Shop Pay

Meet the internet's best-converting checkout

Offer shoppers an accelerated checkout experience that's 4x faster—everywhere you sell online.

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Examples of Shop Pay’s mobile checkout for a sneaker, navy sweater, and funky, pink sunglasses.
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Boost conversions across channels

Increase conversions up to 10% on mobile with fast, 1-tap checkout.

Sell to more shoppers icon.

Sell to 100M+ global shoppers

Promote your store, build retention, and reach new buyers with the Shop app.

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Get it free with Shopify Payments

Set up Shopify Payments and automatically get Shop Pay—no additional fees.

Why merchants love Shop Pay

Shop Pay mobile checkout of a navy sweater.

Convert faster, everywhere

提供最快的网上付款,including in the Shop app, Facebook, Instagram, and Google—no redirects, no overselling. With 1-tap checkout, your buyers' information is automatically prefilled.

Build brand loyalty

Give buyers the best order tracking tool, at their fingertips. Track all Shop Pay purchases via the Shop app, from checkout to delivery. Plus, buyers using the Shop app have a 9% higher repurchase rate.

Integrate from any platform or app

Seamlessly integrate your store with Shop Pay using ourShop Pay Wallet API,no matter where you sell online.

Shop Pay orders sent, tracked, and delivered across the world

Reduce your store’s carbon footprint

When buyers choose Shop Pay at checkout, we plant trees to offset the environmental impact of delivery—at no extra cost.

Asian female merchant working on sketches for a new fashion collection.

Help Center

Learn more about Shop Pay’s accelerated checkout.

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Female clothing design merchant on her laptop in her studio office


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Male merchant using his tablet to contact Shopify support.


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Trusted by the world’s fastest growing brands

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