Tips for using Shopify Magic text generation

The following tips and considerations can help improve the quality of automatically generated text, and help ensure that it matches the tone and personality of your brand.

Considerations when using automatic text generation

Though automatic text generation can be a powerful tool, keep the following in mind:

  • Not all text generated by LLMs is of equal quality, sometimes LLMs generate output that is irrelevant, nonsensical, or even offensive. Carefully review the output to ensure it’s accurate and meets your standards. It’s your responsibility to review all generated text before publishing.
  • LLMs are only as unbiased as the data they learn from. If the data used to train the LLMs is biased, then the generated text might also be biased. For automatically generated product descriptions, you canreport harmful or biased generated contentusing the feedback controls provided with the feature.

Choosing a tone for your generated content

The tone of your store’s content is how you communicate the personality of your brand, and can influence the feelings customers might have when they read your content. Your tone should match the information that you’re delivering, the situation, the expectations of the customer, and be consistent with your brand.

When generating automaticemail,product description, andtheme文本,你可以select from predefined tones, or specify a custom tone. If you’re not sure which tone to use, then experiment with the tone setting to generate different versions of the text to find a good fit for your product and target customer.

After you select a tone option, the characteristics of the suggested content change to match the tone that you select. This includes the kind of vocabulary, sentence structure, and punctuation of the output.

The following predefined tones are available:

  • Expert:命令ten from the perspective of a product or industry expert, this tone sounds professional by using scientific and objective language, and statements of fact.
  • Supportive:命令ten from the point of view of someone that empathizes with the customer and wants to help them, this tone sounds supportive, and uses language that is friendly, approachable, and straight-forward.
  • Persuasive:命令ten from the perspective of someone who passionately believes in the value of the product, this tone sounds persuasive and inspiring, using language that appeals to the senses and inspires strong emotions in the customer. By default, the tone foremail subject lines and textis set toPersuasive.
  • Daring:命令ten from the perspective of someone who challenges the customer to be bold and adventurous, this tone uses strong action words to motivate and inspire.
  • Playful:命令ten from the perspective of someone who doesn't take themselves or life too seriously, this tone uses fun or quirky language, including humor and slang expressions.
  • Sophisticated:命令ten in the style of a luxury brand selling premium products, this tone sounds sophisticated and refined, using language that appeals to a buyer’s desire for high quality and taste.
  • Custom: By selectingCustomfrom theTone of voicedropdown menu, you can customize your tone by adding descriptors, such asSarcastic and witty. After you create a custom tone, it's available as an option for each product you create descriptions for, unless you replace the custom tone label with a different one, such asConfident.

Using special instructions

When you generate text foremailsandproduct descriptions, you can provide instructions directly to Shopify Magic to specify things such as content length or format. For example, you could add an instruction to write content that's 40 words or less, write the product description in another supported language, or to replace some words with emoji.

To add a special instruction when you're generating automatic text, enter your instruction in theSpecial instructions field. You can write your instruction as a simple phrase such asInclude emoji,或者更复杂的命令等Use regional sayings and slang from the American South.

In some cases, special instructions might not be interpreted correctly, and your generated text might not appear as you expect. You can try generating the text again, or adjust the wording of your instruction until you get the desired result. Providing multiple instructions at the same time might also give inconsistent results. Consider simplifying the instructions for better outputs. If you're getting results that you don't expect, for example, receiving output in English when you've provided an instruction to write in Spanish, you can explicitly say what you don't want in your output. For example, sayDon't write in English. Write it in Spanish. You can also try being as specific as possible. For example, sayInclude 5 emojirather thanInclude a lot of emoji.

Provide feedback on suggestions

You can provide feedback to Shopify about generated suggestions to flag any inappropriate or harmful content. Your feedback helps improve the quality of suggestions generated by Shopify Magic.


  1. When you're generating automatic text, hover over the suggested content, and then do either of the following:
    • To give positive feedback, click the thumbs-up button.
    • To give negative feedback, click the thumbs-down button.
  2. Select from the predefined feedback types, and then provide any additional details that you want to add.
  3. ClickSendto submit your feedback.
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