Accelerated checkouts and dynamic checkout buttons

Accelerated or express checkouts save customer payment and shipping information so that returning customers can more quickly complete payment for their orders. When a customer returns to a store that offers an accelerated checkout method, their information is automatically filled in at checkout.

Some accelerated checkout methods can use dynamic checkout buttons on product pages. By using dynamic checkout buttons, customers can skip the cart and go directly to the checkout from the product page, using the selected accelerated checkout method. Learn how toshow dynamic checkout buttons on your online store.

You can activate accelerated checkout buttons on your Shopify checkout for Shop Pay and for other payment providers that offer the options, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, and PayPal. To learn more about PayPal's accelerated checkout options, refer tosupported PayPal providers.


To track your sales from accelerated checkouts, you can view thepayments finance reportfiltered by payment method.

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