Tracking additional Google Analytics events

After youset up Google Analytics 4 (GA4)on your Shopify store, certain ecommerceeventsare tracked automatically. You can alsoset up additional tracking events.

Events let you measure when specific actions happen on your Shopify store. For example, you can use an event to measure when a customer views a product, when they add a product to their cart, or when they complete a purchase.

Automatically tracked Google Analytics 4 events

After you set up GA4 on your store, the following events are automatically tracked.

List of events that are automatically tracked and their descriptions
Event name Event description
page_view A customer visited a page on your online store.
search A customer searched for a product on your online store.
view_item A customer viewed a product on your online store.
add_to_cart A customer added a product to cart.
begin_checkout A customer started the checkout process.
add_payment_info A customer successfully entered payment information.
purchase A customer completed their checkout.

Track additional events using Google Analytics 4

To track additional events on your online store using Google Analytics 4, you canedit your theme codeto use thegtag.js API发送事件到你走ogle Analytics account.

You can also trackpost-purchase eventsby adding scripts to the checkout settings in your Shopify admin.

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