Domains terminology

A domain, or domain name, is the web address or URL that people use to visit your website on the internet. Domain names appear in the address bar of your web browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari.

To help you understand some of the terminology about domains, the following list contains definitions of common terms.

A record

AnA recordis a DNS setting that checks whether a domain name has a specific IP address associated with it. In this case, you want your A record to point to Shopify’s IP address.

If you use a third-party domain, then Shopify's IP address is23.227.38.65.To connect an existing domain, you need toset your A record to Shopify's IP address

Other terms: Address record, host record

CAA record

A CAA (Certification Authority Authorization) record is used to specify which certificate authorities are allowed to issue certificates for a domain. A certificate authority (CA) is a trusted entity that issues electronic documents that verify a digital entity's identity on the Internet.

CNAME record

ACNAME recordis a DNS setting that points your subdomains to another domain name. In this case, you want your CNAME record to point to your Shopify-hosted domain by

Other terms: CNAME resource record, alias

DKIM record

Shopify uses the Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) email authentication technique to sign emails with a digital signature. This allows the receiver to check that an email message was sent and authorized by the owner of that domain. If you are using a third-party domain, thenadding the Shopify DKIM recordsto your DNS settings can help prevent notification emails from being flagged as spam.


Domain Name Systems(DNS) is a database of domain names. Every domain has its own DNS entry. Domain Name Systems organize domain names and translate them from words to numbers so you can visit a website without having to memorize its IP address. For example, the IP address forshopify.comis23.227.38.65.通常情况下,这个过程吧ks quickly in the background. When you connect a third-party domain to your Shopify store, you might need to change your DNS settings.

你不能改变你的DNS设置myshopify.comdomain name. If you want to add records to your domain to connect to a third-party service or set up subdomains, then you need toadd a custom domain

Other terms: DNS records, DNS settings, resource records, DNS file zone

Domain name

Adomain nameis the address that people use to visit your website on the internet. Domain names appear in the address bar of your web browser and are linked to specific IP addresses.

Other terms: domain

Domain provider

Adomain provideris a company that registers your domain name for you. Typically, you purchase a domain on a subscription basis and you pay a regular fee to your domain provider to keep using your domain name.

Other terms: domain registrar, domain host

Email hosting

Email hostingis a service that enables you to set up a custom email address, and then use it to send and receive email messages. Email hosting isn't provided on Shopify, but you can connect a third-party email hosting service to your custom domain.

Email forwarding

Email forwardingis a service that enables you to direct an email message that's sent to one email address to another email address. If you have a Shopify-managed domain, then you can set up an unlimited number of custom domain email addresses that forward to an email account hosted by a third-party. For example, if you own the domain, then you can create the custom domain email addressinfo@johns-apparel.comfor your customers to contact and set the forwarding email address to your personal customers send an email message, the email message is forwarded to your existing personal

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS) is a web security mechanism that ensures that browsers only connect to your online store over a secure HTTPS connection. Using a secure connection prevents certain kinds of network attacks and helps ensure the safety of your information and your customers' information. HSTS is always active on your domain for as long as your domain is connected to your Shopify store.

An HSTS policy can be set on a domain for a fixed length of time. Shopify's default length is 90 days. If you remove a domain or leave Shopify entirely, then this policy remains in effect on your domain for an additional 90 days.


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)is an organization that governs and manages Domain Name Systems and other internet protocols.

International domain

An国际域名is a URL that is specific to a country or region. You can use international domains to display your online store in the languages and currencies that are specific to certain countries or regions. To use国际域名s, you must be on the Shopify plan or higher.

Other terms: regional domain, regional subdomain

International targeting

International targetinglets you show the correct version of your store to local customers in a specific country or region. For example, if you sell only to customers in the United States, then you can set your store's target country to the United States. You can set a target country or region for each of your store's domains or subdomains inGoogle Search Console

Other terms: geo-targeting

IP address

AnIP addressis a unique string of numbers that specifies the location of a computer or device on the internet and distinguishes it from other computers or devices. An IP address is required for one computer to communicate with other devices over the internet.

If you use a third-party domain, then Shopify's IP address is23.227.38.65.To connect an existing domain, you need toset your A record to Shopify's IP address

If you buy a domain through Shopify, or transfer your domain to Shopify, then your domain can have any of the following IP addresses:


Your Shopify domain can switch between these IP addresses at any time. You canfind your current Shopify IP addressby viewing thePoints tovalue in theA RECORDsection of theDNS Settingspage.

Other terms: Internet Protocol address

MX record

AnMX record是一个DNS设置,域名指向马il server and is used to process emails through your custom domain. You can set up more than one MX record, and add a backup email addresses if you want to make sure that email messages reach you if your main email server is down.

Other terms: Mail Exchange record, Mail eXchanger record, mail server record

Primary domain

在商店pify, yourprimary domainis the domain name that's displayed in the address bar while customers browse your online store. You can use your root domain or a subdomain as your primary domain, but you can have only one primary domain for your online store.

By default, your primary domain uses the formatyour-store-name.myshopify.comwhen you sign up for Shopify. You canchange your.myshopify.comdomain nameonce. However, you can change the domain that customers use to visit your online store. To change your primary domain, you can buy a custom domainthrough Shopifyor from anythird-party domain registrarand connect it to Shopify. After you add a custom domain to Shopify, then you canset your custom domain as the primary domain

Root domain

Aroot domainis the domain name that you purchase from your domain provider. A root domain has a top-level domain (TLD) extension such,.org,, but it does not contain a prefix such aswww.An example of a root domain

Other terms: base domain, top-level domain and second-level domain

SPF record

Shopify uses the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) to verify your sender email address for the automatic notification emails that your customers receive.Connecting your third-party domain to the Shopify SPF recordscan help prevent notification emails from being flagged as spam, removes thevia Shopifynote from the sender information, and displays your sender email address instead ofstore@shopifyemail.comin the sender field.

SSL certificate

SeeTLS certificate


Asubdirectoryis a section of your main website. A subdirectory is defined by a/at the end of the domain name. For example, in the,/pricingis the subdirectory. A subdirectory is different from a subdomain because it's used mainly for organizing your website, while a subdomain can take you to an entirely different website. Examples of subdirectories on your online store are/collections,/products, and/pages

You can't edit subdirectory names. Regardless of what domain you're using, the subdirectory names remain the same.


Asubdomainis a subset of your root domain that you add as a prefix to your root domain. For example, in the,shopify.comis the root domain the subdomain. You can use subdomains to organize your website and make it easier for visitors to find the information that they're looking for. If you're on the Shopify plan or higher and you want to sell to customers in multiple countries or regions, then you can use国际域名sto set up a regional subdomain for every country or region where you have a target market.

Time to Live

TheTime to Live(TTL) value of your domain determines how frequently your DNS records are updated. All domain DNS records have a TTL value. For example, if a record has a TTL of 86400 seconds, then it takes up to 24 hours to go into effect. Changing a record's TTL affects how long it takes any subsequent change to happen.

Top-level and second-level domains

Thetop-level domain(TLD) andsecond-level domainare components of the root domain that give hierarchy to the domain structure. For example, in the root, the top-level domain is.comand the second-level domain isshopify

TLS certificate

ATLS certificateis a security protocol that creates a safe connection between a server and a browser, which keeps all connections to Shopify, including your own connections and your customers' connections, secure. In your Shopify admin, you canenable secure connections to your Shopify storeto encrypt your online store's content and publish it securely usingHTTPSinstead ofHTTP.When your TLS certificate is activated, a padlock icon appears beside your online store's URL in the address bar.

Other terms: Transport Layer Security, Secure Sockets Layer, SSL

TXT record

ATXT recordis a DNS setting. TXT records contain text information that can be used by services outside of your domain. For example, you might add a TXT record that a third-party service has given you to verify with them that you own the domain.

Other terms: Text record

WHOIS privacy

WHOISis a service you can use to look up information about the owner of a domain name.

WHOIS privacyis a service that hides your domain information from a WHOIS lookup and replaces your contact information withcontactprivacy.comcontact details. WHOIS privacy lets your personal contact information remain hidden from the public. You can purchase WHOIS privacy from your domain provider for an additional fee. WHOIS privacy is included when you purchase your domain through Shopify.

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