How to Use Chatbots for Your Online Store

conversational commerce and chatbots

It’s hard to talk about "conversational commerce"—a concept coined by Uber'sChris Messinato describe the future of messaging apps—without mentioning chatbots.

Chatbots are essentially programs pretending to be people that you can interact with through text or even voice.

Essentially, you can talk to these AI chatbots in your messaging apps,much like you would any other contact in your list, to get the day's news or evenget something done.

In the context ofconversational commerce, where messaging apps become a bridge between consumers and businesses, chatbots seem to be the best answer forecommerce businessowners to manage thousands of one-to-one conversations with customers.

But for many online business owners who don't need to manage that many customer conversations at a time, "outsourcing" customer support to a robot just isn't worth sacrificing the quality of each individual shopper's experience or what you as a business owner could learn from them.

These smaller online businesses are often run by one or two people who, thanks to a bit ofautomation, are more than capable of juggling several conversations with their customers at any given time.

And with examples like Microsoft’scontroversial twitter bot Taydemonstrating the current state of AI, you might be hesitant to completely trust a bot with something as important as providing good customer service.

Instead, ecommerce businesses should look at conversational commerce as an opportunity to couple intimacy and automation to help themdeliver a morepersonalcustomer experience through messaging apps.

Conversational commerce is bringing back the business-to-customer dialogue where it’s been missing most: shopping online.

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Turn chats into sales with Shopify Inbox

Shopify Inbox is a free app that lets you chat with shoppers in real-time, see what’s in their cart, share discount codes, create automated messages, and understand how chats influence sales right from your Shopify admin.

Discover Shopify Inbox

Customer Service: Where businesses still need a human touch

While the chatbot hasn’t evolved to the point where it could completely pass for a real person yet, the messaging app has evolved to improve a part of business that never quite carried over from brick-and-mortar to the online store:Sales and customer support.

And it’s only possible now because messaging apps as a whole have experiencedexplosive growthcompared to most social apps, offering users a more engaged and private communication channel than any social network.

Among these messaging apps, Facebook Messenger presents one of the largest opportunities right now.

Since its launch in 2011, Facebook Messenger has grown to900 million users,远远超过其他消息传递应用程序。那makes it one of the best platforms for businesses looking to explore conversational commerce as a channel for selling to and supporting customers directly.

Add the Messenger Channel to your Shopify store for a direct line to your customers!

With the Messenger Channel, you can add a "Message Now" button throughout your store and give customers the option to get order notifications through Facebook Messenger.

Now available in the US, UK, Canada and Australia.

Integrating Facebook Messenger as a channel gives you a persistent line of communication that customers can access when they visit your website—creating a conversation that stays with them as they move from desktop to tablet to smartphone in a multi-device world.

conversational commerce


In one chat with a customer, you can:

  • Help someone make a purchase decision.
  • Handle any objections personally.
  • Upsell or cross-sell other products.
  • Offer discount codes.
  • Answer questions about “out of stock” products and notify customers when they're available again.
  • Get customer feedback.
  • Deliver shipping notifications.
  • ...All at the fast pace of instant messaging.

conversational commerce

By coupling hands-on service with some degree of automation—shipping notifications and auto-responders, for example—you can manage customer relationships more easily and on a more personal level.

这并不是说机器人没有在普杜拉。布辛ess. Far from it—chatbots are already fulfilling their promise of creating more time for business owners, albeit in a different way.

Marketing and operations: Where bots are at their best

While chatbot AI isn’t quite smart enough to become the “face” of your brand in a sales or customer service role, itisat a point where it can take on some of the many burdens that come with running a business—particularly when it comes to executing tasks for marketing and operations.

While many chatbots out there leave a lot to be desired, the best ones right now work because they serve a specialized function.

These bots usually offer a user experience that starts you off with a few options or yes/no questions, before branching off to ask you further questions as required or executing an action based on the information that it's gathered.

TheNBA's Messenger bot, for example, offers video highlights and answers to questions about recent games. TheCNN news bot, similarly, will give you a quick summary about the day’s top news stories if you ask it.

But for businesses, it’s the concierge-style task fulfillment—duties usually outsourced to virtual assistants—where bots can offer the most utility.

TakeKit, for example, a virtual employee recently acquired by Shopify.

Kit conversational commerce

Instead of an app for every task, Kit can interact with different apps on your behalf. All you need to do is say the word and approve the action to do anything from:

  • Create Facebook and Instagram ads with accurate audience targeting.
  • Post new products or sales to your Facebook page.
  • Send personalized 'Thank You' emails to customers.
  • Create business reports for a quick look at your sales stats.
  • Turn a 5-Star customer review into an ad.
  • And other things that would take some time out of your day to execute.

In this context, chatbots like Kit can give business owners back their time—time they can then spend focusing on other things.

Hire Kit, your own virtual employee, for free!

Chat with Kit via SMS, Facebook Messenger or Telegram to delegate time-consuming tasks and help you run your online store—from running Facebook ads to sending "thank you" emails to customers.

Conversational commerce is changing ecommerce

The easiest way to think of "conversational commerce" is as a way to turn dialogue—the natural back-and-forth exchange of information—into a way for people, apps, businesses and bots to interface with each other in meaningful ways.

While the concept of building artificially intelligent chatbots isn’t new, the amount of attention, buy-in and innovation around them at present is a product of messaging apps overtaking social networks when it comes to where we actively invest our time.

Because when you think about it, the deepest and most personal form of engagement a customer can have with a business online isn't a Like on Facebook, an email opt-in or even a purchase.

It’s aconversation.

What are Chatbots FAQ

What are chatbots used for?

Chatbots are used to automate customer service conversations, provide personalized customer service, respond to frequently asked questions, and even help customers find the right products and services. Chatbots can also be used to provide entertainment such as virtual assistants, interactive stories, and virtual agents.

What are chatbots example?

  • Siri (Apple)
  • Alexa (Amazon)
  • Cortana (Microsoft)
  • Google Assistant
  • Facebook Messenger Bot
  • Slack Bot
  • Telegram Bot
  • WeChat Bot
  • Uberbot
  • Pandora Bot

What are the 4 types of chatbots?

  • Rule-based chatbots: These use a set of rules and predetermined responses to answer user queries.
  • AI-based chatbots: These use artificial intelligence (AI) to understand user input and provide relevant responses.
  • Natural language processing (NLP)-based chatbots: These use advanced algorithms to understand user input and respond accordingly.
  • Self-learning chatbots: These use machine learning algorithms to improve their responses over time based on user feedback.

What is chatbot in simple words?

A chatbot is a computer program that simulates conversation with a user through text or audio. It is designed to understand human language and respond in a natural, conversational way.