Managing subscription orders

You can manage pay-per-delivery orders and prepaid subscription orders from your Shopify admin.

Pay-per-delivery ordershave only one subscription item per order. At regular intervals, new pay-per-delivery orders are created by your subscription app, and appear on yourOrderslist. Pay-per-delivery orders aremanagedandfulfilledthe same as non-subscription orders.

Prepaid subscription ordersare paid for with a lump sum in advance, but have multiple scheduled fulfillments over a period of time. Prepaid subscription orders display as a single order with aScheduledstatus until a fulfillment date is reached. When the fulfillment date is reached, the order status updates toUnfulfilledand you can then fulfill the order. The order's status then changes back toScheduleduntil the next fulfillment date is reached, and the cycle begins again. When an order has aScheduledstatus, you can track the order on yourOrderspage, but no action is required.

On the order, you can review all items for the prepaid subscription orders, sorted intoFulfilled,Unfulfilled, andScheduledfulfillment cards. The next scheduled fulfillment for the order is listed in theScheduledfulfillment card. ClickView all fulfillments显示所有计划的实现。

Filtering and sorting your prepaid subscription orders

You can filter yourOrderspage by theScheduledfulfillment status to display upcoming fulfillment work that doesn't require immediate action.

To display prepaid subscription orders that are ready to be fulfilled, filter yourOrderspage by theUnfulfilledstatus. By default, theOrderspage is sorted by date. This means that prepaid subscription orders that are ready to be fulfilled might drop to the bottom of your list of unfulfilled orders. To display these orders, you can sort yourOrderspage by oldest date.


  1. From your Shopify admin, clickOrders.
  2. ActivateSearch and filterby clicking the button with the magnifying glass and trigram icons.
  3. ClickAdd filter +.
  4. ClickFulfillment status, and then selectUnfulfilled.
  5. Clickto open theSortmenu.
  6. SelectDateand↑ Oldest to newest.
  7. Optional: ClickSave asto name and save this order list view.

Editing prepaid subscription orders

You canedit an orderthat contains a scheduled fulfillment item to add and remove non-scheduled items, but you can't edit items with scheduled fulfillments. For example, if an order contains a subscription product and a product without a subscription, then you can edit the product without a subscription but you can't edit the subscription product.

You can't duplicate a prepaid subscription order.

Canceling and refunding prepaid subscription orders

You can取消a prepaid subscription order that has not yet been fulfilled. If any scheduled items have been fulfilled, then you can't cancel the order, but you can issuefull and partial refundsfor fulfilled and scheduled items.

如果your customer cancels an order, then you might still need to refund the order manually. A message appears on an order when this happens.

When you refund an order from theOrderspage, you might need to cancel the order in your subscription app as well.

Reserving inventory

Inventory for each prepaid subscription order cycle is reserved when the fulfillment date is reached. The inventory for the entire subscription order isn't reserved when the order is created. To reserve inventory for a scheduled fulfillment before the fulfillment date, you canfulfill a scheduled order early.

Fulfilling subscription orders

Fulfillments on subscription orders can be split up in a single order based on a product's fulfillment location orshipping profile.

Fulfilling a prepaid subscription order

When a scheduled order reaches its fulfillment date, the status of the order updates toUnfulfilledand you canfulfill the order.

Fulfilling a prepaid subscription order early

You can't reschedule scheduled fulfillments, but you can choose to fulfill an order early.


  1. From your Shopify admin, clickOrders.
  2. Select the order that you want to fulfill early.
  3. In theScheduledsection, clickFulfill early.
  4. Review the order fulfillment information, and then clickMark as unfulfilled. The order status is updated toUnfulfilledand you canfulfillthe items.
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