
Marissa Grootes, STIL的创始人。

Marissa Groots将风格与功能结合在一起,创建了STIL,这是一个有目的和注重设计的规划师系列。在这一集的Shopify大师中,我们和Marissa讨论了如何缩放a侧推与大型零售商合作,以及如何在营销策略上保持创造性。ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址


不要错过任何一集!订阅Shopify Masters。




玛丽莎:很长一段时间以来,我一直是一个做计划的女孩。我在小学的时候就开始使用记事本,然后一直到高中。我记得甚至在那个时候,我会修改我的记事本,以适应我的需要和我的风格,让它们看起来像某种方式,让我对使用它们感觉很好。当时,我有一份全职工作。我还有一份副业。我当时在做《斯特拉和多特》我是他们的造型师,所以我在做这些珠宝派对因为我在找兼职。然后,我每周还要去学校上三个晚上的设计课。所以我有三个不同的时间表要安排。发生了很多事情,我知道我需要一个好的计划来度过那一年。 I went to Indigo Chapters here in Canada and got myself a planner. I felt really good about it. I was excited to use it. But then when I actually got into using it, I realized very quickly that it wasn't very functional. The aesthetic itself also wasn't something that I fully identified with. But I thought if it was going to serve the purpose, then I was okay with having something that didn't look as pretty on my desk. After realizing that the planner I had purchased - that I spent $40 on - really wasn't very functional, I decided to do a little bit of research into what planners existed out on the market that was maybe a bit of a higher price point, but that had some of the things that I really need in a planner. Which was being able to separate all of my tasks and to-do lists from my actual scheduling and time-based activities every day. What I ended up coming across - this was 2014 - I noticed that a ton of planners were targeted towards moms or new moms who were doing activity planning, meal planning, a lot of scheduling for their kids, grocery lists. All things that I necessarily didn't need at the time because I was 24. So I didn't necessarily want those things, a lot of the cover designs were floral or they had different colored stripes or it was a lot of polka dot type of things. I just wanted something that was clean looking, beautifully designed, and the inside pages were just a nice layout, really good typography. I just couldn't find anything that was like that. So I set out on this mission to just design my own planner for myself. Not necessarily with the intention of starting a business. Just with a necessity for something that I needed in my life.


玛丽莎:最初,我和很多朋友和同事谈论了他们安排日程的不同方式,因为每个人都有这样或那样的方式。有些人使用他们的谷歌日历。其他人有不同类型的组织应用,比如Asana之类的。我只是做了一些调查,看看不同类型的人在使用什么,是什么让他们喜欢使用这些应用程序,还有这些其他的书。我最终意识到的是,你可以在脑海中组织很多最好的方法,就是能够把你需要做的一切都写在纸上。专门为你的日常待办事项列出一个部分。那些你需要完成的事情,你只想在身体上检查一下,因为没有什么比划掉一项任务或检查一项任务的感觉更好的了。但是对于任何基于时间的内容,都有一个单独的部分。可以把你的午餐会议,你的Skype电话,你的Zoom电话,你的活动,瑜伽,你的锻炼。甚至像制定晚餐计划或晚餐计划这样简单的事情,特别是如果你整天都在工作,可以把这些都写在计划表上,并且完全分开。 What it allows you to do is look at your schedule for the week and decide, "Here's how many things I can realistically get done in a day." Then you end up writing that into your task lists, and not feeling like you're constantly underperforming because you're actually getting the right amount of things done, and you feel good about it.

STIL的创始人Marissa Grootes站在商店里,穿着米色上衣,黑色牛仔裤和黑色靴子。
Marissa Grootes想拥有一个既实用又时尚的记事本,于是推出了STIL。保修期内





玛丽莎:我们经常混淆的是重要性和紧迫性。我们往往更关注紧迫性,而不是重要性。这是一个很好的活动,看看你的任务,然后想,“好吧。这件事很重要还是很紧急?”而通常当我们起床的时候,我们会想,“哦,我真的需要把这件事做完。这个问题需要解决。”但是积极地思考这是否真的很重要是一项非常有成效的任务。通常情况下,你会觉得自己有很多疯狂的事情要做。但如果你认真审视你的任务,你开始把自己和它们分开,然后你决定,“好吧。OB欧宝娱乐APP也许今天我要专注于一些真正重要的事情,也许我一直在推迟。” And then, spend whatever time you have to get that done because you're going to feel so great at the end of the day like, "Wow. I actually did this, and I didn't put it off any longer."


玛丽莎:我做的第一个记事本实际上是手工制作的,因为出于某种奇怪的原因,我决定从事装订工作。我知道怎么做书,精装书。我知道如何把书页缝在一起,做书脊,把它们粘在一起,做成一整本书。所以我为我的几个女朋友做了一些圣诞节计划书。我认为这是送给别人的完美礼物,迎接新年,显然这是手工制作的东西,我非常自豪。我最终收到的反馈是,这显然是一份了不起的礼物,但也像,“嘿,这真的很适合我。我从来没有这样用过计划表,我发现自己更有条理了。”比如,“你打算继续做吗,因为我明年可能需要一个?”然后我意识到,“哦,也许实际上有更多的女性在她们的生活中需要这种类型的规划师。”所以我决定冒险一下。 I ended up quitting my 9-5 job, basically cold turkey. I decided to give it up because I wanted to dedicate 100% of my time to run this thing, and making this work. What a lot of entrepreneurs forget, especially early on, is if you're not spending 100% of your time on your business, you end up not moving as quickly as you would like to. There’s also not that incredible, scary, fire under you to be like, "Wow. I need to make this work, otherwise I can't pay my bills." I think that the scariness of feeling like you don't know where your next paycheck is coming from is actually a really great place to be mentally when you're running a business because it allows for innovation and new ideas to come. You’re pressured to come up with ways to get creative for making income.


玛丽莎:我甚至都没有Instagram账号。我有一个Etsy商店。这是我所有的。我有一个Etsy商店。所有的运输标签都是我写的。Hand-wrapping一切。我在2015年8月推出了Shopify商店,所以有一段时间,我只在Etsy上,因为它是手工制作的。在这段时间里,我花光了我所有的积蓄,我有大约3万美元的积蓄,那是我的生日钱,还有我的暑期工作等等。最后,我把所有的钱都投入了第一次生产1000台。我在海外制作了1000个计划,我认为这是我做过的最疯狂和最可怕的事情。 To this day, I think a lot of people in my family still didn't fully understand what I was doing. But I just felt like I had an idea and I felt like I had something that I wanted to explore. I was willing to take the risk of losing it all in order to give it a try.


玛丽莎:我确实有Etsy的订单。当时我在Etsy上大概卖出了100套,也可能是150套。不是很多。绝对不是1000。我并没有卖出上千台。但就海外生产而言,这是有道理的。发行更多的书籍是有意义的。显然,我对整个经历非常naïve,但这实际上是最神奇的部分,因为我不知道我自己在做什么。我以前从来没有做过,但在这个过程中我学到了很多。当那1000名规划师到达时,我非常兴奋地想卖掉他们,因为我想,“哦,我的天哪。 Now I need to sell these, and guess what? I only have four months to do it because January starts in four months." That's the thing about having a dated planner product, is there's a certain buying period where people buy these planners for their new year because they like to be able to set up their year. They like to be able to have it ahead of time. And then, when January starts, everyone is set and ready to go.


玛丽莎:最后我联系了我在温哥华的一个朋友,他认识一个在海外印刷厂工作的人。当我在设计学校的时候,我做了很多印刷项目,通过与当地的印刷商合作,我有了很多印刷经验。所以我知道我想要什么关于纸张,整理,箔,我知道所有的术语。我知道如何制造染料。我知道该怎么做。所以对我来说,这只是一个在海外找到联系并能够交流我想要的东西的问题。最后,我学到了很多关于如何正确地与海外合作伙伴沟通,以及如何理解你想要做的事情。我们花了三到四个样本来来回回,才想出了一个真正有效的计划。最初,我的想法是每个月都在记事本里放一个口袋。但最后它变成了5英寸厚。 I was like, "Oh, this is definitely not going to work." And so, it was a matter of trying different things and figuring out what makes sense. And having to go back into design and maybe redesign some layouts to make them fit nicely. That process took a lot longer in the initial stages of my first production run. I was decently happy with our first run, but I definitely didn’t feel 110% ecstatic about it. So I really was excited to get into 2016, to really try and focus on making it better. Every year, it's been more of a focus on like, "How can we make this better this year?" And now that we have such a huge platform of women, we go to them directly to get feedback. So it's so much different now than it was back then when I was just making decisions on a whim because I didn't have that huge network of customers to fall back on.



玛丽莎:我说得很对。这就是有趣的部分。这是整件事最搞笑的部分,我有这些计划者。我从OB欧宝娱乐APP8月份开始销售它们。我记得我开设Shopify商店的那天,我收到一个订单,我很恐慌。我当时想,“哦,天哪。如果我整个月卖掉一个记事本,或者在接下来的四个月里卖掉一个记事本,我该怎么办?”那一刻我想,“好吧。我需要弄清楚这一点。”我很有创意地把我的产品推向市场。 I started my business in the heyday of Instagram. When Instagram was just becoming this thing what now brands were using, and bloggers were using, and people were using to get influencer status. There were no influencers back then. So reaching out to bloggers who all had blogs, who were writing blogs, was a lot easier because a lot of them at the time we're looking for content because they didn't have these big brands gifting them things. It was more so a new thing where you would reach out to someone and be like, "Hey, I'll give you free product if you write a blog post." When this whole heyday of Instagram was happening, I was sending out product to these people that were bloggers at the time. Basically, what I did is I would strategically send out two or three a month. And then there was a chance that a customer or somebody would see the same planner on maybe two or three different platforms a few weeks apart. Maybe they followed blogger X, blogger Y, and blogger Z. Maybe they see it on blogger X and Z's posts. The second or third time that you see something you're like, "Oh, I've seen this before. I think I should get this." That's basically what ended up happening. I set myself up in this way where people just kept seeing it here and there, a couple of weeks apart. It was quite easy for me to reach out to people that I was following whose content I really cherished myself and that I enjoyed reading. So it was easy for me to reach out and say, "I've been following you for a year. I've been reading your posts, and here's what I love about your style, whatever. I feel like you could benefit from using this planner." At the time, it was just so easy to send out a gift. The other thing that I did was I really wanted to get my planner onto a big retailer shelf. And so, I ended up reaching out multiple times to Chapters Indigo, which is our biggest bookseller in Canada. They rejected me I think eight or nine times. And then the 10th time, somebody was like, "Okay. Well, send us a sample, and then we'll see what happens." Sure enough, a couple of weeks later, they ended up placing an order for 200 units that they sold in three days. During those three days, I sold out of everything in my own store. Before the year ended - 2015 - I was completely sold out of the product, and I had nothing to sell.




玛丽莎:几年前,情况大不相同,我们当然更关注那些更有影响力的人。这是每个人都想要的。然后,最终发生了什么,我想很多人可能会对此产生共鸣,就是市场变得如此饱和。ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址所以很难弄清楚,“好吧。这个人谈论这个是因为他们真的很喜欢它,还是仅仅因为他们可以拿2000美元来谈论它。”真实性是一个非常非常重要的部分。这就是我进入我所做的工作的原因。我希望能够通过我的计划对一个人的生活产生影响。我希望这是一次真实的经历。当人们找到我并对我说:“嘿,我认为我真的会从这个计划中受益。 I think it would be really fun to work together." That, I am absolutely super ecstatic about. But it becomes hard to discern like, "Okay, is this person talking about this because they're getting paid to talk about it, or are they talking about it because it actually has a big impact on their life?" Because it would be heartbreaking for me to send a product to somebody that is then just going to end up in the trash.









玛丽莎:美妙之处在于它是有机地发生的。我们在订单上手写每个人的名字。我们给他们写了非常个性化的笔记。我们请他们留下产品评论。当这个人收到包裹的时候,所有这些事情实际上都在有机地发生。出于审美考虑,他们倾向于在社交媒体上分享它,并谈论他们生活中拥有这个规划师所带来的不同好处。很明显,这是给他们所有的朋友的。我们甚至不用说,“嘿,你介意把这个发到Instagram上吗?”它最终会有机地发生,这真的非常非常漂亮。显然,在电子商务时代,这是一件非常非常重要的事情。 Having nice packaging, and having something that makes people feel good that they actually want to talk about can be such a huge selling point for your brand. And obviously, such a great social share benefit where you don't even have to ask them to promote it. They will just do it themselves because it's something that they resonate with.



玛丽莎:说实话,我觉得我真的很烦人。所以他们就说,去他的。我们会处理这件事的。”最终的决定性因素是,他们要求了三份副本,他们将把这些副本发给几个不同的人进行审查。总的反馈是,这是他们在规划师社区中看到的一种趋势,也许是他们以前从未见过的小众市场。这是在Kate Spade非常大的时代,每个人都想要什么,Kate Spade。所以,我的记事本符合这种审美。我不再认同这种审美了。但在我24岁的时候,这是有道理的。它在美学上非常符合他们的顾客,或者至少是他们的女性顾客当时的生活方式。 And obviously, it ended up working out really well. They only sold online. We ended up being on their shelves two years later. We did a limited edition series of planners for Indigo two years after that. We were physically on the shelf then. However, I'm going to put a disclaimer here. I do not recommend working with a big retailer like that. It was not a good experience for me. It was a really incredible learning experience for me. But I do not recommend small businesses to get involved with companies like that.



玛丽莎:它可以让你接触到新客户。但最困难的是他们拿走了70%此时,我的利润非常小,几乎没有利润。那时我还很小,什么都可以接受。我现在想到这个,我想,“哇,我损失了70%的利润。如果我把所有的钱都投入到Facebook广告中呢?”那会发生什么呢?我本可以把这些流量都吸引到我自己的网站上,我本可以以全额利润销售而不是放弃这笔钱,希望人们重新订购。这些大零售商面临的另一个问题是,如果他们注意到你的产品卖得很好,他们就会去自己做,这就是发生的事情。所以他们最后实际上拿走了我的很多设计和我的很多作品,基本上把它放在任何东西上,以及他们出售的所有东西上,这些东西都符合我的计划。 At the time, I was getting Snapchat messages and photos of people being like, "Oh, I didn't know that you made this. I didn't know that you made that." None of that was my product.




玛丽莎:我们在Instagram上非常活跃。我们做了很多民意调查。我们通过电子邮件发送问卷。我们基本上联系了去年购买了记事本的每个人,我们特别问他们:“你喜欢什么?”你不喜欢什么?你有什么建议,比如我们可以改进什么?”人们真的很乐意给予反馈。有些人会写一整篇关于他们喜欢或不喜欢的事情的文章。这总是很有趣,因为最后的评论总是这样,“这并不是说我不会再买记事本了。只是我真的不喜欢这部分。 But I'm still going to go and buy it again next year, so I just wanted to give you my feedback." Which is kind of funny, and also obviously amazing.


玛丽莎:我们现在做的最成功的事情是通过电子邮件捕获。我们做了很多人不会做的事情,那就是为电子邮件订阅提供免费产品。因此,当人们注册我们的电子邮件通讯与他们的第一个订单,他们会得到一个免费的贴纸包。很多其他公司都喜欢“打九折”。但给别人价值13美元的产品更有价值。这并不意味着这个产品要花你13美元。但是人们不愿意放弃第一单免费赠品的价值。作为一个小公司,你不会想让你的客户一直期待折扣。这是一个非常糟糕的行动计划,因为如果你推出了新产品,他们只会说:“哦,我要等两周,因为它马上就要打折了。”所以你要想办法在没有实际销售的情况下带来销售。 And that maybe sounds a little bit funny, but there are so many different ways that you can create a secret sale without actually being like, "Here's 30% off." Because we do that, we do that once a year on Black Friday, Cyber Monday. But throughout the year, we find secret ways of giving people value, by doing a sale without actually saying, "Here's 25% off," kind of thing. We have an email automation sequence set up that first they get a welcome email. They get sent a blog post about productivity, about how to get productive. That blog post includes one or two of our planners, of how to crush your to-do list, and how to be better with your to-do list, and different tips and tricks that you can use to cross more things off. They've got a video that they get. In the third or fourth email, they do get a little discount if they haven't purchased at that point. But we really focus a lot on valuable content and making sure that people feel like they want to be a part of this experience of feeling productive, feeling motivated, and feeling like they have their life together.


玛丽莎:在过去的两年里,我们全年都有稳定的收入。不再有任何停机时间。我们确实有我们的大产品,我们的大过期产品在年底,但这是我们目前销售的唯一过期产品。我们有一个季度计划,每三个月更新一次,没有日期。我们还有一个6个月的计划,每6个月更新一次,也是没有日期的。它的布局略有不同。我们有一个18个月的计划。我们有一个9月份开始的学术计划。OB欧宝娱乐APP人们总是在真正需要之前就下单了因为他们想要标注日期。他们希望能够添加他们的约会,添加他们的纪念日,他们的生日,所有这些事情,所以当他们准备使用它时,他们已经准备好了。 Having a product that has a shelf life is incredible, but it also can be really challenging because if you don't sell within a certain timeframe, it starts to devalue, and then you have to discount, you're being forced to discount because there's just so much less demand for it. Right now we're coming up to 2021 planner. People will pre-order as early as July for the new year. Because of the market that we're in, a lot of our customers want to be very organized, and they want to make sure that they have their planner for the new year. Also, because we tend to sell out, people from the previous year feel inclined to pre-order to make sure that they don't miss out this year. So we always do a pre-order period of two months before we actually send the planners out.



玛丽莎:它的工作方式是我们想出一系列的项目。也许我们店里有四到五件商品,我们可以把它们放在一起,以确保我们还有足够的利润在网上销售,而不必像这样,“哦,所有的东西都打了七折。”我们只是发了一封电子邮件说,“我们有一定数量的神秘盒子可用。你可以花55美元买到5件商品,而不是90美元或110美元。而现在只有100个。”最终的诱惑是,“哦,我得到了所有这些东西,无论如何,我在某个时候会需要的。”不管那是一支笔,一个写字台,一个记事本,一个日记本,一个记事本。那些喜欢组织和生活在一起的人,他们无论如何都会在某个时候想要和使用这些东西。对他们来说,“哦,我能得到什么?”我的盒子里装什么呢?” We usually add in random little things. We'll put in a hair clip or something else that maybe they wouldn't necessarily expect. There's so much room to do a fun thing by giving people something where they don't necessarily know what's going to come in the mail. I would say 99% of the time, people are really happy with what they get. But there's always one or two customers that are like, "I hated everything." But they might've not purchased anything in the past, so they might've not necessarily known what they were getting into. But generally speaking, the customers that are champions for your brand who support you anyway love this because they feel like it was personalized for them. They feel like it was curated and put together. It's something that is really unique that you can do especially as a small business. We do all of our own packing and shipping because we also do customization. We do monogramming. It's something that you can easily do if you decide to like, "Oh, maybe I have this journal that's been sitting, that's not selling on our website. Okay. Well, let's throw it into a mystery box." I think that's a really great way to get rid of old stock that maybe you aren't selling anymore.





玛丽莎:对于黑色星期五,我们的策略与全年有很大不同。我们的黑色星期五计划从九月开始。OB欧宝娱乐APP可能有20、30甚至40封不同的邮件都被安排好了。我们真的把所有的清单都分割了。所以这是一个相当复杂的过程。但是举个例子,假设我们为复活节做一个。我们做一个复活节神秘盒子。通常我们会提前一周给订阅者发邮件。我们会提醒他们,“嘿,神秘盒子要来了。只有100个可用。” The same thing goes for social media on our Instagram. And then we'll say, "They launch 9:00 AM, PST, Monday." We send out the email. We have the listing up. It exists as a product on the Shopify page. And then, we just sell through them. If we don't sell through them in the day, we continue promoting throughout the week. And then eventually, they're gone.


玛丽莎:两年前我在路上开车的时候有了这个想法。我在想我们是如何拥有神秘盒子的,但我们如何才能做得更好,以一种别人没有做过的方式与众不同?复活节快到了,所以我决定找个复活节彩蛋。我们所做的就是创造这些独特的神秘盒子,里面都有不同的物品。其中一些有相同的项目。我们通常做两个不同大小的鸡蛋。一个鸡蛋是98美元,另一个是55美元。然后我们把它们藏在整个网站里。人们不得不去寻找它们。每个鸡蛋只有一个,所以不管你拿的是1号鸡蛋,还是8号鸡蛋。 If you notice that the egg is sold out, that means that somebody else has already grabbed it. That means that you have to continue hunting for an egg that's still available. We usually launch these at 8:00 AM, and we're sold out by 9:00 AM. It's one of the only things that we do that sells out immediately. But it's also something that we can't do all the time. The reason that it works so well is that we only do it once a year, maybe twice a year.


玛丽莎:我们去年最重要的事情就是转向我之前说过的,转向电子邮件注册的产品和电子邮件注册的折扣。去年我们使用了一款不同的应用,它允许你输入电子邮件,一旦你点击提交电子邮件,就会立即弹出一个折扣代码,而不是必须先将折扣代码发送到用户的电子邮件中,用户必须先查看电子邮件。但我们最终决定使用Klaviyo作为我们的电子邮件通讯软件。Klaviyo现在有弹出窗口,我们实际上使用了一个Klaviyo弹出窗口它直接连接到我们的邮件。它的表现非常非常好,尽管有些人不得不去查看他们的电子邮件来获取代码。这是我们去年在网站上做的最大的调整,带来了巨大的变化。我们对订阅产品使用充值。我们使用Stamped进行评论。我们还在产品页面中使用元字段来定制某些东西。添加你的Instagram动态,或者人们分享你的产品之类的东西。 We're able to add YouTube videos and things like that. Those are probably the three biggest ones. Back in Stock is a really good one too, if you know something is out of stock, people are able to put their email in, and then you can email them once the item is back in stock. And also we use Infinite Options for the monogram feature.


