Shop Pay
Meet the best-converting accelerated checkout
As much as 50% better conversion compared to guest checkout.§

Convert better, everywhere
Sell to 100M+ global shoppers
Get it free with Shopify Payments
Why merchants love Shop Pay

Boost conversions across channels
Build brand loyalty
Integrate from any platform or app

Offer buy now, pay later with Shop Pay Installments
Drive more sales and increase your average order value. Give shoppers more flexibility at checkout by letting them pay with interest-free payments, or monthly installments up to 24 months.*

Sell anywhere with Shop Pay checkout links
Convert buyers in just 2 taps with a Shop Pay checkout link—no code required. Use dedicated links to create curated shopping experiences via email, chat, social media, your headless commerce site, and more.

Reduce your store’s carbon footprint
Every Shop Pay purchase removes carbon from the air—at no extra cost.

Stop fraud and secure your business
Fulfill more orders with peace of mind. With Shopify Protect, you get built-in chargeback protection on all eligible Shop Pay transactions.†
shop pay
Frequently asked questions
- §Based on an external study completed with a Big Three global management consulting firm in April 2023.
- *4月的利率在0 - 36%example, a shopper’s $800 purchase might cost $66.67/mo over 12 months at 0% APR. Payment options through Shop Pay Installments are subject to eligibility and are provided by Affirm’s lending Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. More options may be available upon approval. State notices to
- †Terms and conditions apply. Coverage applies to US stores only.