How to Start Your Own Brand From Scratch in 7 Steps

how to build a brand that differentiates you in the market

Building a brand from the ground up that stands out is no easy task.

“What should it look like?”

“How should it make people feel?”

“Will it resonate with my target audience?”

These are questions that inevitably come up when you start thinking about how to connect the dots between what you’re selling and who you’re trying to reach.

Whether you've got nothing but a business idea or want to pivot your existing brand, here's what you need to know about building a strong brand identity for your business.

What exactly is a “brand”?

A brand isn’t just a recognizable name and logo that distinguishes you in a crowded market.

Your brand is how people perceive you wherever they interact with your business—both the impressions you can control and the ones you can't.

When you think about it,people have brandstoo. We each have a name, a face, a style, a way of communicating, different impressions we make on different people, and what they say about us when we’re not in the room.

Likewise, businesses have names, products, logos, colors, fonts, voices, and reputations to manage that make up who they are and affect how they’re perceived.

You can't build a brand without being consistent and maintaining that consistency as you extend your brand to every part of your business. But it all starts with establishingwhatthat consistency is going to look like and the feeling you want it to evoke.

How to Build a Brand

Building your own brand essentially boils down to 7 steps:

  1. Research your target audience and your competitors.
  2. Pick your focus and personality.
  3. Choose your business name.
  4. Write your slogan.
  5. Choose the look of your brand (colors and font).
  6. Design your logo.
  7. Apply your branding across your business and evolve it as you grow.

While you might revisit some steps as you pivot your brand, it's important that you consider each aspect as you shape your brand identity.

Let’s start with laying the groundwork to inform the way you go about building your brand.

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1. Figure out your place in the market

Before you start making any decisions about your brand, you need to understand the current market: who your potential customers and current competitors are.

There are many ways to do this:

  • Google your product or service category and analyze direct and indirect competitors that come up.
  • Check subreddits that relate to your customers and eavesdrop on their conversations and product recommendations.
  • Talk to people who are part of your target market and ask them what brands they buy from in your space.
  • Look at the relevant social media accounts or pages your target audience follows and are receptive to.
  • Go shopping online or offline and get a feel for how your customers would browse and buy products.

As you go about your research, make a note of:

  1. Who your “lowest hanging fruit” customers are—the ones you could most easily sell to.
  2. Who your top of mind competitors are—the brands that are established and known in the market.
  3. How your customers speak and what they talk about—the interests they have and the language they express them in.

It’s important to have a handle on this before moving forward as it will inform what your brand should focus on and how it can position itself apart from competitors.

2. Define your brand’s focus and personality

Your brand can’t be everything to everyone, especially at the start.

It’s important to find your focus and let that inform all the other parts of your brand as you build it.

Here are some questions and branding exercises to get you thinking about the focus and tone of your brand.

y是什么our positioning statement?

A positioning statement is one or two lines that stake your claim in the market. This isn't necessarily something you put on your website or business card—it's just to help you answer the right questions about your brand.

Your positioning statement should go something like...



e.g. We offer water bottles for hikers to stay hydrated while reducing their carbon footprint. Unlike other water bottle brands, we plant a tree for every bottle you buy.

Yourunique value propositionis the one thing you're competing on. Find it, go in on it, and make it a part of your brand's messaging.

Alternatively, if the company you want to start has a cause at its core (e.g. if you're starting asocial enterprise), you can also write this out as a mission statement that makes a clear promise to your customers or to the world.

What words would you associate with your brand?

看看你的品牌的一种方法是如果是体育rson. What would he or she be like? What kind of personality would your customers be attracted to?

This will help inform your voice on social media and the tone of all your creative, both visual and written.

A fun and useful branding exercise is to pitch 3-5 adjectives that describe the type of brand that might resonate with your audience. I compiled this list of traits to help you get started.


What metaphors or concepts describe your brand?

Thinking about your brand as a metaphor or personifying it can help you identify the individual qualities you want it to have.

This can be a vehicle, an animal, a celebrity, a sports team, anything—as long as it has a prominent reputation in your mind that summons the sort of vibe you want your brand to give off.

For example, if I wanted to create a brand targeting entrepreneurs I might choose to use the raccoon as a starting point: They’re scrappy survivors that will do anything to thrive.

If your brand was an animal, what animal would it be andwhyis it like that animal to you?

3. Choose a business name

“A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet. But Nike by another name would be seen on fewer feet.”

Shakespeare (sort of)

What's in a name? Depending on the kind of business you want to start, you can make the case that your name matters very little or it matters a lot.

As we've said before, a brand is so more than a name. The personality, actions, and reputation of your brand are really what give the name meaning in the market.

But as a business owner, your company's name is probably one of the first big commitments you have to make. It’ll impact your logo, your domain, your marketing, and trademark registration if you decide to go that route (it's harder to trademark generic brand names that literally describe what you sell).

理想情况下,你想要一个商业名称,我很难mitate and even harder to confuse with existing players in the market. If you have any plans to expand the product lines you offer down the road, consider keeping your business name broad so that it's easier to pivot than if youchose a brand namebased on your product category.

You can use ourBusiness Name Generatorto brainstorm some names, or try one (or a combination) of the following approaches:

  • Make up a wordlike Pepsi.
  • Reframe an unrelated wordlikeApple for computers.
  • Use a suggestive word or metaphorlikeBuffer.
  • Describe it literally (caution: easy to imitate)like The Shoe Company
  • Alter a word by removing letters, adding letters, or using Latin endingslikeTumblr (Tumbler) or Activia.
  • Use the initials of a longer namelike HBO (Home Box Office)
  • Combine two words:Pinterest (pin interest) or Facebook (Face + Book)
  • Turn a string of words into an acronym:BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke)

If all else fails, you can use thisonline shop name list in India.

Since your brand name will also affect the domain/URL of your website, be sure to shop around to see what’s available before you decide. Check out our guide tochoosing a good business name.

It's also a good idea to run your name by a focus group of close people, if for no other reason than to make sure it doesn't have an unintended meaning or is too similar to something else that you might've missed.

Pick your brand’s colors and fonts

Once you've got a name down, you'll need to think about how you'll visually represent your brand, namely your colors and typography. This will come in handy when you start to build your website.

Choosing your colors

Colors don't just define the look of your brand; they also convey the feeling you want to communicate and help you make it consistent across your entire brand. You'll want to choose colors that differentiate you from direct competitors to avoid confusing consumers.

Color psychologyisn't an exact science, but it does help to inform the choices you make, especially when it comes to the color you choose for your logo.

This infographic offers a nice overview of the emotions and associations that different colors generally evoke.

choosing brand colors to build your own brand

viaThe Logo Company

It’s important to consider how legible white and black text will be over your colour palette, and how colored text might look over white and black backgrounds. Try using a tool likeCoolorsto brainstorm colors that work together, grab the hex codes to keep handy, and sift through different shades to find the ones you like.

Choosing your fonts

At this point, it's also good to look at fonts you might want to use on your website.

Pick two fonts at most to avoid unnecessarily confusing visitors: one for headings and one for body text (this doesn't include the font you might use in your logo).

You can useFont Pairto browse from a wide selection of fonts that go well together and download them if necessary.

how to build a brand

For inspiration, useStylify.meon your favorite websites to see their visual style at a glance.

5. Write a slogan

A catchy slogan is a nice-to-have asset—something brief and descriptive that you can put in your Twitter bio, website headline, business card, and anywhere else where you've got very few words to make a big impact.

Keep in mind that you can always change your slogan as you find new angles for marketing—Pepsi has gone through over 30 slogansin the past few decades.

A good slogan is short, catchy, and makes a strong impression. Here are some ways to approach writing a slogan of your own:

  • Stake your claim: Death Wish Coffee—"The World's Strongest Coffee"
  • Make it a Metaphor:Redbull—"Redbull gives you wings."
  • Adopt your customers’ attitude:Nike—"Just do it."
  • Leverage labels: Cards Against Humanity—"A party game for horrible people".
  • Write a rhyme: Folgers Coffee: "The best part of wakin' up is Folgers in your cup."
  • Describe it literally: Aritzia—"Women's fashion boutique"

Try our Slogan Makerto brainstorm some ideas or play off of your positioning statement to generate some potential one-liners to describe your business.

6. Design your logo

A company logo is probably one of the first things that come to mind when you think about building a brand. And for good reason. It's the face of your company after all, and could potentially be everywhere that your brand exists.

Ideally, you'll want a logo that's unique, identifiable, and that's scalable to work at all sizes (which is often overlooked).

Considerallthe places where your brand's logo needs to exist, from your website to your Facebook Page's profile picture to even the little "favicons" you see in your current browser tab.

If you have a text logo as your Instagram avatar, for example, it'll be almost impossible to read. To make your life easier, get a square version of your logo that has an icon element that remains recognizable even at smaller sizes.

Notice how the Walmart logo has both the "sparks" icon and the wordmark, which can be used to create a brand logo

The following are some of the different logo types you can choose to help you communicate with designers and find a style that makes sense for your brand. Keep the colors and fonts you chose in mind to make sure they work together with your logo to convey your brand.

Abstract: Google Chrome

google chrome logo

An abstract logo has no explicit meaning. It’s just a shape and colors that you can't easily tie back to anything in the real world.

The benefit of an abstract logo is that it has no innate meaning—you can make this up yourself and bring it to life in your customers' minds.

Mascot: Wendy’s

wendy's brand logo

Mascot logos are often represented by the face of a character. They may humanize your brand, but be aware that they are an antiquated style now and only recommended in certain contexts (e.g. you’re deliberately going for a retro look).

Emblem: Starbucks

starbucks brand logo

Emblem logos are often circular and combine text with an emblem for a bold and regal look. If the design is too complicated, however, they can lose their impact when you shrink them down. But done right, they can make for a memorable style of logo.

Lettermark: IBM

ibm brand logo

Lettermark标志turn the initials of your full business name into a logo. If you chose a business name with 3 or more words, this might be a style you'd want to consider, especially if the initialism is catchy.

Icon: Twitter

twitter brand logo

An icon logo is your brand represented as a visual metaphor. Unlike an abstract logo, an icon logo suggests something about the product (Twitter's bird is suggestive of the frequent short "tweets" on the platform).

作为一个未被确认的品牌,你应该远离from using an icon logo by itself. However, if you're not sure about the kind of logo you want, pairing an icon logo with a wordmark is usually a safe bet.

Wordmark: Facebook

facebook brand logo

Wordmark logos turn your brand name, colors, and font into a visual identity. The problem with wordmarks is that they're often hard to create in a scalable square design and easily lose their legibility when shrunk.

However, you can fix this problem by simply getting an accompanying icon logo or turning the first letter of the wordmark into a separate-but-connected logo, like what Facebook does with the F.

Combination: McDonald's

mcdonald's brand logo

Because of the limitations that exist for each logo type, many logos are a combination of styles.

As a new business, and you don't need to choose an icon over a wordmark when you can get the best of both. This makes it easier to satisfy the condition of creating a scalable logo while still putting your brand name front and center. McDonalds, for example, can use their iconic golden arches wherever the full wordmark doesn't fit.

Unless you've got design chops of your own, you'll probably be delegating the creation of your logo. You can outsource it for a low cost onFiverror run a logo contest on99Designs.

Check outSeek Logofor even more logo inspiration or use ourHatchful logo makerto start generating some ideas. There's also our comprehensive guide onhow to design a logowhere we walk you through the process step-by-step.

7. Apply, extend, and evolve your brand as you grow

Building a brand doesn't stop with creating a logo or slogan, or even with yourbrand launch. Your brand needs to exist and remain consistent wherever your customers interact with you, from thetheme you choosefor your website to the marketing you do to customer service to the way you package and ship your products.

You'll continue to shape and evolve your brand as you expose more customers to it and learn more about who they are and how to speak to them.

It's important to appreciate that you will never have 100% control over how people perceive your brand.

You can tug customers in the right direction, make a great first impression, and manage your reputation, but you can’t control the individual perceptions that exists in each person's mind (say, if they had a bad customer service experience).

All you can do is put your best foot forward at every turn and try to resonate with your core audience. But hopefully, at this point, you have the tools, knowledge, and resources to start.

Frequently asked questions about building a brand

How do you develop a brand?

Start by identifying your business strategy, identifying your target customers and researching their needs. Then move to identifying your competition, your brand positioning and messaging. Once you know what you want your brand to be known and perceived as, start working on your logo and tagline, developing a branding and marketing strategy along side. After that, you should start working on setting up your business online and reaching out to your target market.

How do you define brand identity?

Brand identity refers to the visible elements of a brand, including colors, design and the logo that people can identify and distinguish the brand with. On the other hand, brand image is about how and what you want your brand to be perceived as. In all, both brand identity and image craft the language for your marketing, advertising and sales efforts.

What is in a brand kit?

A brand kit is an all-in-one the resource that includes all the information about your brand identity and image. It consists of important visual elements of your brand, such as your logo(s), font(s), color palette and branded imagery. You should also include explanations on where and how to use your brand elements, along with your vision and mission in the kit. This is especially important to have as you start doing press releases or even collaborating with influencers to market your products.

How much should I pay for a logo?

Logo design prices can vary based on the style and detailing you choose for your brand. If you're just starting out and you're not sure about how you'd like your logo to be, you can use Hatchful to create a free logo for your business.

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