Shop Pay
Meet the best-converting accelerated checkout
As much as 50% better conversion compared to guest checkout.§
Don't have a Shopify store?Start your trial—free

Convert better, everywhere
超过其他accelerated checkouts by at least 10%. Its mere presence drives a 5% lift in lower funnel conversion.§
Sell to 100M+ global shoppers
Promote your store, build retention, and reach new buyers with the Shop app.
Get it free with Shopify Payments
Set up Shopify Payments and automatically get Shop Pay—no additional fees.
Why merchants love Shop Pay

Boost conversions across channels
提供最好的加速Shopify我结帐rchants, available on your store, in the Shop app, Facebook, Instagram, and Google. Let your buyers speed through every purchase with one-tap checkout.
Build brand loyalty
Give buyers the best order tracking tool, at their fingertips. Track all Shop Pay purchases via the Shop app, from checkout to delivery. Plus, buyers using the Shop app have a 9% higher repurchase rate.
Integrate from any platform or app
Seamlessly integrate your store with Shop Pay, no matter where you sell online.

Sell anywhere with Shop Pay checkout links
Convert buyers in just 2 taps with a Shop Pay checkout link—no code required. Use dedicated links to create curated shopping experiences via email, chat, social media, your headless commerce site, and more.

Reduce your store’s carbon footprint
Every Shop Pay purchase removes carbon from the air—at no extra cost.
shop pay