Introducing the Shopify Plus Blog

Introducing the Shopify Plus Blog

It started as a simple idea...

“Make Commerce Better.” That’s Shopify’s goal. But then something happened. We realized there was another group of customers who needed better commerce capabilities and a better commerce experience; enterprise customers.

所以我们调整我们的目标“商业更好的佛r Everyone”, and created Shopify Plus.

Shopify Plus gives enterprise merchants the best of Shopify but more:

  • A highly-scalable, totally reliable SaaS based ecommerce platform
  • 99.98% uptime
  • No transaction fees, no bandwidth limitations and unlimited Products
  • Exclusive APIs to help extend and customize platform capabilities
  • The ability to customize your checkout and let it live on your domain
  • Priority customer support and
  • Dedicated white-glove account management

At first, businesses who had grown using Shopify, likeDodocase,Black Milk ClothingandBest Made Companysigned on to Plus, but something else happened…

World renowned brands such as Tesla, General Electric, Reddit, NPR, Redbull and Wikipedia heard about Shopify Plus and signed on too.

Their reasons for coming to Shopify Plus are simple:

  1. Traditional enterprise ecommerce solutions are difficult to use without I.T. support.
  2. It takes too long to make and deploy simple changes.
  3. Traditional enterprise solutions are way too expensive to own and operate.

换句话说,他们想要建立自己的生意s, not waste time fighting with their ecommerce software.

Maybe this is becauseaccording to Statista.comecommerce is projected to reach $491.5 Billion in the U.S alone by 2018. That’s a 193.73% increase from just 5 years ago.


In the rapidly developing ecommerce space the ability for large merchants to make changes and move quickly is no longer just a “nice-to-have”; it has become a matter of survival.

This is so important that Forrester research has gone so far as to say “In the 21st century,successful companies will rise and fall based on their software.

In a larger context, what’s interesting is how the rise of ecommerce signals of change in the overall way we shop.

In January 2014,The Wall Street Journal publishedresearch from retail foot-traffic tracker ShopperTrak, that show a dramatic downward decline of holiday foot traffic from 2010 - 2013.

The article also includes quotes from the CFO of Urban Outfitters and the CEO of Best Buy, both with negative outlooks on whether foot-traffic will ever return to physical retail spaces now that online shopping has become so accessible.

While we’ll save the full discussion of the decline of foot-traffic in physical retail for another day, what I will say is this…

At least in a physical location, if you want to move a banner, you don’t have to contact 5 developers, 3 executives, a creative team and home office, only to wait three weeks then risk having the entire building collapse once the banner moves from one side of the table to the other.

Unfortunately, that scenario isall too familiarfor any enterprise-level ecommerce retailer using legacy software.

Along with the need to rapidly adapt to ever changing demands, enterprise merchants need to ensure they are always available to their customers. It can be devastating when a self-hosted ecommerce solution is unable to handle moments of explosive success.

“ has experienced record levels of website traffic. This has affected site performance and we have temporarily taken the site down in response. We are taking measures to restore full performance of the site as quickly as possible.”

For Best Buy, and plenty others, your ecommerce store going down (or being substantially slow) can lead to millions in lost revenue, along with a massive negative impact on your reputation.

According to surveys by and, for an ecommerce site that makes $100,000 per day, a 1 second page delay could potentially cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year. What do you think that looks like when the entire site crashes?

According to a 2012 study by WorldPay that asked 19,000 consumers and 153 retail decision makers why people abandon their shopping carts:

  • 24% of people will abandon because the website crashed
  • 21% abandon because the process was taking too long
  • 15% abandon due to website timeout


This customer loss is truly unfortunate, because it is mostly preventable.

In 2014 Shopify merchantsprocessed over $3.7 Billion in orders worldwide,with 99.98% server uptime.

Consider this tweet from Bold Commerce, one of Shopify Plus’s agency partners:

This is mostly because Bold is an amazing agency, and partly because Shopify Plus was built to provide merchants the tools and support they need to succeed.

What Can You Expect From The Shopify Plus Blog?

We’re taking the same white-glove approach and “Simple yet powerful” design ethos that is built into Shopify Plus to write heavily-researched, yet easy to understand essays to solve enterprise level problems.

We’ll dive into case studies, behavioral economics, buyer psychology, and industry data, so we’re not just asking “what works?” but have a better understanding of “why?”.

我们的目标不仅仅是分析现有的策略d strategies, but to deconstruct them so you can make improvements or create something entirely new. Because that’s how leaders create what everyone else wants to mimic.

You will influence what we publish.We want to solve real problems, not just ones we think you have.

Consider the Shopify Plus blog as your external research resource. If you have a marketing/business growth related question, please feel free to email ushere.

But above all else, expect that the Shopify Plus blog will be a blog that is worth your time.

We want to help you grow your business as we grow ours.

About the author

Tommy Walker

Tommy Walker is the Long Form Content Editor at Oberlo. It is his goal to provide high-volume ecommerce stores with deeply researched, honest advice for growing their customer base, revenues and profits.

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