Translating your checkout

If you sell using an online store, then you can translate your checkout by editing your theme. Some themes come with translations for more than one language, so you can select a different language for your checkout in the theme editor. If you want to use a language that is not included in your theme, then you can also translate the checkout manually.

Select a new checkout language

If your theme includes more than one language, then you can select a different language for your checkout.


  1. Scroll down to theCheckout languagesection.

  2. ClickManage checkout language.

  3. ClickChange theme language从下拉菜单,然后选择一种语言。

  4. ClickSave.

    If the language you need isn't available, then you can:

    If you choose a language that contains only system and checkout translations, then the rest of your website uses the default language for your theme. You can make any other translations that you need using thelanguage editor.

Translate checkout fields individually

You can edit the text for each field on your checkout page. This helps you personalize your checkout experience to fit your brand. For example, you can change your error messages instead of using the defaultcan't be left blank.


  1. In theCheckout languagesection, clickManage checkout language.

  2. Make your changes to the checkout fields.

  3. ClickSave.

Create your own checkout language

If you need to translate your whole checkout or just part of it, then you can create your own checkout language. Any fields that you don't change stay in the default language.


  1. In theCheckout languagesection, clickManage checkout language.
  2. ClickChange theme language.
  3. In the drop-down menu, chooseOther languages....
  4. Choose a language from theLanguagedrop-down menu.
  5. Optional: Choose a region from theRegiondrop-down menu or:
    • ChooseAllto select all regional variations.
    • ClickCustomto create a custom name for the version you're creating, and give it a name.
  6. ClickSave. You're taken to the checkout section of thelanguage editor, where you can enter translations of your theme's checkout messages.

The new language is now available when youselect a new checkout languagefor your website. Any untranslated text is shown in the default language of your theme.

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