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Introducing: And Nowhere Else

Collage of illustrated cities

Home. It’s a physical location, but also a feeling. When the place we call home is also the place where we work and create, it defines us as much as we define it. Makers and founders everywhere are at the heart of the communities where they do business. This series, And Nowhere Else, examines the relationship between the places they live and what they choose to create.

Starting withKey West, we visit communities around the world—small towns and large urban centers alike—to ask what makes each place unique? What does创业mean in downtownDetroit? Does it feel any different in the Canadian island community ofTofino?

The subjects in our stories feel lucky to live where they do, and it inspires their work, the materials they use, and the ways that they do business. In Key West, rum distiller Paul Menta cures his barrels in the ocean’s salty bounty, right at his doorstep. InKyoto, Ayumi Nicholas honors traditional Japanese handicraft in her kimono silk guitar straps. And inBoston, Hannah Blount draws from her seaside New England roots when designing her custom jewelry.

In this series, you’ll hear from Paul, Ayumi, Hannah, and other entrepreneurs about the uniqueness of the communities where they live and work. And, maybe their stories will inspire you to find your calling—in your own stomping ground, and nowhere else.
