Uploading and managing files

You can upload, manage, and delete files from theFilespage in your Shopify admin.

Files on theFilespage can include:

  • images and videos used in your theme, blog posts, and pages
  • images and videos used in your product and collection descriptions
  • files and videos that you want to make available for customers to download
  • images and files connected tometafields

You can also upload files when you'reediting your theme, when you're creating aproduct, when you're creatingmetafields, or when you're using therich text editorto edit theme content, a page, a blog post, a product description, or a collection description. The files you upload will appear on yourFilespage.

To access theFilespage, go toContent>Files.

File requirements

You can upload files to theFilespage in your Shopify admin. Files must meet the following requirements:

Image file requirements

File requirements for images
Attribute Requirement
File size Maximum of 20 MB (megabytes)
Resolution Maximum of 25 MP (megapixels)
Aspect ratio Between 100:1 and 1:100
File formats JPEG, PNG, WEBP, HEIC, and GIF

Video file requirements

File requirements for videos
Attribute Requirement
File size Maximum of 1 GB (gigabyte)
Resolution Maximum resolution of 4K
Video length Maximum video length of 10 minutes
File formats MOV and MP4

Generic file requirements

Generic files can be any file other than HTML, and are intended for downloading by the customer.

File requirements for generic files
Attribute Requirement
File size Maximum of 20 MB
File formats Any file type except HTML

File format requirements

If you're on a paid plan, then you can upload any file format other than HTML.

If you're on a trial plan, then you can upload only the following file formats:

  • JS
  • CSS
  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • JSON
  • CSV
  • PDF
  • WebP
  • HEIC

You also need toverify your email addressbefore you can upload PDF files.

If you're on a trial plan and you want to upload other file formats, thencheck and update your plan.

Different parts of your store, such as your theme, pages, and blogs, only support certain file formats. For more information about supported file formats, refer to the following resources:

Upload a file on the Files page

You can upload files to Shopify on theFilespage. You can then use the uploaded files across your Shopify admin, including asbrand images,product media, andmetaobjects.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toContent>Files.
  2. ClickUpload files.
  3. Select up to 20 files to upload, and then clickOpen.

Search and filter the file list

You can filter the file list or search for a file from theFilespage or in the File picker.

You can filter your files in the following ways:

  • Search file attributes, including file names and types, using the search bar
  • Filter by size using theFile sizedrop-down menu
  • Filter by type using theFile typedrop-down menu
  • Filter by file reference using theUsed indrop-down menu


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toContent>Files.
  2. SelectSearch and filterby clicking the magnifying glass and trigram icon.
  3. Do any combination of the following:
    • In the search bar, enter all or part of a file name, or enter the file extension that you're looking for (for example,.jpgor.pdf).
    • Use theFile sizedrop-down menu to set either the minimum size of file that you want to view, the maximum size of file that you want to view, or both.
    • Use theFile type下拉菜单中选择的文件类型you're looking for.
    • Use theUsed indrop-down menu to select the location the file is referenced in.

Save filter view

如果您需要执行相同的搜索或筛选by the same terms regularly, then you can save the filters as views so that they're more easily accessible. Saved views are added as tabs at the top of theFilespage. You can click the tab to filter the files using the saved filter parameters.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toContent>Files.
  2. Using theSearch and filteroption, apply the appropriate filters and search keywords.
  3. ClickSave as.
  4. In theSave view asdialog, enter a name for your saved filter view.
  5. ClickSave.

Change the sort order of the file list

By default, files are listed from newest to oldest based on the date that they were uploaded.

If you want to change the sort order, then you can sort your files by date added, by size, or alphabetically by file name.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toContent>Files.
  2. Clickto sort, then select an option from the list.

Make a file available for download

If you want to make a file available for visitors to download, then you can upload it using theFilespage, then add a link to it in apage's contentor in your online store navigation. You can copy a link to the file to your clipboard by clicking theLinkbutton beside the file.

Original media downloads

Shopify's Imagery service manages your images and videos to ensure the best possible format is displayed at the appropriate place in your online store.

You can download the original, unoptimized file to your device using the download button in thePreview and editwindow.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toContent>Files.
  2. Click the desired file, or use the filters to sort or locate a specific media file.
  3. Click the download button. The original format saves to your device.

Editing files

You can preview and edit files by clicking the file's thumbnail from theFilespage. Edits that you make on theFilespage apply to all places the file is used in your store.

Review the following table to learn more about how to edit your files:

Files actions
Action Description
Rename a file Update the name of your file by changing theURL Handleof your file. When you change your file's URL, the previous URL for that file no longer works.
Replace a file Replace an existing file with a new file, and keep the same file name and URL handle. You can replace a file only with the same file format, such as replace a JPG file with another JPG file.
Add alt text Add a brief description of the image or video for people with visual impairment or low-bandwidth connections.
Add afocal pointto an image Select the most important part of the image to help themes crop the image more intelligently.
Update a video cover image Update the video cover image that acts as a preview image for your video.

To make other types of edits, download the file, make the edits in an editing software of your choice, and then upload it again to theFilespage.

删除a file

You can delete one or more files from theFilespage.Learn more about bulk actions.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toContent>Files.
  2. Select the checkbox beside the file that you want to delete. You can select multiple files.
  3. Click删除, and then click删除again to confirm.

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