Small Business Quiz: How Prepared Are You for 2023?

The Founder's Zodiac illustration

一百万年学习后的一些业务噢ners who use Shopify, we discovered that founder types tend to fall into one of five personality types. Take our quiz:What type of entrepreneur are you?

As 2022 comes to an end, many of us are taking the time to recover from the events of the year and look forward to a fresh start. Now is the time to lay plans and makeresolutions(if that’s your thing).

But as you do, reflect on the lessons you learned from 2022. Did you achieve your goals? If not, why? How can you put your best foot forward in the new year to set disaster-proof goals and make plans that account for the unexpected?

Take our preparedness test below and get tailored advice to help you make a solid action plan for the new year.

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Illustrations by Alice Mollon