Learn To Use LinkedIn To Build Your Business

Learn To Use LinkedIn To Build Your Business

21 mins • 11 lessons

There is a gold mine of opportunity to grow your ecommerce business with LinkedIn. The platform is currently ‘content deficient’ which means there are more people consuming content on the platform than creating it!

In this course, taught by LinkedIn expert Taylor Offer, you will learn:

  • How to set up your LinkedIn for optimal exposure
  • The Framework for Posting
  • How to turn eyeballs into customers

Enroll now for free and get started!

About the instructor

Taylor Offer

Founder + LinkedIn Expert

Hey, I'm Taylor! I used to work at LinkedIn, now I'm an influencer on the platform. In the past 6 months, I have gone from 0 to over 30,000 followers on LinkedIn and my posts have been viewed over 10,400,000 times. From my exposure on my posts, I've been able to generate over $500k of revenue, been invited to speak at conferences around the world, and even gotten paid thousands of dollars for a single LinkedIn post.