaction view displays detailed data for each transaction. Each line item, including shipping or returns, is displayed in a separate row. As a result, it's likely that a single order will have several rows associated with it in the transactions view.

Orders that were made through third-party marketplaces, such as Amazon, aren't displayed by default. To display orders that were made through third-party marketplaces, click the filter button.

Definition of United States sales tax report terms in the transaction-level view.
Field name Definition
Filed by channel Indicates whether taxes have been filed on your behalf by a channel. There are three possible values for this column.
  • Filedindicates that the channel is responsible for filing taxes on your behalf.
  • Not Filedindicates that the channel isn't responsible for filing taxes.
  • Unspecifiedindicates that the responsibilities of the channel couldn't be determined. Review these transactions to determine whether the channel is responsible for filing taxes.
Channel The name of the channel or app that the customer used to place their order, such as欧宝体育官网入口首页orBuy Button.
Order number The order number of the sale.
Line-item ID The line that an item displays on within an order. A single order can have multiple line items.
Sale date The date when the order was placed.
Line-item sales The sales amount for each line item in the order.
Discounts Discounts applied to the order.
Returns The amount of returns for items in the order.
Net sales Net sales are equal to line-item sales, minus discounts and returns. Shipping isn't included.
Shipping The shipping value of an order.
Total line-item tax amount The sum of the tax amount for a line item on an order.
Exempt amount The amount of the transaction that is exempt from tax.
Non-taxable amount The amount of the transaction that is non-taxable.
Exempt/non-taxable amount The sum ofExemptandNon-taxableamounts.
Tax rate The tax rate charged for the line item.
Tax amount The amount of tax that was collected on taxable items.
Tax jurisdiction type A tax jurisdiction is a designated region that imposes a tax with a specific intention or purpose. This can be a state, city, county, or a special tax jurisdiction.
Tax jurisdiction The name of the tax jurisdiction.
Tax jurisdiction code The tax reporting code associated with a tax. The jurisdiction code defines the tax authority to which taxes are paid.

If a tax jurisdiction doesn't have a code associated with the tax or a code can't be reliably determined, then the tax code is displayed asN/Aor is blank.
Tax jurisdiction county The county that the order was shipped to.
Destination city The city that the order was shipped to.
Destination state The state that the order was shipped to.
Destination country The country that the order was shipped to.
Destination postal code The postal code that the order was shipped to.
Shopify reference ID The order's unique ID within Shopify. This ID isn't required for tax filing.

Sales finance report

TheSalesfinance report includes the values that you'll most likely need when doing your bookkeeping, such as net sales. The report displays each sale and return that your store made during the selected timeframe, organized by date.

如果订单包含多个产品,那么每个product displays in the report as a separate sale or return, as do shipping charges. You can view the details of an order by clicking its order number.

For each sale or return, the finance report displays:

Description of sales finance report terms
Date The date of the sale or return.
Order The order that the sale or return is associated with.
Product The product that the sale or return is associated with.
Gross sales Equates toproduct selling price x ordered quantity.

Gross sales does not include discounts, returns, taxes, or shipping.
Discounts Equates toproduct discount + the product's proportional share of a cart-wide discount.

TheDiscountsvalue combines any line-item discounts with the product's share of a cart-wide discount. Discounts display as a negative value on the date that the order was placed.
Returns The value of goods that the customer returned to the merchant. Returns display as a negative number on the date that the return occurred.

Refunded shipping charges and their taxes don't display in theReturncolumn. They display as negative values in theShippingandTaxescolumns.
Net sales Equates togross sales - discounts - returns.

Net salesdoes not include shipping charges or taxes. It will be a positive number for a sale on the date that an order was placed, and a negative number for a return on the date that an order was refunded.
Taxes The taxes associated with a sale or return. It will be a positive number for a sale on the date that an order was placed, and a negative number for a return on the date that an order was refunded.
Shipping The shipping charges associated with a sale or return. It will be a positive number for a sale on the date that an order was placed, and a negative number for a return on the date that an order was refunded. Shipping label purchases aren't included in this report.
Total sales Equates togross sales - discounts - returns + taxes + shipping charges.

Total saleswill be a positive number for a sale on the date that an order was placed, and a negative number for a return on the date that an order was refunded.

Discounts finance report

This report includes the discounts that customers received by using discount codes during checkout. The report also includes discounts that you applied during checkout in Shopify POS.

The report includes the following information:

Definition of discounts finance report terms
Line-item discounts Discounts that were applied to a single product in an order.
Order-level discounts Discounts that were applied to an order as a whole.

Discounts aren’t related toCompare-at prices.

Taxes finance report

TheTaxesreport displays the sales taxes that were applied to your sales in the selected timeframe.

Each row of the report includes a tax type (such as a state tax or a county tax), its rate, and the total amount of tax that was charged in the selected timeframe.

The report determines the country and region based on the destination of sales, so it might include destination information even for origin-based sales tax jurisdictions. To determine the destination, the shipping address is used. If the shipping address cannot be determined, then the billing address is used. If the billing address cannot be determined, then the POS address is used.

Definition of taxes finance report terms
Channel The marketplace channel in which sales occurred, if any.

The country of the tax rate.

For origin-based tax jurisdictions, such as California, the destination is currently displayed instead of the country to which the tax applies.


The state or province of the tax rate.

For origin-based tax jurisdictions, such as California, the destination is currently displayed instead of the region to which the tax applies.

Name The tax rate name.
Rate The tax rate as a percentage.
Filed by channel Which taxes have been filed on your behalf by a marketplace channel. There are three possible values for this column:
  • Filedindicates that the marketplace channel is responsible for filing taxes on your behalf.
  • Not Filedindicates that the marketplace channel isn't responsible for filing taxes.
  • Unspecifiedindicates that the responsibilities of the marketplace channel couldn't be determined. Review these transactions to determine whether the marketplace channel is responsible for filing taxes.
If a marketplace channel was not used to make the sale, then the sale will be listed asNot FiledorUnspecified.
Amount The sales taxes that were applied during the selected timeframe. For example, if you had $100 in sales to which a particular 7% sales tax applied, then the amount will display $7.00.

Payments finance report

ThePaymentsfinance report displays your store's payment transactions for the selected timeframe.

Your customers' payments are grouped by transactions with the following in common:

Transaction grouping for the payments finance report
Payment method The payment method that the customers used. If you mark an order as paid and selectOtheras the payment method, then the report will display the payment method asManual.
Accelerated checkout The accelerated checkout the customers used, if applicable, such asShop PayorApple Pay.
Credit card Type of credit card that the customers used, if applicable.
Sales channel The name of the channel or app that the customer used to place their order, such as欧宝体育官网入口首页orBuy Button. For sales that originated as draft orders, the report displaysDraft Orders. If an app that has no name was used, then the report displaysOther.

For each group of transactions, the report displays:

Definitions of payments finance report terms
Transactions The number of payment transactions.
Gross payments The amount paid by the transactions before refunds.
Refunds The total amount refunded across the transactions.
Net payments Equates tototal amount paid - the total amount refunded.

You also have a payments report for each payment method that your customers have used. You canaccess those payment reportsfrom thePaymentssection of the finances summary.

Canceled payments

如果付款授权,但取消了before the payment can be captured, then a positive amount and a corresponding negative amount will display in the sales reports. The positive amount displays because an order was placed. A refund is displayed to balance the reports. However, nothing will display in the payments finance reports because you didn't receive a payment.

Liabilities finance report

TheLiabilitiesfinance report displays the sales of gift card products and tips for the selected channels and date range.

Liabilities often require special treatment in accounting.

Gift card sales report

TheGift card salesreport displays the following information:

Definition of gift card sales report terms
Date The date when the gift card was sold.
Order The order number of the sale.
客户 Name of the customer.
Gift card value The value of the gift card.
Discounts Discount applied to the sale of the gift card.
Total sales Gift card value − discounts.

TheGift cards balancereport displays the daily balance of all gift card transactions, including the following information:

Definition of Gift cards balance report terms
Date The date.
Opening balance The starting balance of gift cards at the start of the day.
Issued value The value of gift cards issued on the day.
Sold value The value of gift cards sold on the day.
Disabled value The value of gift cards that were disabled on the day.
Redeemed value The amount of gift card redemptions during the day.
Refunded value The amount of payments that were originally paid by gift card and were then refunded during the day. This includes the amounts from gift card refunds due to failed transactions.
Adjustment value Available to: Shopify Plus
The value of manual adjustments made to gift cards during the day.
Closing balance 所有发布的期末余额和销售ca的礼物rds at the end of the day.
Net change The difference between the opening balance and the closing balance.


Gift cards appear in a few places in your reports. There are specific conditions that affect where they get recorded.

When you issue a gift card from your Shopify admin:

  • It isn't included as a sale in any report, nor in the total sales number in theHomesidebar.

When you sell a gift card:

  • It isn't included in any sales reports, nor the total sales number in theHomesidebar.
  • It is included in theGift cards salesfinance report.
  • The amount paid for the gift card is included in thePaymentsfinance report under the payment method that the customer used, such asVisaorCash.

当顾客使用礼品卡purchase something from your store:

  • It is included in sales reports. The full value of the item is claimed as sales. For example, a $20 t-shirt with $5 of that purchase paid for by a gift card will show up as $20 in sales.
  • The amount paid by or refunded to a gift card is included in thePaymentsfinance report as a gift card entry.
  • The amount paid by gift card is subtracted from the gift card balance, which is shown in theGift cards balancefinance report.

When a gift card expires:

  • Any remaining outstanding balance on the gift card will continue to count toward your outstanding gift card balance, which is shown in theGift cards balancereport.

When you disable a gift card:

  • Any remaining outstanding balance on the gift card is returned to zero and is removed from the outstanding gift card balance in yourGift cards balancefinance report. This adjustment applies from the date the card is disabled, and doesn't affect historical data.
  • It can take up to 24 hours for disabled values to appear in yourGift cards balancereport.

Tips report

TheTipsreport displays the value of tips earned by staff and the online store sales channel during the time period.

Definition of tips report terms
Column Definition
Sales channel The channel the customer used to tip. This will either bePoint of Salefor tips paid in store, or欧宝体育官网入口首页for tips collected online.
Staff name The name of the staff who processed the tip. Tips made through your online store will display as N/A.
Tips The amount of the tip.

Understanding total sales

Thetotal salesvalue equates togross sales - discounts - returns + taxes + shipping.

The sametotal salesamount that displays in your finance reports also displays in the overview section of yourShopify Hometo provide your cash flow at a glance. Because the amount for total sales includes returns, it might display as a negative value. For example, if you have more returns than sales in a day, then the total sales amount for that day will be negative.

Discrepancies between the Sales and Payments finance reports

There are a few reasons why yourSalesandPaymentsfinance reports might display different numbers:

  • TheSalesfinance report includes information specific to orders placed, whereas thePaymentsfinance report includes information about payments that your customers have made. There could be differences between the values displayed on each report, for example if customers have placed orders but payment has not yet been captured.
  • Because reports display data based on a timeframe, it could be that an order was placed in a different timeframe than the payment was made. For example, if your customer placed an order in May and paid for it in June, then the order will be included in theSalesfinance report for May, and the payment will be included in thePaymentsfinance report for June.

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