Changing the domain type and target

Domains can be one the following types:

  • primary
  • routing
  • redirect

In addition, domains have different types of targets:

  • 欧宝体育官网入口首页
  • custom storefront

Each target must have one primary domain, but they can also have zero or more routing domains and redirect domains.

Initially, the primary domain for your store is the.myshopify.comdomain name that was generated when you signed up for Shopify. You canadd a custom domain, and then set your custom domain as the primary domain.

Redirect domains point to targets as well, but then your visitors are redirected to the primary domain when they enter the redirect domain name into the browser's address bar.

Routing domains point to the target, but don't redirect to the primary domain. Routing domains are only used for custom storefronts that are created usingHydrogen.

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