Sell where people search on Google

Get your products in front of new shoppers who are looking for what you’re selling.

Don't have a Shopify store?
An image of a white man searching Google on his laptop with an empty coffee cup nearby. To the side of this image, there are two screenshots of the search results, showing product listings for watches with an “Add to cart” button underneath.

Sell across Google

List your products on Google platforms—Search, Shopping, Images, Lens, and YouTube.

Promote your products

Get started with free listings or create a Performance Max campaign that fits your budget.

Manage with Shopify

Showcase your products across Google while keeping Shopify as your back office to manage orders and inventory.

Get up and running in 3 steps

A person shopping on their phone.

1. Start your free trial

Don't have a Shopify store? Get started with a 3 free trial.

2. Install Google as a sales channel

添加谷歌Shopify承认作为一个销售渠道n and connect to your Google Merchant Center account.

3. Sync your products and start selling

Complete the Google sales channel setup and your products will be eligible to show up across Google.

Product feed

Sync your products to Google

An interface showing two different types of watches in Google ads.

Stay in sync

Make updates to your products in Shopify and sit back as they automatically sync with Google.

Rank on top

Improve your organic search ranking by providing detailed product data in Shopify.

Free listings

List your products for free

An interface showing the product details for a “Minimalist Dial Watch” on Google.

Show up everywhere

Showcase your products across Google—Search, Shopping, Images, Lens, and YouTube.

Increase traffic for free

达到新客户清单你的店铺的产品s for free on Google.

Performance Max

Reach the right customers where they shop with Performance Max

A group of images of different products and loading layouts.

Let Google work for you

Create your campaigns in Shopify, set a budget, and let Google's smart technology optimize your ad.

Maximize your reach

Access new inventory, formats, and audiences across all Google channels, included YouTube, Search, and the web.

Youtube Shopping

Turn viewers into shoppers

An interface showing makeup products for sale on a YouTube creator's video.

Instantly sync your products to YouTube

Add your products in seconds, ensuring that product details, such as imagery, pricing, and inventory stay in sync.

Create authentic live shopping experiences

Tag or pin products at key points in your live stream for a real-time, watch-to-shop experience.

An illustrated interface showing a watch for sale on Google.

Watch this 1-min video about selling on Google

Watch now
An interface showing search results on Google Shopping for headphones.

Read about free listings on our blog

Learn more
A snapshot of the cover of the 3-step guide to selling on Google.

Read about successful Performance Max campaigns

Learn more

The results of those first campaigns were mind-blowing.

Brett Gontarek

Pono Woodworks

Start selling on Google

To help you get started with Google Ads, enjoy $600 SGD in ad credit when you spend $600 SGD within 60 days.