Shopify Editions | Winter ’23

Over 100 product updates to help businesses anddevelopersbuild for the long-term

Over 100 product updates to help businesses anddevelopersbuild for the long-term
What is Editions?
Over 100 product updates to help businesses and developers build for the long-term


From fast and frictionless storefronts to a more streamlined checkout, we’re making it easier to seize every sale and convert customers.

Lightning-fast page loads, everywhere

No matter where your customers are shopping, ournewly expanded global infrastructureensures they get an incredibly fast experience by efficiently routing traffic and rendering sites as close to their locations as possible.

With 270 points of presence around the world and additional locations being continually deployed, businesses are seeing their sites respond twice as fast.

One-page checkout

Theob欧宝app 你知道和信任是大修。This year, we’re rolling out an all-new, one-page checkout. Inspired by Shop Pay’s proven conversion, it’s faster, higher-converting, and exactly what your customers expect.

  • Fewer fields to enter make it faster for customers to complete their purchase.
  • Fewer page loads mean less friction for customers, which leads to higher conversion.

Drag-and-drop checkout editor

Easily edit the look of your checkout with thenew checkout editor, which seamlessly integrates with Shop Pay for a consistent brand and buyer experience. Exclusive to Shopify Plus.

  • Add your brand’s logo, change the background color or image, and update the font of your checkout.
  • Install checkout apps that integrate with the editor to add more functionality to your checkout experience.
A man wearing glasses and a black shirt sits at a table with a laptop and explains how the new drop-and-drop checkout editor works. A module with the checkout editor is open to his left, displaying different customizable fields like the information page, contact and shipping sections, and the order summary.

Apps to extend checkout

Customize your checkout to include things like additional fields, product offers, and loyalty programs by installing apps built for checkout.

Cart and checkout validations

Create rules that implement custom, dynamic restrictions for whether a product can be purchased, and in what quantities, with validations built on Shopify Functions.

A ceramic bowl sits behind the add-to-cart button, buy with Shop Pay button, delivery dates, and Shop Promise badge. A larger Shop Promise badge is also displayed above the bowl.

Build trust with Shop Promise

Communicate reliable, fast delivery by installing the Shop channel and adding theShop Promise badgeand delivery dates to your store.

  • Display smart delivery dates predicted by Shopify that are backed by a limited guarantee for your customers if they’re missed.
  • Help customers check out with confidence and increase conversion by up to 25%.

Signed-in shopping with Shop

Identify and sign in high-intent Shop users before they reach checkout with their Shop credentials, including saved passkeys. Let customers speed safely through a one-click checkout usingShop Pay, lowering bounce rates and increasing conversion.

Optimized image rendering and focal points

我们优化图像质量最高的一个d lowest file size to improve your store’s speed and increase conversion rates. Now you can choose the focal point on images, so your products show up front and center.

Extend your theme with custom CSS

Easily add custom CSS to your online store theme without editing any theme files. Preview CSS changes directly in the editor.

New color settings for online stores

Now developers can help you better understand, access, and edit global color schemes for online stores with easy-to-add color settings for themes.

AI-generated storefront content

  • UseShopify Magicto beat writer’s block and automatically create product descriptions.
  • Input keywords or features and our system generates a description.
  • Produce compelling, tone-specific descriptions that convert.
A man in a gray long sleeve shirt sits at a table and shares about the latest updates to storefront search and product recommendations. A module depicts a search bar with the word “table” in the input field. There are suggested searches for different types of tables and recommended products below the search bar.

Better built-in search and recommendations

  • Improved search relevanceensures popular products are highlighted, and misspellings still return the right result to better match the customer’s intent.
  • Typeahead search suggestions help buyers find what they’re looking for faster.
  • Powered by data across Shopify, now product recommendations offer suggestions without any historical purchase data required.
A store in a web browser with content placeholders like a caption, headline, CTA, and images sits behind the product UI that defines the fields for those content types.

Customize your store with metaobjects

Create reusable, custom content like a shoppable gallery, product highlights, cart upsells, and more withmetaobjects. Draft, edit, translate, and reference your metaobjects directly within the online store editor, or use the Storefront API to seamlessly pull content into your custom storefront.

Power dynamic content with metafields

Now you can build dynamic collections with metafields. Further customize your metafields across commerce objects with updates that support rich text, money, and collection reference data.

Enhanced Search & Discovery app

Extend filters to product tags and large collections, recommend products that are frequently bought together, and optimize how customers navigate your store with enhanced analytics. Now usingmetafields, you can add manual recommendations and product boosts at scale.

Sanity integration

If you useSanity, now you can connect your content directly to your Shopify Online Store for easier development and better store performance.

A spa gift bundle is displayed on a web browser with the UI for the checkout page depicted in front of it. The bundle at checkout includes a list of its different products along with the shipping, taxes, and total cost.

Product bundles

Coming soon, you can set up bundles with the new Shopify Bundles app or any of the upcoming bundles apps built on Shopify Functions in the Shopify App Store.

A mobile device shows a checkout page with multiple items and multiple discounts applied to the total. The discount codes sale40, freeship, and freegift are displayed to the right of the device.

New discount apps built on Shopify Functions

Now you can offer customers more discount types and the ability to combine multiple discounts on a single order. Choose from our four ready-to-use discounts or access additional types, like a free gift with purchase, using a discount app that integrates seamlessly with your admin. You can also build a custom app with Shopify Functions.

Create channel-specific discounts

Offer unique discounts across channels like Google, Facebook, and Instagram to strengthen customer relationships and sell more.

Updates to our Subscription APIs

Now developers can make temporary changes to subscription contracts without overwriting source data, reduce API calls when creating, billing, or updating contracts, and support local delivery and in-store pickup for subscription orders.

Deferred purchase options with PayPal

Pre-orders and try-before-you-buy now support PayPal, so you can reach more customers around the world.

Shopify Payments available in France

Now businesses in France can accept credit cards and other popular payment methods using Shopify Payments.

Sell across

销售的人,对社会,或者在线与我ntegrated sales channels. Be everywhere your customers are, and easily manage it from one central platform.

POS Go: all-in-one mobile selling hardware

In-person sellers can stay on top of business with our latest mobile point of sale (POS) device. There’s no separate tablet or card reader needed with POS Go, so you can stay connected to your business at a fraction of the cost of other setups. Only available in the United States.

Track incoming and committed inventory

New inventory statuses like on hand and unavailable give you an actionable view of your total available inventory in your POS. Make better in-store decisions with insight into inventory that’s temporarily set aside for draft orders.

Streamlined in-person checkout

Customize your smart grid and save common line fees like rush orders for faster checkouts. Give customers tipping and receipt options with the improvedCustomer View app.

Gift cards now integrate with POS

Assign and edit gift cards through a customer’s profile, issue a physical or a digital gift card from POS.

Shopify POS available in more markets

Access Shopify POS in any of our 15 markets, now including Singapore and Finland.

Staff permissions and sales attribution

Retailers of all sizes can access detailed information on operational tasks with improvedsales attributionand granularstaff permissions.

Support for 1,000+ locations

Sell in person, at scale, and in more locations than ever with centralized support for more than 1,000 retail locations from a single store.

A woman in a black, long sleeve turtleneck sits at a table with a laptop and describes the latest updates in the Shop app, including more customizations for Shop Stores, authenticated sign-ins with passkeys, and product reviews. The Shop Store editor displays a section that lets businesses add categories to customize their store in the Shop app.

More Shop app customization

  • Customize your product collections, descriptions, best sellers, and branding on your Shop Store.
  • Customers will be able to sign in to Shop easier than ever withpasskeys.
  • Add new experiences to your Shop Store and product pages. Use partner appsFoursixtyandSupergreatto host shoppable brand content and video reviews.
  • Use product reviews to discover new ways to grow from your customer feedback.

Sync and sell on YouTube

  • Sell your products on YouTube to create authentic, live and on-demand shopping experiences.
  • Stand out with up-to-date product info right below your video, pinned in the chat, or tagged during a live stream.

Go global

Selling internationally has never been more within reach. With updates to Shopify Markets and the introduction of our full stack solution Markets Pro, it’s more possible than ever to rapidly expand to new markets from a single store.

Translate & Adapt app

Engage more customers with regional, seasonal, and cultural relevance by localizing your store content across markets.

  • Use a side-by-side editor to add, edit, and review translated content, and automatically translate up to two languages completely free.
  • Adapt content to reflect spelling and messaging variations between markets.
An image of a sneaker, its product title, and an add-to-cart button are displayed with the language in American English. Three more versions of the product title and button surround the first version with the language translated into Portuguese, Japanese, and German.

Tailor your product offering by market

Control which products youpublish in each market. Easily align with licensing agreements, regional regulations, and buyer expectations in different markets.

Market-specific order routing and fulfillment

Configure order routing rules to match your business needs, including routing based on the customer’s proximity and inventory availability.

A man in a gray long sleeve shirt sits at a table and shares about the latest launch of Shopify Markets Pro. There’s a bookshelf behind him with houseplants, a couch to his left, and some framed art on the walls. The words “Markets Pro” and an icon of a globe appear next to the man.

Introducing Markets Pro

全球增长您的业务Markets Pro, a complete solution that offers end-to-end liability management, cost-effective cross-border shipping and fulfillment, and localization tools.

  • Offload international tax filing, registration, and remittance.
  • Automatically remove items with import restrictions in each market to ensure your product catalog is compliant and buyers only see what they’re allowed to purchase in their region.
  • Access fraud protection on every cross-border order and protect refunds from currency fluctuations with guaranteed foreign exchange.

Affordable shipping rates and integrated partners

Get discounted rates on the Markets Pro carrier account and recommendations for new customer rates. Let us manage yourinternational fulfillmentor work with our certified logistics partners to fulfill and deliver orders.

Prepaid duties and customs documentation

Collect dutiesup front to get rid of surprise fees at delivery with Delivery Duty Paid labels and customs documentation that are easy to manage from your admin.

Automatically localize experiences

While Markets’ standard features let you manually localize your store,Markets Proautomates localization. Geolocation and domain redirect automatically ensure customers shop in their local experience, using the local currency and preferred payment methods.

Expand with B2B

Since launching 6 months ago, we’ve already improvedB2B on Shopifywith dozens of enhancements. We’re harnessing what we know from running the world’s leading direct-to-consumer (DTC) commerce solution to continually make business-to-business (B2B) selling better.

Quantity rules

Createquantity rulesfor products and variants, including minimums and maximums, case-packs, and increments.

  • Increase average order value by adding minimum order quantities for products.
  • Simplify the fulfillment process and save on shipping and handling costs by selling in bulk.
  • Set unique rules for different customers.

Customer-specific product publishing

Offer your business customers curated product selections and catalogs to customize their buying experience.

Create custom logic for B2B

Input company, location, and contact information intopaymentanddelivery functionsto customize your checkout. Meet the needs of both your B2B and DTC customers with logic that works for your B2B workflows, using Shopify Functions.

Metafields for companies and locations

Track unique information about your customers and streamline back office tasks by adding custom data fields to companies and company locations.

Consistent checkout branding

Build brand loyalty and awareness by keeping branding and design consistent across your entire B2B checkout experience.

Personalize templates using Liquid

Delight your logged-in customers with a personalized store theme and email templates that include company information.

Easy reordering

Encourage reordering and increase sales by making it easy for customers to reorder their favorite products.

B2B invitation emails

Send customers a customizable welcome email with access and order instructions directly from your admin.

A woman in a black, long sleeve turtleneck sits at a table with a laptop and describes the new checkout to draft feature for B2B on Shopify. A module displays an email with a customer invoice that includes a button for the customer to complete their purchase.

Checkout to draft

Streamline theorder processfor you and your business customers.

  • Gain greater control and visibility by receiving orders as a draft, allowing you to review and approve them before finalizing.
  • Increase efficiency by automatically approving customer orders.
  • Give your customers the opportunity to request a quote online.

Vaulted credit cards

Streamline your payment processes and increase on-time payments by letting customers securely store credit cards at checkout or within customer accounts.

Payment reminders

Create standard payment reminders, or set up a custom workflowusing Shopify Flow, to email customers as payments become due or overdue.

Invoices for draft orders

Create draft orders on behalf of your customers, then easily collect payment by sending invoices directly from the admin.

Due-on-fulfillment payment terms

Let customers know that payment is due after you’ve fulfilled their order, either by default or for one-off orders.

New B2B APIs and compatible apps

Use our suite of B2B APIsto create the custom solutions your wholesale business needs like collecting order notes, packaging and delivery instructions at checkout, or even building B2B loyalty programs. Or customize your experience with B2B-compatible apps.

A terminal window displays code for an endpoint in the new B2B Catalogs API.

Find & engage customers

In this competitive landscape, it’s important to create strong customer relationships. Make your marketing budget go further with the right tools to target, reach, and re-engage high-value customers.

Leverage creator partnerships with Shopify Collabs

Build authentic relationships usingour creator platformto drive sales. Recruit creators using a branded application page or search for the right fit for your community in our creator database. Manage relationships, send gifts, and track affiliate offers—all in one place.

A woman in a brown, long sleeve sweater sits at a table with a laptop and describes how the latest in Shopify Collabs helps brands connect with creators and their communities. Beside the speak is a profile picture of a woman holding a camera with information about her location, number of followers, and a link to view her application.

Acquire new customers with Shop Cash campaigns

Grow your business sustainably with a pay-per-sale acquisition program that lets you boost the Shop Cash customers earn onShop Paypurchases. Exclusive to Shopify Plus.

A laptop is open, displaying the user interface of the Shopify admin. The Facebook, Google, and Pinterest channels are enlarged and ready to be set up, while the logos for the three brands float next to the device.

Audiences extends to the Google network and Pinterest

Shopify Audienceshelps you find high-intent buyers and increases the likelihood of conversions. Now you can automatically create, export, and refresh store-specific audiences to use across the Google Ad network and Pinterest in addition to the Facebook channel.

Performance Max by Google

Maximize your reach and drive sales across Google channels like search, YouTube, and the web by running Performance Max campaigns.

Capture emails with Shopify Forms

Collect information from high-intent shoppers with customizablecapture forms, including forms that let buyers sign in with Shop. Then market to your list with discounts, automations, and more.

A module to log in with email or sign up for an account sits in front of a mobile device. The device displays a message to sign in to the store using the saved credentials or face identification. An icon with a person and key in purple is in the background.

Secure authentication with passkeys

Offer customers an easier and more secure way to access authenticated shopping experiences.Passkeysare integrated with customers’ Shop accounts and work across the Shop app, Shop Pay, and checkout.

一个深蓝色的男人,坐在长袖毛衣a table with a laptop and describes how new re-engagement marketing automations work. A module appears beside him with an illustrated product page and the words “abandoned product browse” on it. Another module has an illustrated shopping cart and the words “abandoned checkout” on it. A third module has an illustration of an open letter and percentage symbol on it.

Marketing automations for re-engagement

Set upmarketing automationsto email customers who abandon a cart or checkout, or who browse products without buying. Easily add these new automations to your existing workflows in Shopify Email.

Customize Shopify Email templates

Add acustom Liquid sectionto any Shopify Email template to create custom fonts, images, buttons, and more.

Express checkout buttons in Shopify Email

Encourage more sales from your customers’ inbox by including aShop Pay checkout buttonin any email campaign.

Shopify Inbox now on Shop and Instagram

Usechat across Shop and Instagramto share products and close sales with customers. In addition, you can now view live shopping activity in real time from your online store, so you can turn more conversations into sales.

Segment customers with new filters

Discover powerful insights about your customers by creating segments based on who received or opened an email, purchased a specific product, and more. Then reach out with personalized campaigns to drive sales.

Merge duplicate customer profiles

合并重复的客户档案,以确保你have the most accurate view of your buyers without losing important historical data.

A laptop shows a customer’s order page on a store with modules for current and previous orders. One module is enlarged to show an order with information about the delivery status, a button to buy it again, and a button to manage the order.

Let shoppers manage orders and returns with new customer accounts

Give your customers the power to review orders and manage returns with a customer account that doesn’t make them memorize another password. Customers will soon be able to use passkeys to sign in with their Shop credentials.

Create tokengated experiences

Distribute your own unique NFTs, then create exclusive perks and experiences that recognize and reward your loyal token holders.

Understand buyer behavior with pixels

Power your marketing and analytics with secure and accurate customer behavior data that respects their privacy, and manage it all from your admin.

More powerful marketing insights

Make your marketing dollars go further with insights from new marketing KPIs, channel performance reports, and attribution data that’s automatically collected from UTMs and other signals—now all available in Shopify.

Data-sharing with ad platforms

Improve your return on ad spend with a wider range of high-quality customer data shared between Shopify and partners like Pinterest and Meta.

Fulfill & deliver

No matter what fulfillment looks like for your business, we’ve got the simple and affordable logistics solutions you need.

Logistics that drive conversion

Drive sales by up to 25% with faster delivery and pre-approved access toShop Promise. Build trust by automatically presenting reliable delivery dates on your storefront, powered by our intelligent software and physical network.

  • Get prioritized placement, storage, and delivery in our network of 20+ distribution hubs and fulfillment centers with zero capital investment needed.
  • Businesses of all sizes can access any logistics service, on demand, exactly when and where they need it.
A woman smiles while looking down at a device. She’s surrounded by modules that are connected with a dotted line, including information about her inventory, total orders, and inbound transfers activity. A Shop Promise badge icon is in front of a pink shoe that’s showing as a fulfilled order.

Freight and inventory inbounding

Move a single pallet or an entire container through ports and within our network of fulfillment centers, powered byFlexportand our nationwide freight services.

Data-driven inventory distribution

Be ready for spikes in customer demand and sales, and maintain fast delivery through our network that perfectly positions products closest to buyers. Ramp up or down and shift business between DTC and B2B.

Configurable logistics

Choose from services like freight, fulfillment, storage, prep, and returns. Pay for what you use and change your usage as your business evolves.

Advanced returns functionality

Streamline returns with three-day processing, product repackaging, and photos for damaged items. Now you can offer instant exchanges and credits through ourLoop Returnsintegration.

一个深蓝色的男人,坐在长袖毛衣a table with a laptop and describes how the new smart order routing tool helps businesses ship orders from the most optimal location. A module beside him showcases options to minimize split fulfillments and ship from the closest location.

Smart order routing

Whether you’re managing your own locations or partially outsourcing fulfillment, now you can reduce shipping costs and ship faster by routing orders to the most optimal location. Prioritize certain locations over others or those within the customer’s country to avoid duties and customs fees.

Enhanced inventory tracking

In addition to available, incoming, and committed inventory states, now get a real-time, accurate view ofon hand and unavailable quantitiesacross your locations within Shopify to minimize lost sales, misplaced stock, and over-ordering.

Improved inventory accuracy across platforms

Access the new Inventory States API to sync your on hand and unavailable quantities within Shopify and across external platforms and locations.


Speed up your fulfillment process with enhanced bulk actions and Shopify Flow’s fulfillment automations. Now you can eliminate repetitive tasks when preparing your orders for shipment and prioritize fulfillment by delivery destination.

Customer self-serve returns

Let customers request and manage returns—and in the future, exchanges—directly from your online store using their customer account. Improve the customer experience and build loyalty with easier returns.

New APIs for returns management

Developers can provide businesses better data continuity across systems and returns apps, giving them greater visibility and control over their returns.

一个模块显示发货服务的细节selected and options for shipping insurance. A summary next to the module shows the shipping label price and insurance included for no extra cost. Shipping boxes are floating in the background.

Shipping insurance is included

Protect your shipments from damage, loss, and even porch pirates. Shipping insurance of up to $200 is now included with each eligible label—at no cost to you.

Exclusive rates with Shopify Shipping

Save on shipping with exclusive rate discounts for USPS, Canada Post, DPD, and DHL Express.

Shipping improvements in Canada

Businesses using Canada Post can now access improved rates with Shopify Shipping or choose to offer their own rates at checkout. Businesses who want even more options can now work directly with UPS Canada.

Shopify Shipping expands to Italy and Spain

Now Italian and Spanish businesses can easily ship domestic orders with Poste Italiane in Italy and with Correos in Spain.

Run your business

Managing your business can be challenging and time-consuming, but Shopify makes it easy with powerful management tools that help you do more with less.

Granular permissions

Introducing 10 new granular permissions, including view-only permissions, so store owners have better control over staff access to products and can delegate more confidently. Additionally on Shopify Plus, businesses can now duplicate an existing role and assign it from their organization admin.

Event webhooks

The audit events webhook lets you easily access Admin API activity logs on your store, send them to GCP or AWS, and then route the data to your provider of choice without having to contact Shopify IT for a manual pull. Exclusive to Shopify Plus.

Metafields enhancements for back office

Now you can use thebulk editorto create, edit, and delete values of metafields with definitions on products.

Scheduling with Shopify Flow

Schedule an automation of nearly any task or process for a specific time of day, week, or month to do more with the apps you’re already using, and fetch data to simplify reporting—all without touching a single line of code.

Shopify Flow OpenAI connector

With a new branded OpenAI action, now you can use Shopify Flow to send text prompts and configuration parameters to GPT, and get back AI-generated text. Streamline messaging and content in your workflows.

Consolidated admin domains

Access your store(s) through a single point of entry, and navigate the admin faster with reduced page load times.

A module showcases the new alerts feed, including timing of alerts and several individual notifications. A bar at the top of the module displays the account name and a bell with a number twelve in a red circle.

Shopify Alerts

Never miss critical business notifications with the new alerts feed located directly in the admin. Only staff with the required permissions to perform the tasks will receive relevant alerts. So those who need to know are notified about important updates, and others can continue working as usual.

New index page design

We’ve improved the quality of the index page experience in the admin by reducing layers and consolidating the interface, creating a consistent system that works across all index pages.

A man in a purple, long sleeve shirt sits at a table with a laptop and explains the latest updates to ShopifyQL Notebooks. A module beside him showcases a graph that displays total sales and total previous sales for set period of time.

ShopifyQL Notebooks

Make better business decisions by exploring and analyzing your data, visualizing your growth, and creating custom reports—all powered by our intelligent query language that understands commerce. Write your data story with ShopifyQL Notebooks. Exclusive to Shopify Plus.

  • Explore new datasets with a better editor experience and assistive functionality with smart defaults.
  • Use presentation mode to share your data story.
  • Developers can now build apps or custom solutions for businesses with access tothe ShopifyQL Stable API.

Improved reporting for better insights

Discover your most loyal customers with the new cohort analysis, which helps you identify key drivers for improving customer retention over time. Find the answers you’re looking for faster with the new reports index, and usecomparisonsto analyze performance over previous time periods.

一个深蓝色的男人,坐在长袖毛衣a table with a laptop and explains the features of the new product Shopify Tax. A module beside him has an information icon with the words “you may have a sales tax liability in US states” on it. There are also flag icons with states’ names on them beside him.

Shopify Tax

Sales tax in the United States is complicated.Shopify Taxhandles the complexity for you.

  • Stay on top of tax obligations with a state-by-state overview, and automatically apply the right rates at the right time, even as local rules and rates change.
  • Take control of your sales tax collection, and get insights about it from your Shopify admin.

Shopify Balance app

Now you can manage your business finances easily and securely while on the go with theShopify Balance app. Then close your books even faster with accounting integrations like Freshbooks, Bench, Sage, and more.

Shopify Capital extends to Australia

Eligible Australians can now access funding without waiting in line at a bank, giving up equity, or doing tedious paperwork.

A mobile device shows an online store’s home page with options to save or exit the preview at the top of the page. The Shopify mobile app user interface for the online store editor sits next to the device, displaying a menu of many customizable sections.

Shopify mobile app improvements

Set up, grow, and run a world-class commerce businessfrom your phone.

  • Easily edit and update the look of your store with the online store editor. Take product images with your phone, and follow an intuitive flow to create new products and set up variants.
  • Automate your marketingand create branded emails using a variety of templates, or build custom emails on the go with2022欧宝娱乐苹果下载 .
  • Quickly and accurately update inventory, and get an at-a-glance view of your store’s performance.
A desktop and mobile device showcase the home page for the redesigned Shopify App Store.

Redesigned Shopify App Store

It’s easier than ever to choose the right apps to extend your store and confidently achieve your business goals.

  • Find exactly what you’re looking for with personalized recommendations, related searches, and easy-to-scan app listings.
  • Learn how to solve every business challenge with new navigation and app categories that offer more education.
  • Find out whatother businesses are usingto get inspired, and discover new high-quality apps that can help your business grow.

Build with us

Built by developers for businesses of all sizes, the Shopify platform is always evolving. Our latest releases help speed up your build and give you more ways to customize commerce.

Hydrogen 2: built on Remix

Build performant, dynamic, and unique storefronts faster with Hydrogen and Remix.

  • Hydrogen features a new Storefront API client to make querying simple, starter templates and an upgraded CLI to get building faster, and Remix-optimized components.
  • Leverage the open-sourceRemix frameworkand the power of the edge for improved performance with advancements like optimistic UI, nested routing, and progressive enhancement.
  • Catch errors with improved TypeScript and IntelliSense support, ESLint support, and improved resilience across the framework.

Oxygen hosting available to more plans

Get optimized performance and deploy Hydrogen-based storefronts globally with one click—for no extra cost—on our built-in hosting platform. Available to all plans except Starter.

Use Hydrogen with more React frameworks

Bring some of the best parts of Hydrogen to more React frameworks like Next.js and Gatsby. The Hydrogen React library includes components like cart and Shop Pay and, for the first time to custom storefronts, Shopify Analytics.

Lightning-fast Storefront API

Now theStorefront APIis rendered globally to the edge, enabling fast load speeds on every device. It also supports private authentication for building server-side applications without limits.

Easy storefront prototyping with sample data

Quickly spin up a proof-of-concept storefront without having to set up a shop or run any server-side code. Use our simple API to query sample products, variants, carts, and more to instantly experience headless commerce on Shopify.

A browser window shows an online store with a product image on the left and cart sidebar open to the right. The cart includes recommended products the customer can add to their purchase directly from the cart.

Globally deployed Shopify Cart

Built on the same infrastructure as our storefronts,Shopify Cartis deployed globally to the edge for faster response times.

  • Rolling out in phases, carts are interoperable across your storefronts, so you can run a shared cart across experiences like mobile and web.
  • Use metafields to extend the cart schema with custom values that power unique logic on checkout or trigger a checkout extension.

Build for millions of buyers with Shop Minis

Build and integrate your experiences directly into the Shop app with our React Native SDK. Get started with just one command, and use pre-built components like search, product pages, and cart to make an incredible mobile shopping experience.

Mobile devices showcase content and shopping experiences created in the Shop app by Shop Minis. A mobile device in the center displays the interface for building Shop Minis, including examples and components.
A man wearing glasses and a black shirt sits at a table with a laptop and explains the latest updates to Shopify Functions and checkout UI extensions. A terminal window appears beside him with coded functions.

Extend your checkout

WithShopify Functionsand checkout UI extensions, you can customize Shopify’s backend to alter the look, feel, and behavior of your checkout experience. Build the product bundles, order routing logic, checkout and cart validation rules, or delivery and payment options you need.

Introducing JavaScript for Shopify Functions

Functions can now be written in JavaScript in addition to any other language that can compile to WebAssembly.

New APIs for checkout UI extensions

Checkout UI extensions now support authenticated network calls, direct querying of the Storefront API, and applying discount codes and gift cards using new APIs.

Build apps for the checkout editor

Create apps that let Shopify Plus businesses add product offers, custom fields, loyalty programs, and more to their checkout. Businesses can configure this custom content directly in the drag-and-drop checkout editor.

UI extensions are now available for the order status page

Build apps that extend the functionality of the order status page. Add referral codes, product reviews, and more after a purchase. Extensions are upgrade-safe and can be configured by businesses without touching a line of code.

A terminal window displays code that uses metaobjects to create a campaign banner. A module with a woman wearing sunglasses surrounded by orange flowers sits next to the terminal and displays content about a spring sale, including a button to start shopping.

Create custom data models with metaobjects

由metafields供电,使用metaobjects创建custom content like product highlights and extend your back office data with custom objects like product materials. When building apps, control who can access yourmetafieldsand metaobjects through a reserved namespace.

A terminal window displays code to create tokengated commerce experiences. A multi-colored, prismatic shape sits behind a module that includes a button to connect a wallet in order to unlock a product using tokens.

Build with Shopify Blockchain

Use robust APIs and UI components to develop your next token-powered experience. Build apps that target specific audiences, drive engagement with exclusive perks, fuel customer loyalty, and foster brand collabs.

The logo for Commerce Components by Shopify is connected by dotted lines to an infinity symbol, which connects by dotted lines to a puzzle piece icon. The Shopify Plus logo is connected by dotted lines to a 10x, which connects by dotted lines to a puzzle piece icon.

Increased API rate limits

As businesses grow, they need to scale their tech stack. We’re providing unthrottled API calls for our newly launchedCommerce Components by Shopifyand increasing standard Admin API rate limits by 10x for Shopify Plus.

Shopify CLI improvements

Shopify CLI 3 can now integrate into your CI/CD pipeline to perform actions like pushing, pulling, and publishing a theme. When writing Liquid code, the updated CLI suggests context-aware autocompletion and in-line documentation. Also, when building apps, you have flexibility to bring your own tunnel.

Simplify webhook testing via CLI

Easily trigger delivery of a sample payload for any Admin API webhook event topic with a single CLI command. Experiment with webhooks, test your endpoints, and verify that your app uses the payload as expected.

Customer data protection by default

Protect personal customer data with default redacting in APIs and the ability to apply for necessary access throughout the life of your app.

Robust test data for development stores

Now you can populate your store with test data in a single click, so you can start developing your app or theme faster. This data includes the most common commerce resources and configurations to make testing and debugging easier.

Make your app shine

  • TheBuilt for Shopify programoffers great visibility and growth for apps that meet the high-quality standards Shopify has for commerce experiences. Get guidance on building great apps and improved performance reporting, then apply to join the program for special treatment in the Shopify App Store.
  • Get your app in front of the right brands with self-categorization and aredesigned app listingthat’s optimized to convert.
  • Easily access key information about your apps, including revenue, API health, and progress toward earning app highlights in the improvedapp overview pagein the Partner Dashboard.
A blue gem next to the words “Built for Shopify” sits beside a laptop, which showcases a redesigned Shopify App Store listing. The app listing includes the branded gem icon above the app name and in the highlights section.

Choose your components

The Shopify platform is built on a collection of underlying components that power millions of businesses around the world. Now we’re making those components available to the world’s largest retailers.

Introducing Commerce Components

Commerce Components by Shopify gives you the choice to build and integrate your commerce stack, your way. Choose from modular components, integrate them with your existing services, and create commerce experiences that convert.

绿色Shopify袋展开成许多几何shapes that are linked together. The shapes multiply and populate regions across a globe, then transform into a stack of three squares with the Shopify logo in front. A narrator describes the new Commerce Components by Shopify offering for enterprise retail.

Globally scaled infrastructure

Build faster on the most widely scaled commerce infrastructure, and get an edge-deployed cart that seamlessly integrates with your existing sites.

Build with choice

Choose from more than 30 components, including the world’s best-converting checkout, and use flexible APIs with no rate limits to create unparalleled customer experiences.

World-class ecosystem

We’re invested in your success with dedicated account teams, 24/7/365 technical support, and the largest ecosystem in commerce.

Product list

Experience our powerful global infrastructure

The world’s best checkout keeps getting better

Help customers buy with confidence

Optimize every aspect of your store for sales

More ways to sell your products

Fully integrated in-person selling

Engage customers and keep them coming back

Multiply your sales channels, not workload

Localization and centralized operations with Markets

All the power of Shopify Markets and more

Customize the B2B buying experience

Flexibility and control over checkout

Streamline your payment process

Build custom solutions

Reach and connect with the right customers

Turn browsers into loyal customers

Analyze and optimize your marketing funnel

Fully outsource your logistics

Manage orders, inventory, and returns

Prep and ship every order with Shopify Shipping

An efficient and automated admin experience

More powerful and flexible analytics

Manage, account for, and grow your money

Do more with powerful apps

Build headless commerce faster

Extend our platform and customize commerce

New and improved tools help you build faster

Stand out in the Shopify App Store

Get greater access to our platform

The composable stack for enterprise retail