Scan your inventory using the Shopify mobile app

您可以使用库存扫描仪扫描的产品barcodes and manage your store's inventory on your mobile or tablet device.

You can scan your product barcode to do the following:

  • assign a product barcode to an existing product in your online store
  • increase your product inventory quantity by one
  • adjust or set product inventory level

Considerations for using the inventory scanner

Before you start using the inventory scanner, review the following considerations:

  • Inventory scanner works only on iOS, iPadOS, and Android devices.
  • You need to have theShopify appinstalled on your mobile or tablet device.

Assign a product barcode to an existing product

You can scan a product barcode, and then assign the barcode to an existing product in your online store.


Increase product inventory quantity by one

If you want to increase your product inventory quantity by one, then you can scan a product barcode that's assigned to a product in your online store.


Adjust product inventory quantity by a specific amount

If you want to adjust your product inventory quantity, then you need to scan a product barcode that's assigned to a product in your online store, and then enter the amount of your product that you want to adjust.

For example, if you want to decrease your product inventory quantity by 5, then you need to enter-5.


Set new product inventory quantity

If you want to set a new product inventory quantity, then you need to scan a product barcode that's assigned to a product in your online store, and then enter the new product inventory quantity.

For example, you can set your product inventory quantity from 300 to 500.


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