Store data

Whether you're importing, exporting, or backing up data, make sure everything's always right where you need it.

170 apps
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3.5out of 5 stars 4 total reviews Free plan available
AliExpress Dropshipping App
5.0out of 5 stars 9 total reviews Free plan available
Premium store locator with dealer registration form & filters
4.8out of 5 stars 87 total reviews Free plan available
Sell on Catch, list your products and manage orders.
4.9out of 5 stars 91 total reviews Free plan available
Generate menu items and smart managed by drag & drop.
4.1out of 5 stars 7 total reviews Free
Easily CSV Import a Product CSV, and CSV Export them too!
5.0out of 5 stars 9 total reviews Free to install
Generate test data for your store with a single click!
5.0out of 5 stars 4 total reviews Free plan available
注文データや商品データをCSV/EXCEL形式でダウンロード。ヤマト, 佐川, 日本郵便のフォーマットでのCSV出力も可能。
5.0out of 5 stars 23 total reviews Free to install
Fetch data from one eShop to another eShop
4.7out of 5 stars 30 total reviews Free plan available
Automated daily store rewind. Easily backup and restore record
5.0out of 5 stars 13 total reviews Free plan available
Product, Price, and Page AB Testing to increase conversions
4.9out of 5 stars 18 total reviews Free plan available
All reviews from AliExpress, Amazon and Etsy will be scraped
5.0out of 5 stars 3 total reviews Free
Smooth scrolling adds smoothness to your pages
3.3out of 5 stars 3 total reviews Free to install
Automatedly mligrate WooCommerce data to the new store
4.7out of 5 stars 15 total reviews 3-day free trial
Protection Against Spy Extensions, Copy, Right-Click And Theft
5.0out of 5 stars 2 total reviews Free
Groundbreaking solution for Dropshippers, compatible w/ DSers
5.0out of 5 stars 10 total reviews Free to install
Generate unique content effortlessly in multiple languages!
3.2out of 5 stars 8 total reviews Free to install
Easiest way to import products from your Etsy Seller Account
4.9out of 5 stars 16 total reviews Free plan available
Automate the synchronization of your product catalog
2.0out of 5 stars 1 total reviews Free plan available
Export Products to Excel - ID Fields, Custom Template, & more.
5.0out of 5 stars 1 total reviews Free to install
Connect your e-commerce platforms to automate tasks
4.0out of 5 stars 2 total reviews Free
Instant backup, restore & undo changes to previous snapshots
No reviews 0 total reviews Free plan available
Optimize your store's images with Resizify
4.9out of 5 stars 12 total reviews 7-day free trial
Customize and enhance the Admin panel and POS
1.0out of 5 stars 1 total reviews Free
An advanced product import/export tool for your store
1 3 5 6 8
170 apps