A Year of #PartnerPicks: Inspiration for Your Next Ecommerce Project

Partner Picks: 2016

We featuring our partner’s work!

在过去的一年里,我们之前已经介绍了我们的一些标准tners and their amazing work on Twitter, using the hashtag #PartnerPicks. We’re always in awe of the creative and beautifully designed work so many Partners publish daily, and this hashtag is just one of the ways we get to show-off the best of the best in our ecommerce community.

We picked our three favorite #PartnerPicks from each season to showcase what stores and apps were built on Shopify throughout the year. Here’s a look back at all the amazing stores and apps that were featured in 2016, let them inspire your next ecommerce project.

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During the coldest and darkest season of them all, it can be hard to stay motivated and keep the creative juices flowing. These three partners brightened up our winter solstice with their fun and unique designs.

1. Simon Burger

2. U92


As we emerge from hibernation, we look forward to fresh designs, and a splash of color. These three designs displayed gorgeous photography and illustrations.

1. Rehash

2. Growth Spark


Here comes the ☀️ and some fun, funky designs! Last summer we had some amazing new stores launched. See for yourself, and take a quick peek at these three.

1. DK Web Design


With back to school, Halloween,Black Friday/Cyber Monday, andChristmas, fall is a busy season in the ecommerce world. We were really excited to see the creative apps and stores launched during this time. Here are a few of our favorites.

1. Benjamin Reid

Thirsty for more? Browse through the collection on Twitter by searching#PartnerPicks.

You might also like:99 Beautiful Ecommerce Website Designs.

Do you have a new or favorite project you want shared with the community? Follow and tweet at@ShopifyPartnerswith #PartnerPicks, and we’ll RT and share as many as we can!

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