Setting up shipping rates

You can set up free, flat, or calculated shipping rates that appear in the checkout for your customers. Learn more about thedifferent types of shipping rates.

Before you create any shipping rates, make sure to get familiar withshipping zonesandshipping profiles. Shipping zones are a group of countries or regions that you create for your shipping rates and shipping profiles let you set up shipping rates for specific products and locations.

Create flat shipping rates

平的运费收取一定费用hipping at checkout. You can create flat shipping rates for any order within a shipping zone, or only for orders whose weight or price is within a certain range. For example, in a shipping zone for Europe, you could set a flat rate of $10, and another flat rate of $5 for orders that are over $50.

When combining price-based shipping rates, Shopify combines rates that apply to the total price of the cart. When combining weight-based shipping rates, Shopify combines rates that apply to the weights of the individual products, with yourstore default packageweight added to each product. Learn more aboutcombined shipping rates.

For example, suppose that you have a shipping rate calledDiscounted shippingfor $5 in two different profiles. This rate is available on orders over $50. If an order contains a combination of products from both profiles and has a total of $55, then the checkout shows theDiscounted shippingrate at a cost of $10.

相反,假设你有一个航运率calledDiscounted shippingin two different profiles that gives cheaper shipping on orders over 5 kg. To receive this rate, customers would need to order 5 kg of products from the first shipping profile and 5 kg of products from the second shipping profile to qualify for theDiscounted shippingrate.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. Next to the shipping profile that you want to add a shipping rate to, clickManage.

  3. Next to the zone that you want to add a rate to, clickAdd rate.

  4. Select a transit time, or select a custom flat rate to name the rate.

  5. Optional: Add weight-based or price-based conditions.

  6. ClickDone, and then clickSave.

You can also set upprice-basedorweight-basedconditions for your shipping rates.

Create shipping rates in local currencies

You can create flat shipping rates in local currencies for customers from different markets. An example could be offering a $10 USD flat rate shipping for customers in the United States, but offering €15 EUR flat rate shipping for customers in Europe.

To offer flat rate shipping in local currencies, all countries within a shipping zone need to share the same currency, and local currencies need to be enabled for their market. For example, if you have aEuropemarket that contains France, Germany, and Sweden, then you should have one shipping zone that contains France and Germany (where the currency is Euros) and another shipping zone that contains Sweden (where the currency is the Swedish Krona). You need toenable local currenciesin Markets before you can set up shipping rates in local currencies.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. For the shipping profile that you want to add a shipping rate to, clickManage.

  3. For the zone that you want to add the rate to, clickAdd rate.

  4. Select a transit time, or select a custom flat rate to name the rate.

  5. Enter the shipping rate, and then select the local currency for the country or region.

  6. Optional: Add weight-based or price-based conditions.

  7. ClickDone, and then clickSave.

You can also set upprice-basedorweight-basedconditions for your shipping rates.

Create calculated shipping rates

Calculated shipping rates are determined at checkout by a third-party shipping service based on the details of the order. This helps you charge your customers the exact amount that a shipping carrier, such as UPS or FedEx, will charge you when you purchase a shipping label.

Carrier-calculated rates are available to stores in the following scenarios:

  • If you're in the United States and useShopify Shipping, then you can add calculated rates from USPS, DHL, and UPS.
  • If you're in Canada and useShopify Shipping, then you can add calculated rates from Canada Post.
  • If the carrier-calculated shipping feature is on your store's Shopify subscription plan, then you can add rates from your own account with USPS, FedEx, UPS, and Canada Post, as well as any calculated rates from any shipping apps. Before you can add your own rates from any shipping carriers, you need to add your carrier accounts to your shipping settings in Shopify. Learn aboutThird-party carrier-calculated shipping rates.
  • If you're in Australia and useShopify Shipping, then you can add calculated rates from Sendle for both domestic and international shipping. The postcode and suburb of the fulfillment location need to match for you to generate a quote. You can check and edit this inSettings>Locations.

When you add carrier-calculated shipping rates, you also need to enter accurate weights for each of your products so that you can provide accurate shipping rates to your customers at checkout.

Carrier-calculated shipping rates often display expected transit time next to the shipping rate at checkout, but they don't include your processing time. You can display delivery dates at checkout that include your processing time and transit time. To learn more, refer toSetting up delivery dates.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. Next to the shipping profile where you want to add a shipping rate, clickManage.

  3. Next to the zone where you want to add a rate, clickAdd rate.

  4. SelectUse carrier or app to calculate rates.

  5. In the drop-down menu, choose the shipping service that you want to add calculated rates for.

  6. In theSERVICESsection, select the shipping methods from that shipping service that you want to provide as options for your customers at checkout.

  7. Optional: In theFUTURE SERVICESsection, choose whether to automatically offer any new services that the shipping service makes available.

  8. Optional: In theHANDLING FEEsection, add any handling fee that you'd like to be added to the calculated rate.

  9. ClickDone, and then clickSave.

Mark up or discount calculated rates

你可以调整计算运费标记p or discount the rates that your customers see at checkout. For example, if the rate is too high to attract customers, then you could discount it by a certain percentage to increase sales. Instead, if for example the rate is too low to cover your packaging and handling costs, then you can increase it.

You can mark up calculated shipping rates by an additional flat fee or by a percentage of the total shipping rate. If you adjust a calculated shipping rate to include both an additional flat fee and a percentage markup, then the percentage is calculated before the flat fee is added. For example, a $5.00 rate with 50% markup and a $1.00 flat fee costs the customer $8.50, not $9.00.

If you want to offer discounted shipping, then enter a negative value. For example,-5% or $-2.50.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. Next to the profile that contains the rate, clickManage.

  3. Next to the rate that you want to adjust, click the...drop-down menu and thenEdit rate.

  4. In theHandling feesection, set the rate adjustments.

  5. ClickDone, then clickSave.

Creating free shipping rates

You can add free shipping rates to any shipping zone, so customers don't pay anything for shipping at checkout. You can set up free shipping to be the only shipping rate on your store, or offer free shipping when specific criteria are met. These criteria can be based on orders over a certain value or on orders over a certain weight.

Offering free shipping is a common business and marketing practice, because it reassures customers that they won't be charged a surprise high shipping fee when they place their orders.

Free shipping as the default shipping rate

You can set free shipping to be your default shipping rate on all orders. This method makes managing your shipping rates easier, and still lets you add additional paid shipping rates for certain products or orders over certain values or weights.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. Next toGeneral shipping rates, clickManage.

  3. For each shipping zone, add the free shipping rate:

    1. ClickAdd rate.
    2. Enter the name for the rate.
    3. Make sure that the value of thePricefield is0.
  4. ClickDone, and then clickSave.

Free shipping over a certain value

To offer free shipping on orders over a certain value, such as 50 USD, 75 EUR, or 8000 JPY, you need add a price-based condition to your free shipping rate.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. Next to the shipping profile where you want to add a free shipping rate, clickManage.

  3. Add the shipping rate to each shipping zone where you want the free shipping rate:

    1. ClickAdd rate.
    2. Enter the name for the rate.
    3. Make sure that the value of thePricefield is0.
    4. ClickAdd conditions.
    5. SelectBased on order price.
    6. Enter a minimum price.
    7. ClickDone.
  4. ClickSave.

Free shipping over a certain weight

To offer free shipping on orders that are over a certain weight, such as 10 lb or 50 kg, you need add a weight-based condition to your free shipping rate.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. Next to the shipping profile where you want to add a free shipping rate, clickManage.

  3. Add the shipping rate to each shipping zone where you want the free shipping rate:

    1. ClickAdd rate.
    2. Enter the name for the rate.
    3. Make sure that the value of thePricefield is0.
    4. ClickAdd conditions.
    5. SelectBased on item weight.
    6. Enter a minimum weight.
    7. ClickDone.
  4. ClickSave.

Free shipping for specific products

You can add a free shipping rate that applies only to certain products. Before you start, you need tocreate a custom shipping profilewith products on which you want to offer free shipping.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. Next to the shipping profile where you want to add a free shipping rate, clickManage.

  3. Next to the zone where you want to add a free shipping rate, clickAdd rate.

  4. Enter the name for the rate.

  5. Make sure that the value of thePricefield is0.

  6. Optional: Add weight-based or value-based conditions.

    1. ClickAdd conditions.
    2. Select whether to base the condition on order weight or value.
    3. Enter the minimum and maximum value for the condition.
  7. ClickDone, and then clickSave.

Free shipping for specific customers

You can offer free shipping to specific customers bycreating a free shipping discount. Customers who are eligible for the discount can enter the discount code during checkout, and then free shipping is applied to their order.

If you want the customer to receive both a monetary discount and a free shipping discount, thencreate a draft orderfor your customer.

Edit a rate

  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. Next to the shipping profile that you want to edit a rate in, clickManage.

  3. Next to the rate that you want to edit, click the...button.

  4. In the drop-down menu, clickEdit rate.

  5. Make any changes, and then clickDone.

  6. ClickSave.

Delete a rate

  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Shipping and delivery.

  2. Next to the shipping profile that you want to delete a rate in, clickManage.

  3. Next to the rate that you want to delete, click the...button.

  4. In the drop-down menu, clickDelete.

  5. ClickSave.

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