我有一个完整的系统来销售数字产品,但没有一个产品。ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址就在那时,我注意到了数码摄影行业的一个趋势。我的妻子是一名摄影师和全职妈妈。当时她主要是为客户拍照。我问她是否可以为摄影师创建数字资源和在线教程,剩下的就是历史了!一切都是我们自己做的。这只是血汗权益。我们从无到有地创造了一些东西,我知道如果我们能以高于市场成本的价格出售它,我们就会很成功。ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址我们专注于数字资源,因为我们有一个大家庭。五个男孩和我们自己,我们喜欢旅行,玩音乐和收集第一次的经历。 So we wanted a business that would allow us to be digital nomads. Digital resources for photographers was perfect because automation would allow us to scale easily. It was a lot of work up front but since then we have traveled the entire US with our kids. Oregon, Florida, Colorado, Michigan, Texas is where we have lived over the last seven years.
当我们刚开始的时候,我们有2OB欧宝娱乐APP4个博客订阅者(大部分是家庭成员),我们在Facebook上有900个粉丝。我们平均每个月能从杰基的摄影作品中得到500到1000美元。我们把我们的营销系统集中在一起,主要是通ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址过Facebook建立列表,并将流量引导到我们的博客和Shopify商店。刚开始的时候,我们每个月只需OB欧宝娱乐APP要24美元就能经营整个公司。两年多后的今天,我们有了27000个博客订阅者和96000个Facebook粉丝。我们在俄勒冈州希尔斯伯勒的小公寓里创办了公司,第一个月就赚了5600美元。对于一个多年来一直在贫困线附近勉强度日的员工家庭来说,这是一笔巨款。到目前为止,我们的最高月收益约为3万美元。当我们开始在FaOB欧宝娱乐APPcebook上做广告时,我们的业务就开始起飞了。我们过去每周在Facebook广告上花费25美元,但现在每天在Facebook和其他重定向广告上花费250- 350美元。Facebook绝对是流量和销售的第一名。 Our email subscribers list is a strong second. We are noticing a growing trend of Instagram followers that is exploding as well. We partner with other businesses, platforms, and forums as often as we can since this gets us in front of new eyes all the time. In October, Jackie has been invited to teach at a conference in San Antonio, TX where photographers from all over will fly in to learn from the pros like my wife! She has also been published dozens of times on other sites and blogs that our target market frequents.
我的天,好了。Shopify, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads(强大的编辑器),AdRoll,一系列的社交网站,主要有Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, FB Business Page, Optimizley, Yotpo, Friendbuy, Fliptabify, WishList, Bulk折扣,Instant Search +,放弃保护,Persistent Cart, Better Coupon Box, Exit Offers, Tidio Chat, Facebook Product Feed, QuickBooks, MadMimi, HeyCarson, Google Drive,我相信还有更多我没有想到的。都是数字化和自动化的。我不处理它,技术为我做:)sendow通过电子邮件和下载页面完成我们的订单。
要么学营销,ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址要么去死。要么分化,要么死亡。自动化或满足于更少。不惜一切代价让你的客户满意。给予,给予,给予,直到受伤,即使他们不感激和抱怨也要给予。如果你给予,给予,并继续给予,你会很好。此外,你还会接触到一些狡猾的营销公司,他们说你玩得很好。ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址让我告诉你一个我从经验中知道的小秘密:那些爱开玩笑的人只是推销员,他们想赚点钱,这样他们就可以买他们的激光飞船了。没有人比你更关心你的业务,大多数营销公司对你的客户、他们的历史、他们的趋势或他们的需求一无所知。ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址如果他们告诉你他们只是需要更多的预算,他们可以把你送到月球上,跑吧! Never stop learning, become a student of business, marketing and of your customers wants, needs and dislikes. Remember this: The difference between wildly successful people and average people is that average people fail. They hit a wall and decide it is impossible to win or succeed. So they give up and move on to something else or they retreat back to the old cubicle and beg their boss for a J.O.B. (just over broke). Successful people hear that voice too, but they tell it to shut the hell up and get motivated even more. Wildly successful people don't fail, they hit obstacles. Then they find a way to climb over, get around, dig under or plow through the obstacle to get to their goal. There have been at least 4 or 5 times where for an entire week I wanted to slingshot my laptop into the ocean and call it quits. Times where I longed for the false saftey of the 9-to-5 life. But nowhere else am I able to bring all my passion, creativity, growth and potential to bear than being in business for myself. You just can't give up. So turn off the damn TV, stop looking at videos on Facebook and YouTube, grab a cup of coffee and get to work! I like the Fara Grey quote, "Go and build your dream, or someone else will hire you to build theirs."