Creating and using tags in Shopify

你can add tags to group, search, filter, and make bulk changes to items in the following sections:

Tags aren't displayed to customers, but you can use tags to categorize products on your online store and organize search results for customers.

For example, at the end of the summer season, you can search for your products with the 'Summer' tag in yourProductspage, and use abulk actiontohidethem from your sales channels.

Tag types

你can create a custom set of tags for each section in Shopify where tags are used. When you create a tag in a particular section, it isn't copied to the other sections where tags are used. For example, you can organize orders by tags likepackedortest, but use tags liketax exemptorwholesaleto describe some of your customers. Each type of tag corresponds to the section it can organize:

Types of tags
Type Description
Product Add and remove tags on a specific product's details page. Filter products by tag on theProductspage and theInventorypage. Use product tags as selection criteria when you're building an automatic collection or as filters when you're creating a menu. When a customer searches for a term that matches a product tag, the tagged products appear in search results but the tags aren't displayed to the customer.
Transfer Add and remove tags on a specific transfer's details page. Filter transfers by tag on theTransferspage.
Customer Add and remove tags on a specific customer's details page. Create a customer segment on theCustomerspage to filter customers with the same tag.
Blog post Add and remove tags on a specific blog post's details page. Filter blog posts by tag on theBlog postspage.
Order Add and remove tags on a specific order's details page. Filter orders by tag on theOrderspage.
Draft order Add and remove tags on a specific draft order's details page. When you create an order from a draft order, the draft order tags are carried over and added as order tags.

Considerations for tags

Review the following considerations for tags:

  • Tags that are associated with orders and draft orders can have up to 40 characters.
  • Tags that are associated with products, transfers, customers, and blog posts can have up to 255 characters.
  • Tags are not case sensitive. For example,Approvedandapprovedare the same tag.
  • 你can only use letters, numbers, and hyphens in your tags.
  • Letters with accents and other symbols can exclude search results.
  • 你can apply up to 250 tags to each product, customer, transfer, blog post, order, and draft order.

Add a tag

你can add a tag when you create or edit products, transfers, customers, blog posts, orders, or draft orders.


  1. Open the specific product, transfer, customer, blog post, order, or draft order details page in Shopify.
  2. In theTagssection, enter the name of a tag you want to add, or select it from the list of existing tags. If you enter the name for a new tag, then it will automatically be created for future use in the section.
  3. ClickSave.

Select tags from a list

你can add, remove, and view the full list of tags on a product, transfer, customer, blog post, order, or draft order details page.


  1. In theTagssection, clickManage.
  2. UnderAVAILABLEcheck the tags on the list that you want to apply.
  3. ClickDone.

Remove a tag

你can remove a tag from products, transfers, customers, blog posts, orders, or draft orders.


  1. Open the specific product, transfer, customer, blog post, order, or draft order details page in Shopify.
  2. Click thexnext to the tag that you want to remove. The tag is removed only from that specific product, transfer, customer, blog post, order, or draft order.
  3. ClickSave.

你can remove a tag from theManagelist on the product, transfer, customer, blog post, order, or draft order details page:

  1. In theTagssection, clickManage.
  2. UnderSELECTED, uncheck the tags on the list that you want to remove.
  3. ClickDone.

Add and remove tags in bulk

你在多个产品添加和删除标记,transfers, customers, blog posts, orders, or draft orders usingbulk actionson Desktop. Order tags can also be added and removed in bulk on Mobile.

Bulk edit Product, Transfer, Customer, Blog post, and Draft Order tags

  1. From your Shopify admin, clickProducts,Transfers,Customers,Blog posts, orDraft Orders.

  2. Check the product, transfer, customer, blog post, or draft order you want to tag.

  3. ClickAdd tagsorRemove tags.

  4. Click the tags that you want to add or remove.

  5. ClickSave.

Bulk edit Order tags

Search by tag in Shopify

你can search for a tag that you added to a product, transfer, customer, blog post, order, or draft order to help you find something. The search returns any results matching the tag. If you search a tag that is not added to anything, then no search results appear.


  1. Enter the name of the tag in the Shopify search bar.
  2. View the matching results, and select a result to view it in detail.

Filter by tag

你can use tags to filter the lists on theProducts,Transfers,Blog posts,Orders, andDraft orderspages. You can also use product tags to filter the list of variants on theInventorypage.

To filter orders by tag, refer toFilter your orders.


  1. From your Shopify admin, clickProducts,Transfers,Blog posts,Orders,Draft Orders, orInventory.
  2. ClickTagged withorMore Filters.
  3. Enter the name of the tag you want to use as a filter. Filter results will be displayed.

你can filter the list by one tag at a time or enter asyntaxin a list's search field to filter by multiple tags.

Other ways to use tags

There are more ways to use tags and stay organized:

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