Publishing products with Markets

When you use Shopify Markets, you can choose whether to publish products to each market that you create. Publishing a product to a market makes it available to purchase for customers in that market. If you don't sell a product in all markets, then you can unpublish that product from the markets that you don't want it available to. For example, if a products is too heavy for international shipping, you can choose to not have that product displayed to customers in international markets.

By publishing the correct products for each market, you help to ensure that customers are displayed only products that are available to them.

Requirements for publishing products for each market

To display products and pricing that's localized to your customer's country or region, your storefront needs to use a country selector. A country selector lets your customers choose the location that they're shopping from, which helps ensure that your store displays the correct product and pricing for that location.

For themes that don't have a country selector built-in, consider using theGeolocation appto provide a country selector for your customers.

Unpublish a product from a specific market

When youadd a new market, all products are published to that market by default. For each market, you can stop a product from displaying by unpublishing it.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to年代ettings > Markets.
  2. For the market that you want to unpublish a product from, clickManage.
  3. In theProducts and pricing部分中,点击Manage.
  4. In the product list, click the checkbox for the product that you want to unpublish from the market, and then clickExclude from market.
  5. Click年代ave.

Publish a product to a specific market

You can display an unpublished product by publishing it to a market.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to年代ettings > Markets.
  2. For the market that you want to publish a product in, clickManage.
  3. In theProducts and pricing部分中,点击Manage.
  4. In the product list, click the checkbox for the product that you want to publish in the market, and then clickInclude in market.
  5. Click年代ave.

Publish or unpublish products in bulk

You can publish or unpublish products for markets in bulk by using the bulk editor in your Shopify admin, or by uploading a CSV file.

Control market publishing using the bulk editor


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toProducts.
  2. 年代elect the products that you want to publish or unpublish from markets.
  3. ClickEdit products.
  4. ClickColumns, and then select the markets where you want to change the publishing status.
  5. Under each market, select the option to publish a product or deselect the option to unpublish a product.
  6. Click年代ave.

Control market publishing using CSV files

控制产品发布/市场,第一次交货ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址port a CSV file for the products that you want to publish or unpublish. The CSV export file contains additional columns for publishing for every market that you have enabled, using the name of each market. You can modify the CSV file, and then import the CSV file to your store.

For more information, refer toUsing CSV files.

年代tep 1: Export products with a CSV file

From your Shopify admin, you can export a CSV file, which contains columns for publishing for each market that you have enabled.

If you want to export only some of your products, then you canfilter your product listto view and select specific products for export.

For more detailed instructions, refer toExporting products.

年代tep 2: Modify the CSV file

You can edit the Product CSV file that you exported from Shopify to change the publishing status of products. If you remove a column for a market that you have enabled, then the existing publishing status remains unchanged.

The column headers in your CSV file should match the name of each of your markets. For example, if you have a market calledNorth America, then the column header to change product publishing for that market would beIncluded / North America.

To publish a product to a market, enterTRUEin the relevant column. To unpublish a product from a market, enterFALSEin the relevant column.

You can't use a CSV to set different publishing rules for multiple countries or regions within the same market, unless each country or region was created as a market.

Import products with a CSV file

After you have modified your Product CSV file to publish or unpublish products, you can import the file to your Shopify admin. Your Product CSV file doesn't have to contain complete product information, but at a minimum, it must containHandle, Title, Variant Optioncolumns, and the market publishing columns you want to import.

For more detailed instructions, refer toImporting products with a CSV file.

Filtering products by published status

To find out which products are published to a specific market, you can filter the product list to display only products that are included or excluded from the market.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to年代ettings > Markets.
  2. For the market that you want to include a product in, clickManage.
  3. In theProducts and pricing部分中,点击Manage.
  4. In the product list, do one of the following:
    • ClickIncludedto display all products that are published to the market.
    • ClickExcludedto display all products that are unpublished to the market.

Draft orders and order editing

Product publishing per market doesn't apply to draft orders or when editing orders. For example, if you have a product that is unpublished from your United Kingdom market, but you have a customer in the United Kingdom that you want to sell that product to as an exception, then you can create a draft order for them.

年代imilarily, editing products on an order can override the product publishing rules you have set up in Shopify Markets, in cases where you want to make exceptions for customers.

Online store search results

If you're using Shopify's online store search to help customers find your products, then a customer's search results will only include the products that are published in their market. If your store uses a third-party search app, then you need to check with the app developer to determine whether your store search is filtered by market.

Redirection behaviour

When a customer on your online store tries to view a product that can't be sold to them in their country or region, then they are redirected to your store's home page. For example, a customer who wants to ship their order to the United Kingdom visits your store, for which the primary market is the United States. The customer views a product that can only be sold in the United States, and then they use the country selector on your store to switch to the United Kingdom. Because the product that they were viewing can't be sold in the United Kingdom, the customer is redirected to your store's home page.


When you publish or unpublish products per market, those changes only apply to the online store, custom storefronts, or channels that use theinContext directive. All other channels don't yet support product publishing per market, and published products will be available in all markets by default. We are working to add support for all sales channels.

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