Display your store policies and other legal information

Merchants who sell in France often add pages to display the following types of legal information:

Pages to display to include legal information.
Page Description
Terms of Service Rules that customers must follow to use your service.
Terms of sale 买方和卖方之间的通用协议f goods or services.
Legal notice Information about your company, such as the name, address, and contact details.

You can create pages for the following store policies in the Shopify admin:

  • Terms of service
  • Terms of sale
  • Legal notice

You need to create your own store policies. Contact a local legal expert for help.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Policies.

  2. Enter your store policies.

  3. ClickSave.

When you add your store policies, they are automatically linked in the footer of your checkout pages. You can alsolink to the policies from your online store navigation.

Add custom pages to display legal information

You can create webpages in your Shopify admin. Webpages contain information that rarely changes or that customers reference often, like an "About us" page or a "Contact us" page.

Learn how toadd pages to your online store, andlink those pages in your store navigation.

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