Excluding referrer domains from Google Analytics tracking

谷歌分析'Referral Trafficreport shows you which websites generate traffic to your store. For example, when a blog features your business and readers click a link to view your online store, the blog is listed as a source of traffic to your store.

You might notice sources that you don't want included in theReferral Trafficreport. For example, if a customer enters the checkout and then returns to your online store to continue shopping, then the checkout page might be listed as a source.

If you notice domains in yourReferral Trafficreport that you don't want included, then followGoogle's instructionsto add those domains to yourReferral exclusion list.

To get the most out of your referral data, consider adding the following domains to your referral exclusion list:

  • The primary domain of your online store (such assofiahousewares.com)
  • The checkout domain (checkout.shopify.com)
  • The Shop Pay domain (shop.app)
  • Any external payment providers that you are using (such aspaypal.com)

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