Inventory reports

Inventory reports show you a month-end snapshot of your inventory, and help you track the quantity and percentage of inventory sold per day.

It can take 12-72 hours before inventory changes appear in reports.

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  2. ClickInventoryto filter the reports to show only inventory reports.

Month-end inventory snapshot

TheMonth-end inventory snapshotreport shows the quantity of each product variant you had in stock at the end of each month.

The following columns are in the Month-end inventory snapshot report:

Definition of terms in the month-end inventory snapshot
Term Description
Product title The title of the product.
Variant title The title of the product variant.
Variant SKU The stock keeping unit identification code for the product variant option.
Ending quantity The trackableAvailableinventory quantity of a product variant at the end of the last day of the selected time period (might be a negative number). This includesIncomingandCommittedinventory.

Negative inventory numbers

You might see a negative number in theEnding quantitycolumn in theMonth-end inventory snapshotreport for the following reasons:

  • You have inventory tracking enabled and you oversell a variant.For example, if you set the inventory quantity of a product to5at the beginning of the day and you receive eight orders for the product during the day, then the starting quantity is5and the ending quantity is-3, because you oversold the product by three units.

  • You don't have inventory tracking enabled.If you don't have inventory tracking enabled, then the default quantity is set to0和每个订单的数量减少项目效果able by one. For example, without inventory tracking enabled, if you add a new product to your store and receive two orders for that product, then the starting quantity is0and theEnding quantityis-2.

For more information about inventory tracking, refer toTracking and adjusting inventory.

Month-end inventory value

Similar to themonth-end inventory snapshot, theMonth-end inventory valuereport totals the current amount ofAvailableinventory on products with acost per itemvalue assigned at the time of sale.

For this report,Availableinventory excludes:

  • Committedinventory for orders pending fulfillment
  • Incomingunits that are a part of atransfer

The following columns are in the Month-end inventory value report:

Definition of terms in the month-end inventory value report
Term Description
Product title The title of the product.
Variant title The title of the product variant.
Variant SKU The stock keeping unit identification code for the product variant option.
Cost The cost per item value for the product variant option.
Ending quantity The trackableAvailableinventory quantity of a product variant at the end of the last day of the selected time period (might be a negative number). This excludesIncomingandCommittedinventory.
Total inventory value The cost per item multiplied by the ending quantity amount for each product variant option. The sum of these values displays in theSummaryrow.

Average inventory sold per day

TheAverage inventory sold per dayreport shows the average number of items of inventory sold per day by product variant.

The following columns are in the Average inventory sold per day report:

Definition of terms in the average inventory sold per day report
Term Description
Product title The title of the product.
Variant title The title of the product variant.
Variant SKU The stock keeping unit identification code for the product variant option.
Quantity sold Number of units of a product variant sold during the selected period (doesn't reflect inventory adjustments such as returns, manual adjustments, or transfer receipts).
Ending quantity The trackable inventory quantity of a product variant at the end of the last day of the selected time period (might be a negative number).
Quantity sold per day Average number of items of the product variant sold per day during the selected period (quantity sold divided by number of days in the time period).

Percent of inventory sold

ThePercent of inventory soldreport shows the percentage of each variant's inventory sold that is sold from the total starting quantity during the selected period. Product variants only appear in the report if they have been sold at least once before or during the selected period.

The following columns are in the Percent of inventory sold report:

Definition of terms in the percent of inventory sold report
Term Description
Product title The title of the product.
Variant title The title of the product variant.
Variant SKU The stock keeping unit identification code for the product variant option.
Quantity sold Number of units of a product variant sold during the selected period (doesn't reflect inventory adjustments such as returns, manual adjustments, or transfer receipts).
Starting quantity Quantity of a product variant at the beginning of the first day of the selected time period (might be a negative number), or the variant'sStarting quantityfor variants that were added within the selected time period.
Percent sold Percentage of the product variant sold during the selected period, out of the total starting quantity (values greater than 100%, lower than 0%, or N/A are possible).

Values below 0% or over 100%

You might see a value below 0% or above 100% in thePercent soldcolumn in thePercent of inventory soldreport for the following reasons:

  • You have inventory tracking enabled and you oversell a variant.For example, if the inventory quantity of a product is5at the beginning of the day and you receive ten orders for the product during the day, then thePercent soldis200%.

  • The Starting quantity is negative.For example, if the inventory quantity of a product is10at the beginning of the day and you receive 15 orders for the product during the day, then theStarting quantitythe following day will be-5. If you don't restock the product the following day and you receive two more orders for the product, then thePercent soldthat day is-40%.

The value isN/Aif theStarting quantityis0.

ABC analysis by product

The ABC analysis by product report is available on the Shopify plan or higher.

The report gives each product variant a grade based on the percentage of your revenue that each variant contributed to over the last 28 days. The cost of the item does not factor into the calculation of an item's grade. The timeframe cannot be adjusted, and will update daily to provide the most up-to-date information:

  • A-grade - Your top selling products that collectively account for 80% of your revenue.
  • B-grade - The products that collectively account for the next 15% of your revenue.
  • C-grade - The products that collectively account for the last 5% of your revenue.

For more information about how to use the data from this report, refer toABC analysis.

The the following columns are in the ABC analysis by product report:

Definition of terms in the ABC analysis report
Term Description
Product title The title of the product.
Variant title The title of the product variant.
Variant SKU The stock keeping unit identification code for the product variant option.
Product grade The grade based on the percentage of your revenue that each variant contributed to over the last 28 days.
Ending quantity The trackable inventory quantity of a product variant at the end of the last day of the selected time period (might be a negative number).
Total value (cost) The total value of the product inventory based on the merchant cost. Any product whose ending inventory quantity value is less than 0 is considered to have a total value (cost) of 0 USD.
Total value (price) The total value of the product inventory based on the sale price, excluding discounts. Any product whose ending inventory quantity value is less than 0 is considered to have a total value (price) of 0 USD.

The ABC analysis report helps you understand which products to prioritize when restocking, and which products you shouldn’t invest in too heavily. If you sell out of the products that account for 80% of your revenue(A-grade products), then you can miss out on sales. If you overstock products that account for only 5% of your revenue (C-grade products), then you can spend more on warehousing costs than necessary.

Product sell-through rate

The Product sell-through report shows what percentage of your total inventory you’ve sold during the selected time period. Due to data latency and processing times, the most recent time period that can be returned for this report is approximately two days prior to the current date. For earlier time zones, like UTC +14:00, this delay is closer to three days. The exact dates are displayed at the top of the report.

Sell-through rate is calculated as:Total quantity of items solddivided by the (total quantity of items sold + total quantity of items still in inventory).

The calculation's denominator, (total quantity of items sold + total quantity of items still in inventory), represents the amount of stock on hand. It accounts for any restocks or new inventory received during the selected period.

销售的物品总量来衡量the selected time period, and the total quantity of items still in inventory is measured at the last date in the selected time period.

Our sell-through rate calculation automatically ignores negative inventory quantities, which can occur in the case of products whose inventory is not tracked (such as gift cards and digital products) and products that are oversold.

Product variants only appear in the report if they have been sold at least once before or during the selected period.

For the purposes of the sell-through calculation:

  • Products whose inventory is not tracked are considered to have sold 0 units of inventory.
  • Any product whose ending inventory quantity value is less than 0 is considered to have an ending quantity value of 0.

The following columns are in the Product sell-through report:

Definition of terms in the Product sell-through report
Term Description
Product title The title of the product.
Variant title The title of the product variant.
Variant SKU The stock keeping unit identification code for the product variant option.
Starting quantity The trackable inventory quantity of a product variant at the start of the first day of the selected time period (might be a negative number), or the variant'sStarting quantityfor variants that were added within the selected time period.
Ending quantity The trackable inventory quantity of a product variant at the end of the last day of the selected time period (might be a negative number).
Quantity sold Number of units of a product variant sold during the selected period (doesn't reflect inventory adjustments such as returns, manual adjustments, or transfer receipts).
Sell-through rate Total quantity of items sold divided by the (total quantity of items sold + total quantity of items still in inventory).
The data is calculated using the most recent 30 day period available (usually a 2 day processing delay, exact dates are indicated in the sell-through rate report).

Days of inventory remaining

The Days of inventory remaining report is available on the Shopify plan or higher.

The purpose of this report is to give an overall sense of how long your tracked inventory is estimated to last, based on your average sales rates for each variant, and the amount of inventory you have left.

The chart in this report shows how many product variants are predicted to run out of stock soon (0 days remaining), or have some days of stock remaining (0-30 days, up to 91+ days remaining).

The table in this report shows the days of inventory remaining for each of your product variants. Days of inventory remaining is calculated as:

Total quantity of items still in inventory(ending quantity) divided by theaverage quantity of items sold per day.

A product variant's average quantity of items sold per day is calculated based on its sales over the last 28 days.

If a product variant did not have any sales in the selected time period (and thus has an average quantity of items sold per day value of 0), then its days of inventory remaining value is set to N/A, as we don't have sufficient data to make a prediction. If a product variant has a negative ending quantity value, then its days of inventory remaining value is set to 0.

The following columns are in the Days of inventory remaining report:

Definition of terms in the days of inventory remaining report report
Term Description
Product title The title of the product.
Variant title The title of the product variant.
Variant SKU The stock keeping unit identification code for the product variant option.
Ending quantity The trackable inventory quantity of a product variant at the end of the last day of the selected time period (might be a negative number).
Quantity sold per day The total quantity of items of a product variant sold in the selected time period, divided by the number of days that the product variant was active during that time period.
Days of inventory remaining The total quantity of items still in inventory, divided by the average quantity of items sold per day, to give an estimate of how many days remain before inventory runs out.

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