Examples of workflows

The Shopify Flowtemplate libraryprovides over 150 templates that help show how to use Flow. The following are some example templates to help you get started.


Customer workflows can help you to add tags to your customers when the customer is created, when they create an order, or when you cancel their order. You can tag customers based on their characteristics, such as their postal code, email address, and their order history.

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Fulfillment workflows can help you to manage your order fulfillments based on location or on the details of an order. For example, you can use Flow to hold fulfillment based on an order's level of risk, prepare draft shipping labels, or receive notifications of large order quantities.

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Inventory and merch

Inventory and merchandising workflows can help you to manage your inventory and control how your products appear to your customers. For example, you can use workflows collections to create a collection of low-stock products, standardize your product tags, or receive notifications when a product variant is out of stock.

Inventory and merchandising workflows use the following conditions and actions:

  • theInventory quantity changedtrigger, which tracks inventory changes
  • theProduct variant inventory quantityandProduct variant inventory quantity priorconditions, which ensures that the workflow only runs the first time your conditions are met

When you create this type of workflow, the condition needs to check both the amounts before and after the inventory changes. For example, to be notified when a variant's inventory is less than 5, setProduct variant inventory quantityto 5 and setProduct variant inventory quantity priorto less than 5. There are 7 T-shirts in your store and Jose orders 2 T-shirts. The inventory is now 5, so a reorder email is sent. Later, Karim orders 1 T-shirt. The inventory is now 4, but no reorder email is sent. If you check only the current inventory amount, then your reorder email is sent each time the product is ordered until the product is restocked.

Template examples:


Loyalty workflows can help you to track discount codes and to reward your customers for their support. Many loyalty apps have Flow connectors that you can use to reward your customers based on their spending and activity in your store. For example, you can give a customer loyalty points for ordering a specific product, creating a positive review, or add birthday tags to customers.

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Orders workflows can help you to tag an order, notify your staff when you recieve orders that require special attention, or send details to an app. In your workflow, you can create conditions based on the characteristics of the order or of the customer who made the order.

Template examples:

If you automatically fulfill your orders, then you can also have Flow archive those orders.


Risk workflows can help you to manage high-risk orders. For example, you can use Flow to notify you when you receive a high-risk order. In your workflow, use theOrder risk analyzedtrigger to check the risk level of an order. This trigger uses the results from theShopify Risk Analysis. Risk results from third-party apps are not used.

When you receive a high-risk order, you can choose to have Flow do the following tasks:

  • Tag the order so that it can be processed later and notify your staff or to send the order details to an app.
  • Prevent the payment from being processed if your store is set up to capture payments manually.
  • Cancel the order if the order is set up to be fulfilled manually.

If your store is set up tomanually capture payments, then you can use Flow to prevent capturing the payment for high-risk orders. Create a workflow that checks the order's risk level and only capture payment when the risk is low or medium. In your workflow, use theCapture paymentaction to capture the payment.

If your storeautomatically captures payments和手动ly fulfills orders, then you can use Flow to cancel the order. You can't prevent the payment from being captured in this case. In your workflow, use theCancel orderaction to cancel the order.

You can also cancel orders based on other criteria, such as the email or IP address of the customer.

To track of orders that Flow cancels, you can add actions that do the following:

  • Tag the cancelled orders.
  • Send a message or log the issue to an app, such as Google Sheets or Trello.

Template examples:


Drive more affiliate sales with less effort. Use theShopify Collabsapp to automate repetitive affiliate program tasks with ready-made Shopify Flow templates.

Template examples:

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