To continue receiving payouts, you need to secure your account by turning on two-step authentication before January 18th, 2023. If two-step authentication is not turned on your payouts will be paused.Learn more

about Business detail

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你好,能帮我的人。我在process of finishing my storefront and recently registered my LLC. I went to finish setting up my payments and tax details when this error code comes up after I hit submit: Business tax id verification fail.

Shopify Staff
Shopify Staff
949 64 147

Hi there,@ArmanAmiri990!

欢迎来到社区!绝对的好地方to gather some input regarding anything about the platform!

Congratulations on finishing your storefront! Exciting times ahead, that's for sure.

With regards to your inquiry however, I recommend youreach out to our live support teamfor further assistance on this matter. They are able to open up back end information such as your account information and settings and see why the system is denying the document you are submitting.

Feel free to also share where your business is based so we can recommend acceptable forms of IDs based on your country.

Let me know how these resources work out for you.

Daniel | Shopify
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