googlele & YouTube,5,888 reviews

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April 7, 2023

Doesn't work well. Shopify, you built it, please fix it.

I tried support but that didn't help so I will write this review.

You have a mandatory field on the product page, why I don't know, it is called "vendor". Ok? Well some of us are small businesses who sell one of a kinds. Vintage would also have issues with this.

So you force us to add a "vendor", I have used my shop name. Well, Google takes that information and adds it as BRAND. There is no brand! So they punish me and keep asking for a GTIN etc. I had to go to the merchant center and change every product. Tick off the box they have, for "custom or vintage". Days later it is back to what it was!!! I assume because it keeps pulling the information from Shopify?

Why don't you add a box on the product page, where we can check "custom or vintage" because there is no brand and not force us to write something that isn't true? Also, product category should work as it does on Google, so we can easily pick category. I get warnings all the time, I click on the yellow google, the window to edit pops up and same thing there. No suggestion about category. Do you really think we know those long categories? I tried adding the number I knew it was, didn't work.

你的程序员正在改变dashboard weekly, unnecessary changes and not always for the better, how about fixing actual issues? Adding things we can use instead of meaningless moving things around so we can't find them?

Just asking!

I guess I may have to remove the app and try something else. i am not sure what to do right now. I really wanted this to work. I can't believe this hasn't been known before and fixed. So did you know and never did anything about it or weren't you aware?

Energy Peace Shop
United States
Time spent using app: About 2 years
googlele LLC replied April 11, 2023

Hi there,

Mario here from Shopify. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your experience. We definitely want to make sure that you get the support you need and that your feedback is heard - I'll be in touch with you via email shortly to discuss this further.

马里奥| Shopify


User of this app for over 2 years with no problem. Now the app since Shopify updates is now pretty much useless... the dropdown box from the product page to update things like colour/age/size etc has disappeared - the only way to solve it now is to add a product then switch between various pages (that you then get stuck in btw) to add the missing info, and THEN half the time it still doesn't work! add to that the 'missing GTN' even when it's there and I am about ready to pull my hair out. Why have you 'fixed' something that wasn't 'broken' in general in the first place... and now clearly is broken completely. 1000 products to go through individually repairing or trying to repair and mostly failing because of your 'update' . All I have to say is PLEASE MAKE IS A PRIORITY TO PUT THE GOOGLE METAFIELDS BACK ON THE PRODUCT PAGE
thank you

The Baby Place
United Kingdom
Time spent using app: Almost 3 years
googlele LLC replied April 25, 2023

Hi there,

Brett here from Shopify support, thank you for taking the time to install and use the Google channel on your store and leave a review. I'm going to follow up with you over email to open up the lines of communication and see how we can provide support for you on this.

Brett | Shopify Support Specialist

Edited March 24, 2023

I am very disappointed! And now its very difficult to even use when adding products. For some unknown reason Shopify & this Google app had REMOVED the editing metafields from the product page in admin. Do you know what this effects? It makes it almost impossible when you have a product, you have sizes, colors, gender, new/used etc. & when you have to bounce OUT of the product page, go to the app, select all the columns you need that were once on the product page then have to scroll FARR to the right and back left, then have to go back to item you just added to get the size color etc. makes it VERY UNPLEASANT! MAKES ME NOT WANT TO EVEN USE IT ANYMORE! NOT GOOD. So I have to have my website up, go to the products I just posted (which can be many) & a preset page with the columns I need is just ridiculous. Now I have to have 3 different tabs open just to create a product and to use the Google app
thank you
PS. whoever had the bright idea of removing the metafields from the product page, should be fired...& I would sign off on that! KATIE BROWN!
& sorry for being so blunt but, this really does create alot of issues, not user friendly anymore

Blingschlingers Jewelry
United States
Time spent using app: Almost 4 years
googlele LLC replied March 28, 2023

Hi there,

Brett here from Shopify. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your experience. We definitely want to make sure that you get the support you need and that your feedback is heard - I'll be in touch with you via email shortly to discuss this further.

Brett | Shopify

June 29, 2023

Great, it works awesome with Shopify! The Google integration is so great, allowing seamless connectivity and advanced features. The versatility and compatibility of this solution make it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes. The user-friendly interface and extensive customization options empower merchants to create stunning online stores that captivate their audience. The robust features and reliable performance ensure a smooth and efficient e-commerce experience. With its responsive design and mobile-friendly nature, it enables customers to browse and shop effortlessly from any device. The exceptional support and regular updates provided by Shopify further enhance the overall experience, making it a top-notch platform for online businesses.

United States
June 28, 2023

This app provided by Google automates everything and make a very poor optimized campaign for your products. Not only that, from time to time it will block your Merchant account and you will end up with little to no help trying to figure out what API the app made to break the data. Not recommended at all, I would think google would have good software developers to build a good experience but it looks like that's not true anymore.

United States
Time spent using app: About 2 months
googlele LLC replied June 29, 2023

Hello and thank you for leaving this feedback. We are sorry to hear this has been a cause of frustration for you. Google's policies are in place to protect merchants and consumers. If you would like to learn more about this particular policy and how you can request a re-review, please visit:

If you would like additional insights on activating your account, please open a case with our Shopify support team:

June 2, 2023

Hello, I encounter a problem when I press "Manage Products" in "Product Status" I cannot remove any value that I have accidentally used, such as "Age Group", "Gender", "Condition," etc. Could you please advise how I can set those values to default since I have accidentally used the "Adult" age group while my products have nothing to do with this group? Thank you.

Home Wonder
United States
Time spent using app: About 2 months
googlele LLC replied June 2, 2023

Hi -- Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're raising this with the product team and with Shopify to help improve the Bulk Editor experience and address this. In the meantime, if you go to the individual product page > scroll down > Metafields > Show All, you'll see all the Google-specific fields listed. Here you'll be able to edit and clear the value for these dropdowns.
In the meantime, feel free to contact us through Get Support in the app if this doesn't resolve your issue and we can address your situation with our agents.

July 11, 2022

我不能得到任何支持这个程序。Shopify电话l me to contact Google and give me a contact link. Google tell me they cannot do anything and tell me to contact Shopify, (because it is Shopify who actually created the app, not Google).. Even when talking to a Google representative, they can't seem to help with Google merchant, ads or analytics, or help me to integrate this with Shopify correctly. I just keep getting messed around and not one can do anything.. Initially the Google channel did work for a month when I first integrated it. But after I paused the smart shopping ads for a month, it was never able to work again. However it still says active and I cannot remove the campaign or start a new campaign (because it tells me I already have a campaign running).. I have problems with Gtins and barcodes as well, I've updated them numerous times and still I have problems with this. It is incredibly frustrating and depressing that I cant get any help from Shopify or Google to assist me to properly integrating the google shopping ads, which are fundamental to getting traffic to my store and making sales. Same with the Ebay app as well. It just doesn't integrate properly with Shopify, and no one seems to be able to fix it. It feels like Shopify is easy to add a few images and text to your site, but incredibly hard to use to actually run a business that makes sales through advertising products.

Time spent using app: 8 months
googlele LLC replied July 12, 2022

Hi there,

Ashley here from Shopify. Thank you for taking the time to share your review of the Google Channel with us. Your feedback is extremely valuable. I'm sorry to hear that you have been experiencing issues when attempting to run Google Smart Shopping campaigns. I'm going to look into this further and follow up with you in an email to open up the lines of communication.

Ashley | Shopify

June 12, 2023

googlele service is good, but the only thing was we were having hard time while syncing the products to google shopping, where it kept on throwing errors requesting GTIN, MPN, BRAND etc, which has lead to slowing down with limited performance of our ads & we don't have those values to provide it to google as all our products are custom made or handcrafted. So, it took some time for us on how to fix it, but we've finally figured it out, now it's up & running and providing us with some great results.

Scott Handicraft
Time spent using app: 11 months
Edited May 10, 2023

Needs a little bit of work because it is not a seamless experience at the moment. It isn't a one step affair, as you need to toggle a few things on the google merchant center side to ensure products get listed, but that was an easy enough problem to solve. My only issue is that the API doesn't support Local Inventory listings which looks like a google side problem as they don't enable it from the API feed. It only allows the API to do ads, listings, and dynamic remarketing. That means you need to add another app to produce the XML feed for that service. Only other issue is that it doesn't automatically determine sales items and markdowns from the Shopify side. If there is a compare-to price, that should flag the product as sale badge and price drop badge eligible without promotions. No idea if promotions port, since I haven't done one yet. Once they fix those bugs, this thing would be priceless.

Chain Reaction Bicycles
United States
googlele LLC replied May 16, 2023

Hey there,

布雷特从Shopify支持!谢谢你的德ing the time to provide feedback on your experience. We're constantly looking for ways to improve the Google Channel experience. I'll be following up via email to help address your feedback!

Brett | Shopify Support

June 26, 2023

I'm sure it would work well and reach all the right people if i could just get a little help from a person not a bot to fix what I have done wrong to show my ads. I would love to change this review
United States
Time spent using app: 11 days
googlele LLC replied June 27, 2023

Hello there. We are sorry to hear this has been a cause of frustration for you. Google's policies are in place to protect merchants and consumers. If you would like to learn more about this particular policy and how you can request a re-review, please visit this page to see how to fix: Website Needs Improvement

We will also be in touch directly to see if we can further assist!

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