How to Write a Product Launch Press Release

a megaphone: product launch press release

When you have a new product release, the good news is always worth sharing. Announcing your new product with a press statement isn’t just fanfare—it’s an essential component of a solid launch strategy. A well-written release can help your brand make a splash by generating excitement and attractingmedia coverage.

Crafting a press release gives you a chance to influence the narrative surrounding your new product. If writers and journalists decide to report on the news, they’ll have access to all the facts you want people to know—right in their inboxes.

7 key components of a product launch press release

  1. A compelling headline
  2. Product specs
  3. Visuals
  4. Company refresher
  5. Links
  6. Availability
  7. Contact information

Press releases are designed to inform members of the media about new developments. They’re short written statements that focus on news value. In the case of aproduct launch, the exciting factor could be the development of an innovative technical feature or simply the fact that the product is new.

When writing a press release, you don’t have to start with a blank slate. Announcements tend to follow a standard press release format. Include these key elements to pique journalists’ interest and give them the information they need:

1. A compelling headline

To capture the reader’s attention and provide context for the message, a product launch press release headline should include the name of the new product and the fact that it’s new. For example, if a neck massager company announced the launch of a new foot massager, the press release headline might look like this: Introducing the All-New Foot Massager from MasseuseBot, Makers of Cult-Favorite Neck Massagers.

2. Product specs

Mention your product’s name and key features in the first paragraph, providing concrete information about your product’s technical specifications. Highlight the innovative and exciting elements of your new product while using accessible language. Continuing with the MasseuseBot example, you might tout the foot massager’s new orbital massage pattern for arch tension release as well as its wireless charging capabilities.

3. Visuals

Including visuals will show your product in its best light and make your press release more memorable. Consider including product shots, action photos, and aproduct presentation video.

4. Company refresher

Some journalists may not be familiar with your brand and may need some background information on your company to understand why the new product is exciting. Include a brief summary of your business and yourmission statement—and how it pertains to your new product.

5. Links

Including a link is an easy way to provide access to additional information for those who are curious. In the press release body, include a link to a landing page,product page, or blog post. You may also consider linking to your company’s social media accounts.

6. Availability

When will this product be publicly available? How can customers purchase this product? Include these details along with any pricing details.

7. Contact information

所以任何包括贵公司的联系信息interested writers know where to direct follow-up questions and how to reach out for an interview. List an email address and phone number for a public relations team member.

7 tips for writing an effective press release for a product launch

  1. 写一个独特和引人注意的头条
  2. Use simple language
  3. Know your audience
  4. Set your product apart
  5. Avoid hyperbole
  6. Format properly
  7. Avoid attachments

To write a successful press release, focus on clarity and relevance. After reading your release, journalists should know exactly what your product is, why they should care, and how to learn more about it. Follow these guidelines to get started:

1. Write a unique and attention-grabbing headline

Many writers and journalists receive multiple media pitch emails every day. Increase the chances a recipient will read your press release by crafting a headline that clearly states what the product is and why it’s exciting.

2. Use simple language

A good press release should be easy to understand even if the reader doesn’t possess industry-specific knowledge.

3. Know your audience

This includes the audience for your product and for your press release. Regardless of your product, the specific audience for your press release is writers, editors, and journalists who may provide press coverage. Cater to this group by focusing on newsworthy facts like the product being the first of its kind or a greatly improved iteration of a popular version.

4. Set your product apart

What makes your product different from competing products? Explain your product’s unique selling point to get journalists interested. Remember, this is a chance to control the media narrative if you include the most interesting facts up top.

5. Avoid hyperbole

It’s fine to brag about your product’s new technical features, but clear, specific information is more memorable than vague promises. Focus on your product’sunique selling proposition. Claiming that your product is the best thing since sliced bread will not stand out as much as explaining its new space-saving design.

6. Format properly

You’ve put in the effort to write the copy for an impactful press release, now it’s time to make your release digestible and easy to read. Use a press release template or review press release samples to get inspiration for how to format key details.

7. Avoid attachments

Including your press release as an attachment presents an extra barrier—the recipient may not want to open a PDF or download a doc. Paste the press release copy directly into the body of the email to get the most views.

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Product launch press release FAQ

How long should a product launch press release be?

Press releases should be short and reader-friendly. Most press releases fall between 300 to 400 words. As long as all of the information is essential, it’s not a problem if your press release is slightly longer.

What is the difference between a news release and a press release?

A press release is a piece of promotional material created by a company or public relations firm to generate excitement and media coverage. There are many different types of press releases, including product line press releases, event press releases, and upcoming partnership announcements. News releases, on the other hand, contain factual information about current events relevant to the public interest.

Should I include visuals like images or videos in my press release?

Yes. Visuals, including images and video, are another tool you can use to capture the reader’s attention. This is especially important for ecommerce companies selling physical products—images will help the reader understand your product’s appeal.

How do I target the right news outlets for my product launch press release?

OB欧宝娱乐APP澳大利亚开始很好地理解你的目标ience—ideally, you’ll receive a media placement in a publication that your customers read. Identify relevant media contacts by conducting searches for your company and your competitors. Check to see if any news articles have been written about your products in the past and consider contacting those journalists again.

What should I do after sending out a product launch press release to maximize its effectiveness?

Take the time to follow up with relevant journalists after your initial promotion. Seek out media contact information for writers who specifically cover your industry, and tailor your pitch for each writer. Publish your press release on your company blog and optimize it for search engine performance so anyone can discover it.
