Shopify Protect for Shop Pay

Shopify Protectoffers chargeback protection from fraud. You can use Shopify Protect for free, and protect eligible orders against fraudulent and unrecognized chargebacks. Eligible orders are those processed through Shop Pay, including orders that use Shop Pay for transactions on other platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Google.

If an eligible and protected order receives a fraudulent chargeback, then you're reimbursed the chargeback amount and associated chargeback fee. The chargeback process is handled for you. Shopify Protect is activated by default for stores that are in the early access program.

Learn more aboutPreventing chargebacks and inquiries.

Considerations for using Shopify Protect

Review the following considerations for more information about which orders are protected by Shopify Protect:

  • Shopify Protect only protects orders that contain physical items and that require shipping. Orders with digital products or orders that are bought online and picked up in store aren't protected.
  • Shopify Protect only protects orders that have all non-refunded line items in aFulfilledstatus.
  • Shopify Protect is only available for orders that are processed throughShop Pay. This includes orders made throughShop Pay as an accelerated checkout.
  • You must be located in the United States and have a United StatesShopify Paymentsaccount to protect your orders with Shopify Protect.
  • 订单必须实现有效跟踪within 7 days of the order being placed and in transit to the customer within 10 days to be protected. Orders that have tracking added after the fulfillment deadline are not eligible for protection.
  • If you change the shipping address on an order after checkout, then the Shopify Protect coverage is voided on that order.
  • Only orders with aShopify Protectstatusare eligible for protection.
  • To be protected, an order must be fulfilled with a valid tracking number from a supported carrier, either directly or throughShopify Shipping. All items in the order must be fulfilled by supported carriers. If an order contains items that are fulfilled by an unsupported carrier, then the order can't be protected. The following carriers are supported by Shopify Protect:
    • Shopify Fulfillment Network (SFN)
    • USPS
    • UPS
    • Canada Post
    • DHL Express
    • FedEx
    • TForce Final Mile
    • Lone Star Overnight
    • United Delivery Service
    • CDL Last Mile
    • Lasership
    • GLS
    • Ontrac

Filter orders by protection status

After an order is placed in your store, the order is reviewed to determine whether it'seligible for Shopify Protect. If an order is eligible, then aShopify Protectsection is available on the order page. This section indicates the status of the order.

  • Shopify Protect- This status indicates thatShopify Protectis available for the order if you fulfill the order within 7 days of the order being placed, add tracking information, and have the order in the posession of the carrier within 10 days of the order being placed.
  • Protected by Shopify Protect- This status indicates that the order was fulfilled within 7 days of the order being placed and transferred to the possession of a carrier within 10 days of the order being placed. This status appears if there is a chargeback on the order. Fraudulent and unrecognized chargebacks on the order are解决Shopify保护.
  • Not protected by Shopify Protect- This status indicates that the order was not fulfilled within 7 days of the order being placed or transferred to the possession of a carrier within 10 days of the order being placed, or that a chargeback has been filed on the order for a reason other than fraudulent or unrecognized. This status appears if there is a chargeback on the order. Chargebacks on the order are addressed by usingthe typical process.

If an order is placed that is ineligible for Shopify Protect, thenrisk analysisis displayed instead of a Shopify Protect status on the order's page. You can use filters on theOrderspage to find orders according to their Shopify Protect status.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.
  2. ClickFilter.
  3. ClickShopify Protect.
  4. Click the status that you want to filter by:
    • Protection active- orders that are eligible for Shopify Protect
    • Protected- orders that are protected by Shopify Protect
    • Not protected- orders that are not protected by Shopify Protect

Protect an order with Shopify Protect

To protect your order with Shopify Protect, fulfill the order within 7 days of the order being placed, add tracking information, and deliver the order to a carrier within 10 days of the order being placed. Before protecting an order, make sure thatShop Payis activated in your store and that you read and understand theShopify Protect Terms of Service.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.
  2. Click the order number of an unfulfilled order that you want to protect.
  3. Fulfill the order.
    1. If you're usingShopify Shippingto buy a shipping label for your order, then selectCreate shipping label.
    2. If you're using a carrier other than Shopify Shipping, then clickFulfill item(s), and then enter the tracking number from your shipping provider. The tracking URL is shown in the customer's shipping confirmation and shipping update emails. Some services, such as SFN or a third-party app, might automatically supply a tracking number for the order page.
    3. Optional: To send a notification email to the customer as soon as the order is fulfilled, selectSend shipment details to your customer now.
    4. ClickFulfill item(s). If you're using Shopify Shipping, then select a shipping service, and then clickBuy shipping label.

Using Shopify Protect instead of Fraud Protect

Shopify Protect and Fraud Protect can't be used at the same time. If Fraud Protect is already activated for your store, then you can either continue to use Fraud Protect, or deactivate it and use Shopify Protect.

If you want to continue to use Fraud Protect, then you don't need to do anything. Your orders on Shopify Payments are protected from fraudulent chargebacks, with a fee applied to protected orders.

If you want to use Shopify Protect, then you need to deactivate Fraud Protect. After you deactivate Fraud Protect, your Shopify Payments are no longer protected. However, orders on Shop Pay are protected from fraudulent chargebacks for free. Before you deactivate Fraud Protect, verify the following:

  • You understand that Fraud Protect can't be reactivated after it's removed from your store.
  • Shop Pay is activatedfor your store.


  1. From your Shopify admin, clickSettings.
  2. ClickPayment providers.
  3. Next toFraud Protect for Shopify Payments, clickDeactivate Fraud Protect.
  4. ClickConfirm deactivation.

Addressing chargebacks

If you receive a chargeback, then the process to respond to the chargeback varies depending on whether the order was protected by Shopify Protect and the reason for the chargeback.

Fraudulent or unrecognized chargebacks on protected orders

A chargeback is marked asfraudulentif the cardholder didn’t authorize the charge. This is the most common reason for a chargeback and can happen if the card was stolen. Anunrecognizedchargeback occurs when a customer doesn’t recognize the merchant name or location on their credit card statement.

If a fraudulent or unrecognized chargeback is made on a protected order, then you don't need to do anything. The following occurs in your account:

  • The disputed amount and the chargeback fee are debited from your account.
  • The disputed amount and the chargeback fee are immediately reimbursed to you in the form of a credit.
  • If the cardholder's bank resolves the chargeback in your favor, then the disputed amount and fee is returned to you, and Shopify reverses the credit from Shopify Protect.

Debits and credits can be reviewed bygoing in your Shopify admin to thePayoutspageand then clickingTransactions.

Fraudulent or unrecognized chargebacks on unprotected orders

If a fraudulent chargeback is made on an order that isn't protected, then the process to resolve a chargeback is the same as thetypical process. The disputed amount and the chargeback fee aren't reimbursed to you unless the credit card company resolves the dispute in your favor.

Learn more aboutmanaging chargebacks and inquiriesfor chargebacks on unprotected orders.

Other types of chargebacks on protected or unprotected orders

Although fraudulent and unrecognized chargebacks are the most common types of chargeback, customers can also dispute a payment on their credit card if they claim they didn’t receive the product, or if they believe the product was defective, damaged, or not as described. Shopify Protect doesn't protect against these types of chargebacks.

Learn more aboutmanaging chargebacks and inquiriesfor other types of chargebacks.

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