Make your shipping carbon-neutral with the Planet app

If you want to make your shipments carbon-neutral, then you can subscribe to the Planet app. With the Planet app you can do the following:

  • Make your shipments carbon-neutral by funding innovative companies that pull carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere and store it.
  • Add a Planet badge to your online store to showcase your commitment to shipping carbon-neutral to your customers.
  • Access analytics such as your carbon footprint, total delivery distance, or how much carbon you've removed.

The Planet app is estimated to cost from 0.035 USD to 0.15 USD per order depending on which subscription plan you select. Actual costs might vary based on shipping distance, package weight, and mode of transportation.


The Planet app neutralizes your shipping emissions and removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon removal is the process of capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then storing it.

For example, if a truck or a plane that delivers your shipment releases 1 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, and you are subscribed to the Planet app, then Shopify ensures that 1kg of CO2is also sucked from the atmosphere and stored away usingsolutions and technologiesin Shopify Sustainability Fund.

There is a fast-growing and evolving sector with many carbon removal technologies in different stages of development. These technologies include nature-based solutions, such as reforestation and soil carbon sequestration and more high-tech solutions, such as direct air capture and mineralization.

The Planet app subscription plans

The Planet app has three subscription plans that neutralize your shipping emissions. All solutions and technologies that you support with the Planet app are from theShopify Sustainability Fundand meet Shopify'shigh quality bar.

Review the following table to learn more about the Planet app subscription plans:

Planet app subscription plans
Plan Price estimate Price per tonne of CO2 Description
Decade 0.035 USD per order 35 USD per tonne of CO2
  • Carbon-neutral shipping.
  • Funds nature-based carbon removal solutions, such as reforestation and soil carbon sequestration.
  • Funds companies, such as DroneSeed, Grassroots Carbon, and Pachama.
  • Century 0.08美元/订单 80 USD per tonne of CO2
  • Carbon-neutral shipping.
  • Funds a mix of nature-based carbon removal and innovative solutions, such as direct air capture and mineralization.
  • Funds companies, such as 44.01, Carbofex, CarbonBuilt, CarbonCure, Charm Industrial, Climeworks, DroneSeed, Grassroots Carbon, Heirloom Carbon, Loam, Noya, Pachama, Planetary, Remora, Running Tide, and Sustaera.
  • Millennium 0.15 USD per order 150 USD per tonne of CO2
  • Carbon-neutral shipping.
  • Mostly funds innovative solutions, such as direct air capture and mineralization, and a small portion of nature-based carbon removal.
  • Funds companies, such as 44.01, Carbofex, CarbonBuilt, CarbonCure, Charm Industrial, Climeworks, DroneSeed, Grassroots Carbon, Heirloom Carbon, Loam, Noya, Pachama, Planetary, Remora, Running Tide, and Sustaera.
  • Price per order listed above are estimates from Shopify-wide data on average emissions per order, but the actual cost per order for your store might vary based on shipping distance, package weight, and mode of transportation.

    Calculating your shipping emissions

    The Planet app combines data from your store with industry data and peer-reviewed models to estimate how much CO2your shipments release into the environment. To make sure that the CO2shipping emissions are removed entirely, the Planet app rounds up all values that are used in the data models.

    Review the following table to learn more about which data is used to determine shipping emissions:

    Shipping emissions calculation
    Factor Primary value If primary value isn't available
    Weight Weight of the shipment An average shipment weight
    Distance Distance traveled according to the tracking data Straight-line distance between the origin and destination address, multiplied by an uncertainty factor of 1.5
    Type of transportation Truck or plane carbon emissions, determined by speed and distance Truck emissions

    To estimate your emissions, the Planet app uses order tracking data associated with the tracking number assigned to the shipment. If the tracking number isn’t available or the shipping carrier isn’t supported, then the Planet app multiplies the estimated emissions by an uncertainty factor of 1.5. The uncertainty factor helps make sure that all your emissions are removed. If any data is inconsistent or missing, then the Planet app uses a reasonable maximum value instead.

    For example, suppose that you ship a package from Boston to New York. The straight-line distance is 305.94 km, but the shortest road route is around 350 km. If tracking data is available, then the Planet app uses the exact distance traveled.

    However, if no tracking data is provided, then 305.94 km is used in the base calculation, and the resulting emissions are multiplied by 1.5. This calculation accounts for variations in the route, such as distances traveled from post offices and distribution centers, and the route taken by the courier to deliver the package to your customer's door.

    Understanding your charges

    After you install the Planet app, a monthly estimate of your carbon removal costs is displayed based on the latest data from your store and Shopify averages.

    You're charged for any order that is considered delivered within the past 30 days. If tracking information is available, then an order is considered delivered when the tracking information indicates it's delivered. If tracking information is unavailable, then an order is considered to be delivered 20 days after the order was placed by the customer. If an order is cancelled before fulfillment, then you aren't charged for that order.

    Your shipments might be carbon neutral through Shopify by other methods than the Planet app, such as Shop Pay or other seasonal campaigns. If an order's carbon emissions are removed using a different service from Shopify, then you aren't charged through the Planet app.

    If the cost to remove your emissions for the past 30 days is less than 0.01 USD, then the charge is rounded up to 0.01 USD.

    Considerations for using the Planet app

    Review the following considerations for using the Planet app:

    • The models and estimates aren’t exact, but the Planet app overestimates your emissions to make sure that they’re entirely removed.
    • The Planet app removes only carbon (CO2) emissions that account for 95% of the climate impact from burning fossil fuels for transportation. Other emissions such as CH4, N2O, and GHG aren’t removed.
    • Orders that are shipped by sea transportation don't generate the data required to accurately calculate emissions. Instead, industry-accepted alternative methods are used to calculate emissions.
    • The Planet app currently focuses on addressing emissions from shipping-related transportation.

    Install the Planet app

    1. Go to thePlanet app pageon the Shopify App Store.
    2. ClickAdd app.
    3. Review the app permissions, and then clickInstall app.

    Adding the Planet badge to your online store

    If you want to showcase to your customers that your orders are carbon-neutral, then you can add the Planet badge to your online store.

    Planet app badge

    Considerations for adding the Planet badge to your online store

    Before you add the Planet badge to your online store, review the following considerations:

    • You need to subscribe to the Planet app to add the Planet badge to your online store.
    • You can't translate the Planet badge to other languages.
    • You can't customize the Planet badge if you're using a vintage theme.

    Available languages

    You can't apply your own translations to the Planet app badge.

    There's a list ofavailable languagesthat the Shopify admin can be changed to. To translate the Planet app badge, you need to use a theme that's compatible with selling in multiple languages. You canchange the default theme languageandadd other languagesso that customers can select their preferred language.

    Add the Planet badge to an Online Store 2.0 theme

    If you're using an Online Store 2.0 theme, then you can add the Planet badge to any page of your online store directly from your theme editor.


    1. From your Shopify admin, clickSettings>Apps and sales channels.

    2. From theApps and sales channelspage, click欧宝体育官网入口首页.

    3. ClickOpen sales channel.

    4. ClickThemes.

    5. In theCurrent themesection, clickCustomize.

    6. Select the page where you want to add the Planet badge, such asHome pageorCart.

    7. Add the badge to an existing or new section:

      • To add the badge to an existing section, clickAdd block, and then selectShopify Planet.
      • To add the badge to a new section, clickAdd section, and then selectShopify Planet.
    8. ClickSave.

    Customize the design of the Planet app badge

    If you're using an Online Store 2.0 theme, then you can customize how the Planet badge appears on your online store directly from your theme editor. For example, you can customize the following Planet app badge attributes:

    • background color and border
    • show or hide the Planet app logo, more info section, stats section, or innovations funded section
    • expand the badge to fit container, top and bottom margins, and corner rounding dimensions

    Review the following table to learn more about the different Planet app badge attributes that you can customize:

    Planet app badge customizable attributes
    Attribute Description Customization options
    Planet app logo The Planet app logo is depicted as a light green circle with a dark leaf off to the bottom right side. Depending on the size of the badge, the logo appears on the left or top-left corner of the badge. You can check or uncheck thePlanet app logocheckbox.
    More info link If you have an impact page set up, then you can show the more info link to direct customers to your impact page. Depending on the size of the badge, the more info call to action appears as aMore infolink on the right or top-right corner of the badge. If you don't have an impact page set up, then the textPowered by Shopify Planetappears. You can check or uncheck theShow "More info" sectioncheckbox.
    Display emissions removed Display emissions removed displays the amount of carbon emissions in kg that you've removed from the air through the projects that you've supported through your subscription plan. Display emissions removed also displays a comparison of miles driven by an average gasoline-powered car so that your customers can relate to and quantify the carbon neutral shipping impact that you've made. You can check or uncheck theDisplay emissions removedcheckbox.
    Display innovations funded Each subscription plan helps fund different companies and innovative solutions. Depending on your subscription plan, the innovations funded section will show examples of the types of projects removing carbon emissions that you're supporting. You can check or uncheck theDisplay emissions removedcheckbox.


    1. From your Shopify admin, clickSettings>Apps and sales channels.

    2. From theApps and sales channelspage, click欧宝体育官网入口首页.

    3. ClickOpen sales channel.

    4. ClickThemes.

    5. In theCurrent themesection, clickCustomize.

    6. Select a page where you've added the Planet badge, such asHome pageorCart.

    7. From the drop-down menu, in theAppssection, select theShopify Planetapp block.

    8. Apply your Planet app badgecustomizations.

    9. ClickSave.

    Add the Planet badge to a vintage or custom theme

    To add the Planet badge to a vintage or custom theme, you need to manually edit your theme's code.


    1. From your Shopify admin, clickSettings>Apps and sales channels.

    2. From theApps and sales channelspage, clickPlanet.

    3. ClickOpen app.

    4. In thePlanet badge displaysection, clickAdd badge.

    5. Copy the following code snippet:

     {%-assignCURRENT_DATE="now"|date:"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ"-%}{|date:"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ"-%}< script src = "" async>{%ifCURRENT_DATE<ACTIVE_UNTILorrequest.design_mode%}< div class = " shopify-planet-banner”> < img src = "" alt="Carbon-neutral shipping with Shopify Planet" width="34" height="30" loading="lazy"> 
    All deliveries are carbon neutral
    Powered by Shopify Planet
    1. Go to one of the following files to add the badge:
    2. Paste the code snippet where you want the badge to be displayed, and then clickSave.
    3. ClickPreviewto review how the badge is displayed on your online store.
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