Introduce your business and tell us your story: How did you decide on what to sell, and how did you source your products?

We wanted to create high quality candles made from locally sourced beeswax without the added oils or fragrances. People wanted a healthy alternative to other wax candles (which produce toxic fumes) that were kind to families and the planet. We hand craft everything we sell. We source our beeswax locally to ensure the quality and sustainability of our candles,

How did you earn your first sales? Which channels are now generating the most traffic and sales for you?

Our sales come mostly from word of mouth but social media is also important to show-off our latest products. About 53% of our traffic is direct and we feel our contact with clients at markets and events boosts this. Word of mouth is also a part of this figure. Organic search is 40%, so our SEO is working thanks to the simplicity of Shopify's backend features. More blog posts this year have helped. We try to answer common questions we are asked when we meet people in the blog.

Tell us about the back-end of your business. What tools and apps do you use to run your store? How do you handle shipping and fulfillment?

Mailchimp saves a huge amount of time managing our mailing list. Product Options from Bold is starting to help boost sales. This allows customers to add extras plus gives us more options on one page. We are a micro family business so everyone packs and prints labels in our home workshops.

What are your top recommendations for new store owners?

Focus on your products descriptions - tell stories about how your products are used and why. Also take great photos and keep the fresh. Also keep updating your site and write a blog at least once a month (I wish I had time for more) answer any questions your customers might have in your blog. Keep smiling… it will work for you if you are honest with you clients and offer high quality products.

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