Handling disputes
With any job, there’s a chance it won’t turn out as expected. These guidelines can help if you’re unhappy with or concerned about the results of your job.
On this page
Meeting expectations for completed jobs
If you’re not satisfied with the results of your job, then you can contact the expert to discuss your concerns. Try to identify if there was a miscommunication and explain how the completed work didn’t meet your expectations. If the discussion doesn’t resolve the issue, then you can discuss the potential of a refund with the expert.
Getting refunds from experts
If you want a refund for payments you made for a job, then you first need to discuss this with the expert. If you both agree that you’re entitled to a refund, then the expert can create a refund request by contacting Shopify Support.
Blocking an expert
If you no longer want to communicate with an expert, or an expert is spamming you, then you can block them so they can’t send you messages. Blocking an expert closes any proposals, jobs, and invoices you have with them, and can’t be undone. You can also consider reporting your experience with the expert to Shopify Support.
- In the Experts Marketplace, under theMessagestab, open your conversation with the expert.
- In theDetailspane, beside the expert’s name, click theMore
button. - ClickBlock expert.
- ClickBlock expert来确认。
Reporting bad experiences with experts
It’s important for the Experts Marketplace to have trustworthy and professional experts to help build your business. If you’re dissatisfied with an expert’s work or behavior then you should contact Shopify Support. If you believe that a Shopify Partner isn't following thePartner Program Agreement, then fill out theReport a Partner violation form.