Using ShopifyQL in Notebooks

ShopifyQL is Shopify’s query language built for commerce. Query languages are used to request and retrieve data from databases. You can useShopifyQLwith Shopify’s Notebooks app to explore your own business's database and retrieve the data that gives you a more in-depth understanding of your business.

For a full list of available values and dimensions that can be used in ShopifyQL Notebook queries, refer to theOrders schemaand theProducts schema.

ShopifyQL overview

Your store’s data is stored in database tables, structured in defined columns and rows. Columns define the type of information they contain, such as sales, and rows specify the actual value of the data type, such as 2,450 USD in sales.

To retrieve your data in a meaningful format, a query must be submitted to the database. A query is a question that’s asking for specific data as an answer. A query language, like ShopifyQL, is a standardized way of constructing that question. A query is made of keywords and their corresponding parameters. The combination of several keywords with specific parameters builds your query. After you’ve built your query, you can run it and receive an answer.

This is an example of ShopifyQL syntax, written out as a query. The keywords are bolded, their corresponding parameters are in brackets. The parameters shown here are placeholders:


Glossary of terms

Definitions of ShopifyQL terms
Term Definition
Dimension An attribute that segments data so that it can be sorted and presented more clearly. Common examples of dimensions include time, products, and places. Dimensions are used as parameters in ShopifyQL.
Keyword ShopifyQL syntax that acts as a command to direct your query.
Metric A quantitative measurement of data. Common examples of metrics include total sales, number of orders, and gross profit.
Parameter ShopifyQL syntax that identifies the database elements or details to be included in your query.

Keyword reference table

These are the keywords that you can use to write your query:

List of ShopifyQL keywords
Keyword Functional use
FROM Specifies which dataset table to select data from.
SHOW Selects the columns you want to extract from the dataset table.
VISUALIZE Displays your data in a line or bar visualization.
GROUP BY Groups the extracted data by a dimension or time dimensions.
WHERE Defines the condition or conditions that rows must satisfy to be selected.
SINCE Shows data since a specified time in the past.
UNTIL Shows data until a specified time in the past.
DURING Shows data since a specified time in the past.
COMPARE TO Shows data until a specified time in the past.
ORDER BY Specifies which column to order the data by.
LIMIT Limits the number of rows of data that are shown.
AS Renames a column to a name of your choosing.

Writing ShopifyQL queries

ShopifyQL queries can range from basic, for high-level data insights, to comprehensive, for detailed insights. Each keyword has a specific function that builds out your query.

ShopifyQL basics: FROM and SHOW

Creating the simplest ShopifyQL query only requires two keywords: FROM and SHOW, written in that order. FROM, followed by a table name parameter specifies which table you want to query. SHOW, followed by a column name parameter specifies the columns you want to select.

For example, you can list all product IDs and their corresponding titles from the sales table by writing this query:


Grouping data: GROUP BY

To segment ametricby adimension, such as group sales by region, use the GROUP BY keyword. The GROUP BY keyword can be paired with any dimension parameter.

For example, a query that groups total shipping prices by billing country and region is written as:


Here is another example query that uses atime dimensionto show net sales by month:


The above query doesn't return any months where you have no sales. If you want a query that returns a complete, uninterrupted time period, then use the ALL modifier:


When you use the ALL modifier, you need to also specifySINCEandUNTIL. Note the ALL modifier only works withtime dimension.

Time Dimensions

These are the time dimensions that you can use to group your data:

ShopifyQL time dimensions
Operator Functional use
hour Grouping by hour of calendar day.
day Grouping by calendar day.
week Grouping by calendar week.
month Grouping by calendar month.
quarter Grouping by calendar quarter.
一年 Grouping by calendar year.
hour_of_day Grouping by 24 hours (1,2,...,24).
day_of_week Grouping by day of week (M,T,W,...,S).
week_of_year Grouping by week of year (1,2,...,52).

Filtering Data: WHERE

在关键字允许您应用dimensional filter to an entire ShopifyQL query.

For example, if you want to return net sales, grouped by month, but only for a specific region, then your query is:


As you can see in the example above, you can filter the result set with the WHERE parameter even if that parameter isn't included in the SHOW or GROUP BY keywords. In this case, net sales is filtered over all months for orders with a billing address in Ohio only, even though billing_region isn't included in the result set.

Comparison operators

The WHERE keyword uses comparison operators to filter data. In the example above ‘=’ was used to specify that the query filters on a specific value, however, there are other operators available to you:

ShopifyQL comparison operators
Comparison operator Functional use
= equal to
!= not equal to
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to

Logical operators

To further filter your data, you can add logical operators to your query. The ShopifyQL logical operators are:

ShopifyQL logical operators
Logical operator Functional use
AND Filter to show all rows where the conditions separated by AND are satisfied.
OR Filter to show all rows where either of the conditions separated by OR are satisfied.
NOT Filter to only show rows where the conditions aren't satisfied, such as rows that don’t contain the specified value.

You can use multiple filters with the WHERE keyword by adding logical operators.

Adding to the example dataset query, to get a monthly grouping of net sales for all orders where the billing address was in Ohio and there was a discount applied , the query is:


Date ranges: SINCE and UNTIL

If you want to filter your query by a date or some time period, then you can use the SINCE and UNTIL keywords and their associated parameters. These keywords are unique because they only filter time periods.

For example, this is a query to find net sales over the last 12 months, in Canada, starting with today:


Offset operators

You can filter by specific dates, or by date offsets. The ShopifyQL offset operators are:

ShopifyQL offset operators
Offset operator Functional use
-{#}d Number of days ago from the day query is run.
-{#}w Number of weeks ago from the day query is run.
-{#}m Number of months ago from the day query is run.
-{#}q Number of quarters ago from the day query is run.
-{#}y Number of years ago from the day query is run.
yyyy-mm-dd A specific date.
today Date when the query is run.
yesterday The previous 24h period from the time the query is run.

Filtering on Date Ranges: DURING

The DURING keyword simplifies date filtering for date ranges. You can use the DURING keyword to filter the query results for a known time period such as a calendar year or specific month, or for date ranges that have different dates every year, such as Black Friday Cyber Monday. For example:


DURING accepts any of the following named date range operators:

ShopifyQL named date range operators
Date range operator Functional use
today The date when the query is run.
yesterday The previous 24h period from the time query is run.
this_week The current calendar week.
this_month The current calendar month.
this_quarter The current calendar quarter.
this_year The current calendar year.
last_week The previous calendar week.
last_month The previous calendar month.
last_quarter The previous calendar quarter.
last_year The previous calendar year.
bfcm2022 November 25 to November 28 2022.
bfcm2021 November 26 to November 29 2021.

Comparing across date ranges: COMPARE TO

The COMPARE TO keyword allows you to compare data across the date range in DURING, and the one in COMPARE TO. It accepts any of the named date range operators listed in theDURINGsection. The operator used by COMPARE TO must be the same length in time as the one used by DURING. For example,DURING this_week COMPARE TO last_weekis a valid combination butDURING this_week COMPARE TO last_monthis not.

The following example compares net sales during Black Friday Cyber Monday 2022 with Black Friday Cyber Monday 2021.


Sorting data: ORDER BY

You can specify how you want to sort the data returned by your query using the ORDER BY keyword, and its parameters: ASC, for ascending order, and DESC, for descending order.

You can specify any metric or dimension you’re including in your query in the ORDER BY keyword, including multiple fields.

For example, this query returns net sales for each billing country and region, sorted in reverse alphabetical order by billing country, and then by billing region within each country.


The order in which you write your metrics or dimension matters. If you specify multiple values for ORDER BY, then the sorting is applied to each metric or dimension in the order given.


The LIMIT keyword allows you to specify how many rows the query returns. This is useful when you simply want to understand the look of the data in each column. Or, you can combine it with ORDER BY to create top and bottom lists.

This example uses LIMIT and ORDER BY to create a list of top 10 selling products by quantity over the last 3 months:


Charting your queries: VISUALIZE and TYPE

The VISUALIZE keyword allows you to write a ShopifyQL query that displays data in a line or bar visualization.

The TYPE keyword is optional and must be accompanied by ‘line’ or ‘bar’ so that your query returns a visualization in either a line chart or bar chart, respectively. If TYPE isn’t included in your query, then ShopifyQL automatically decides the best visualization that suits your query. If your query can’t be visualized as written, then ShopifyQL returns tabular data.

For example, you can visualize your sales trend over the last year by month with a trend line. This query returns a time series chart displaying the gross sales by month over the last year. The gross sales are depicted by a single line, with the x-axis labeled as month and the y-axis labeled as gross sales:


Mathematical Operators

ShopifyQL allows arithmetic operations with the metrics in your data. The following mathematical operators are available:

ShopifyQL offset operators
Mathematical operator Functional use
+ Addition of two numbers.
- Subtraction of two numbers.
* Multiplication of two numbers.
/ Division of two numbers.

For example, this query calculates order value for each region over the last year. When using mathematical operators with metrics, you can use the AS keyword to assign a new name to the new metric.



ShopifyQL functions allow you to aggregate columns similar to pivot tables in Microsoft Excel. Aggregating columns means combining them to create a new value. The following function operators are available in the current version of ShopifyQL:

ShopifyQL offset operators
Function operator Functional use
count() Count of instances in result set.
sum() Summation of values in result set.
min() Minimum value in result set.
max() Maximum value in result set.
avg() Average value in result set.

Thesum,min,max, andavgfunctions can only be used with numerical values, whilecount可以用来计算不同实例啊f dimensional attributes. You can’t use aggregated fields as arguments in the functions. Aggregated fields end in_sum,_count, or_percent.

For example, this query returns an error since total_sales has already been aggregated:


Here is a valid query that mixes aggregated fields with aggregate functions:


This query returns the aggregated sum of average order value, gross sales sum as a result of thesumfunction. These metrics are broken down by billing region for all orders placed in 2021.


您可以使用注释来解释Shopif的部分yQL statements, or to prevent the execution of a ShopifyQL statement. Any text within a comment will be ignored during execution time.

Single line comments start with--and end at the end of the line.

Multi-line comments start with/*and end with*/.

FROMordersSHOWaverage_order_value,sum(gross_sales)-- the line below has been commented out and will not run-- GROUP BY billing_regionWHEREbilling_country='United States'/* this line and the two lines below it have been commented out and will not run SINCE 2021-01-01 UNTIL 2021-12-31 */
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