Add a subdomain for your Shopify-managed domain

A subdomain is a subset of your root domain that you add as a prefix to your domain, such aswww. For example, in the,shopify.comis the root domain andhelpis the subdomain. If you have a Shopify-managed domain, then you can add subdomains for free from your Shopify admin.

If you useinternational domains, then you can use subdomains to create a region-specific URL for every country or region where you have a target market. For example, if your store's primary domain, then you can create a subdomain for Canada with the URLca.johnsapparel.com和法国的子域名的 International subdomains must usetwo letter country codes.

You can add up to 20 domains or subdomains to your Shopify store, in addition to your.myshopify.comdomain name. If your store is on the Shopify Plus plan, then you can add up to 1,000 domains or subdomains.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Domains.
  2. ClickManagefor the domain that you want to configure.
  3. In theSubdomainssection, clickAdd subdomain.
  4. Enter the prefix that you want to add:
    • For international subdomains, enter thetwo letter country codefor your target market. For example,eufor Europe, orcafor Canada.
    • For all other subdomains, enter the text that you want to add as a prefix. For example,blogorshop.
  5. ClickAdd subdomain

When you add a subdomain, Shopify's default CNAME is automatically added to your DNS settings. If you want to point the subdomain to a specific market or website, then you can do the following tasks:

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