Recovering abandoned checkouts

Items in a customers cart at the time that they abandoned the checkout are not saved.

废弃的结帐恢复只能the Online Store sales channel, the Buy Button sales channel, and the Plus Wholesale Channel. Abandoned checkouts on Shopify POS or third-party sales channels will not receive a checkout recovery email.

Review your abandoned checkouts

You can review your abandoned checkouts to find patterns that might suggest why your customers aren't completing orders.

Abandoned checkouts are saved in the Shopify admin for three months. Every Monday, abandoned checkouts that are older than three months are removed from your admin.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. ClickAbandoned checkouts.

View payment events from an abandoned checkout

Each time a customer tries to pay for their order, a payment event is noted in theTimelineof the abandoned checkout. You can expand payment events for more details.

Payment events can be helpful if a customer is trying to place an order and their payment fails. If a customer contacts you because their payment doesn't work at checkout, then you can view the details of the payment event, and use the information to help your customer.

If your customer successfully paid at checkout, then instead go to theorder's timelineto view payment events.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders>Abandoned checkouts.

  2. Click an abandoned checkout.

  3. On the abandoned checkout details page, go toTimeline.

  4. Click a payment event.

You can manually email a customer a link to their abandoned cart so that they can complete their checkout if they choose.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders>Abandoned checkouts.

  2. Click the number of the checkout that you want to recover.

  3. ClickSend a cart recovery email.

  1. Optional: you can enter a custom message and click the box beside each email address you want to send a copy to.
  2. ClickReview email.
  3. Review your email and clickSend notification, or clickBack做出任何changes.

TheRecovery statuson theAbandoned checkoutpage will only update to show as recovered if the customer completes their order using that link.

You can automatically send an email to customers after they have abandoned their checkout. Each email contains a link to the customer's abandoned cart, allowing them to complete their checkout if they choose. You canedit the email templateby adding a logo or changing the color scheme.

A recovery email issent for an abandoned checkout in the following circumstances:

  • If a potential customer creates one or more abandoned checkouts and then completes a sale before the recovery email gets sent, then the email won't be sent.
  • If a payment processing error occurred when the customer tried to complete their checkout, then the email won't be sent.
  • If your shop does not support shipping to the customer's address, then the email won't be sent.
  • If you allow customers to enter a phone number instead of an email address at checkout, and the customer chooses to enter a phone number, then the email can't be sent.
  • If none of the products in the checkout are available for purchase (empty inventory, for example), then the email won't be sent.
  • If all the products in the checkout are free, and the customer does not visit the shipping page to add a shipping fee or the shipping fee is also free, then the email won't be sent.

If you have configured your shop to automatically send recovery emails, theAbandoned checkoutspage will contain tooltips explaining why recovery emails were not delivered.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Checkout.
  2. In theAbandoned checkoutssection, checkAutomatically send abandoned checkout emails.
  3. UnderSend to, choose who you want to send a checkout recovery email to:
    • 任何人放弃结账
    • Email subscribers who abandon a checkout
  4. UnderSend after, select the number of hours that Shopify should wait before sending the abandoned checkout email:
    • Never. You can stillmanually send an emailto customers.
    • 1 hour later
    • 6 hours later
    • 10 hours later(default)
    • 24 hours later
  5. ClickSave.

You can review the status of each abandoned order email by going toOrders和then clickingAbandoned checkouts. The status of each recovery email is found under theEmail statuscolumn. The status of the abandoned checkout can be found underRecovery status.

After an email is sent, the checkout is considered recovered after the customer completes the order. A customer can either click the recovery link in the email or complete the checkout on their own.

Abandoned checkouts email report

TheAbandoned checkouts emails report by Shopifyhelps you better understand how effective those emails are at bringing your customers back to finish a transaction. It's available in theMarketingsection of Shopify.

The report tells you how many sessions and completed orders have resulted from the reminder emails. You can also see information like conversion rates, total amount of sales, average order value, average number of products sold, and how many customers were first-time buyers.

The report shows data only from November 18, 2019 onwards.

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