Sell on TikTok

Tell your brand story and connect with the next generation of highly engaged shoppers.

A young female smiling in a TikTok video. An interface showing beauty products for sale in a TikTok shop.

An audience that's ready to buy

Sell on TikTok where 1 in 4 viewers have purchased or researched a product after watching.

Content that keeps on giving

Invest in making quality content — it may take off now or later, depending on TikTok trends.

And, one place to manage it all

使销售TikTok并使用Shopify马nage orders, returns, and payments.

In-feed ads

Create ads that don't feel like... well, ads

Content they won’t skip

43% of heavy TikTok users feel that the “advertising” on TikTok blends in with the content.

A desire to discover

Half of TikTok viewers report discovering new products through ads posted by brands.

Auto-generated TikToks

Upload product images and TikTok’s Video Generator tool can create content for your ads in minutes.

Smart performance campaigns

Create your first ad campaign and reach your ideal audience with TikTok’s first fully automated easy-to-use ad solution.

Resources to get you going

An interface on a peach background of the Shopify admin marketing tools for TikTok.

Follow our step-by-step guide to start advertising on TikTok

Learn more
An interface of a TikTok video showing a woman in a floor-length green dress, next to other videos highlighting jewelry.

Read more about the TikTok + Shopify integration

Learn more
An illustration of a desert background with a floating TikTok logo and a phone showcasing two figures dancing.

Learn how to leverage organic and paid TikTok content

Learn more
Two beauty products lying on a pink background, including pimple patches and acne serum.

Case study

Hear how Peace Out Skincare found success on TikTok.

Advertising with TikTok has 'hockey-sticked' our growth. Seriously, we can't stay in stock! TikTok has allowed us to get in front of the world.

Tai Adaya


Habit logo

Learn more about selling on TikTok

Start selling on TikTok

Create a TikTok account, connect to Shopify, and get your products in front of a brand new audience.