
TheAnalyticspage displays key sales, orders, and online store visitor data. You can see at a glance how your store is performing—across all of your sales channels, and for any date range.

For example, on theAnalyticspage you can do the following activities:

  • Check the value of your recent sales and compare them to a previous time period
  • Compare how well your sales channels are performing
  • Track your average order value
  • Review where your visitors are coming from—by region or by social media source
  • Monitor the trends over time

The dashboard displays the most valuable metrics that give you insight into the performance of your store and the behavior of your customers. The metrics are displayed in numeric format and also as graphs where appropriate. For all the metrics, the percentage change from the previous date range can also be displayed.


  1. If you want to see data for another date range, then click the date menu and select a different date range. You can select a preset range, such asLast 30 days, or you can set any custom range by clicking dates on the calendars.
  2. If you want to show comparisons with the previous period or to the same date range from the previous year, then checkCompare to previous datesand select a comparison value.
  3. To edit the metrics that are displayed on your dashboard, then clickEdit overview. You can remove a report by clicking theX旁边的你想要删除的报告。您可以添加a report by dragging and dropping the metric from the sidebar into the overview. You can also hover over the report you want to add in the sidebar, and then clickAdd to dashboard. Click theUndoicon in the sidebar to restore your metrics to the default view.
  4. ClickApply.
  5. 可选的:不是所有的指标都有一份报告,你need to be on a plan that provides the detailedShopify reports. If the metric has aView reportlink, then click it to review more details about the metric.

The following metrics are displayed on theAnalyticspage:

Metrics displayed on the Analytics page
Metric Displayed in the default view Information displayed for the date range
Average order value Yes

Displays the average value of all orders (excluding gift cards), divided by the total number of orders that contained at least one product other than a gift card. Order value includes taxes, shipping, and discounts before returns.

This value helps you know how much customers tend to spend on your store and can help inform your pricing policies.

Online store conversion rate Yes

Displays the percentage of sessions that lead to an order. This metric applies to your Online Store channel only.

Shoppers need to add items to their online cart and then go to the checkout before they can purchase a product. This is commonly known as the conversion funnel, and it's typical to have a decrease from one step to the next:

  • Added to cart: Number and percentage of sessions in which shoppers added one or more items to their shopping carts.

    This amount is usually smaller than the total number of shoppers because some shoppers view the products in a store without adding any items to their cart.

  • Reached checkout: Number and percentage of sessions in which shoppers added one or more items to their shopping cart, proceeded to thecheckout, and performed an action (for example, a key press or mouse click).

    This amount is usually smaller than theAdded to cartamount because some shoppers add items to their cart but don't go to the checkout or don't submit their contact information.

  • Sessions converted: Number and percentage of sessions in which shoppers added one or more items to their shopping carts, proceeded to the checkout, and then purchased the items.

    This amount might not match your order count, because shoppers can make multiple orders within a single session.

    This amount is usually smaller than theReached checkoutamount because some shoppers leave the checkout without purchasing anything. Learn more in the topic aboutabandoned checkouts.

Online store sessions by device type Yes

Displays the number of sessions on your online store and what kind of device was used to access your store. The most common device types are mobile, desktop, and tablet. This metric applies to your Online Store channel only.

Online store sessions by location Yes

Displays the number of sessions on your online store sorted by country. This metric applies to your Online Store channel only.

Online store sessions by traffic source Yes

Displays the number of sessions on your online store based on how the visitors accessed your store.

A session occurs when someone does a search or enters the URL of your store directly, for example. The most common traffic sources are search, direct, social, and email. The traffic source cannot always be determined, so an unknown traffic source is also common. This metric applies to your Online Store channel only.

Online store sessions from social source Yes

Displays the number of sessions on your online store originating from social media sources, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter. This data can help you focus your marketing efforts. This metric applies to your Online Store channel only.

Returning customer rate Yes

Displays the percentage of your customers who have placed more than one order from your store. The rate is calculated as returning customers divided by total customers. This rate can help you determine how solid your established customer base is.

Sales by POS location Yes

Displays the amount of sales that originated from each POS location when you have at least one active POS location.

Sales by social source Yes

Displays the amount of sales that originated from social media sources, such as Facebook and YouTube. This data can help you focus your marketing efforts.

Retail sales by staff Yes

Displays the amount of POS sales that were handled by each staff when you have at least one active POS location.

Sales by traffic source Yes

Displays the amount of sales that came from each traffic source. The most common traffic sources are search, direct, social, and email.

Top landing pages Yes

Displays the specific pages on which your customers started their sessions on your online store. You can use this data to customize the text and call to actions on those pages to capitalize on your customers’ first impression of your site. This metric applies to your Online Store channel only.

A landing page is determined from the URL of the first page viewed in a unique session. A session ends after 30 minutes of no activity by a visitor, and at midnight UTC.

Top products by units sold Yes

Displays the top-selling products from your store. This is useful to know for marketing and inventory purposes. You can also recommend these products to new customers or refer to them in social media promotions.

Top referrers by sessions Yes

Displays the number of sessions to your online store that came directly from other websites. The top 5 websites are displayed. This metric applies to your Online Store channel only.

The following types of referrer sources arenotincluded:

  • Direct: The customer entered your store's URL into their browser.
  • Search: The customer clicked your store from a search engine's results page.
  • Email: The customer clicked a link to your store in an email.
  • Social: The customer clicked a link on social media.
Total online store sessions Yes

Displays the number of sessions on your online store. This metric applies to your Online Store channel only.

The number refers to how many different sessions occurred on your online store within the specified date range. The number of visitors is also displayed. A unique visitor might have more than one session.

Example: John visited your online store one time, Jane visited two times, and Jenna visited three times. The number of sessions is 6, and the number of visitors is three.

For many online stores, the number of sessions can rise or fall on weekends and holidays, and on days when promotions or marketing campaigns are occurring.

Total orders Yes

Displays the number of orders that were placed.

Total sales Yes

Displays the sales amounts, sorted by sales channel. Total sales is equal to gross sales − discounts − returns + shipping + taxes.

Sales attributed to marketing Yes

Displays the total sales value generated by traffic associated with your marketing efforts. This includes marketing campaigns and activities managed through the Marketing section in your Shopify admin and external methods that use Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) parameters.

Customer cohort analysis Yes

Displays the percentages of customer groups that returned to your store and made repeat purchases. These cohorts are grouped by their first purchase date.

Sales by channel Yes

显示总销售额与eac相关联的值h of your active sales channels.

Search conversion No

Displays the percentage of online store searches that resulted in orders, out of the total number of online store searches made.

Top online store searches No

Displays the top search terms that your customers used to search for a product.

Returns No

Displays the total number of items returned during the selected period of time.

Return rate No

Displays the percentage of items returned to your store, out of all items that were ordered, within the selected date range.

Top returned products No

Displays the products with a higher amount of returns.

Gross sales No

Displays the value of all purchased items before adding fees or other adjustments, such as taxes, shipping, discounts, or returns. Includes all sales channels.

When you open theAnalyticspage, the data is up to date, within about 1 minute. You can reopen the dashboard or refresh the browser page to display newer data.

The daily data on your analytics page might update within a 48 hour period after it's initially processed and published. For example, yourSessions over timeandOnline store conversion over timereports might update because your traffic data is calculated within a minute, and unwanted bot traffic can end up included in the data. Tests to determine this type of traffic are run, and can take up to 48 hours to complete. If these tests find unwanted traffic, then the unwanted data is removed from your reports.

If you don't use the Online Store channel, then the metrics related to online store sessions aren't displayed. Similarly, if you don't use the point of sale channel, then those metrics aren't displayed.

The data in the dashboard might vary slightly from the data gathered by analytics and reporting tools and services from other companies. For information on why the data can vary, seeReport discrepancies.

Sessions and visitors

The number of sessions and the number of visitors are based on cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on a shopper's device, such as a desktop or smartphone, when they visit your online store. One cookie identifies the device (the visitor). Another cookie keeps track of the length of the session.

A session ends after 30 minutes of no activity, and at midnight UTC. Because the same visitor can have multiple sessions, the number of sessions is usually higher than the number of visitors.

Example: A shopper views products on your store for 20 minutes, then returns to your store 2 hours later for another 10 minutes. Two sessions and one visitor are reported. If the shopper instead views your store for 5 minutes, leaves, and returns 10 minutes later, then one session and one visitor are reported.

If you want to view your online store and not have it count as a session in your acquisition reports, then on your desktop Shopify admin, click the eye icon. Any other method of viewing your online store on dekstop counts as a session in your reports.

If you view your online store from the Shopify app on iPhone or Android, then it counts as a session in your acquisition reports.

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