Facebook & Instagram

Facebook & Instagram

Free to install. Additional charges may apply.
Rating (3.3)


Popular with businesses like yours
  • Based in United States
Built for your business
  • Use directly in Shopify admin

About this app


October 4, 2018



Works with

Facebook, Instagram

Sell on Facebook and Instagram and seamlessly manage your business from one place in Shopify.

Grow your business on Facebook and Instagram while managing orders, returns and more. Easily promote your products and target accurately using powerful sales and marketing tools. Reach new customers and offer a seamless in-app shopping experience, from discovery to checkout. Automatically sync your eligible products to your Facebook and Instagram shop, so you can sell from one inventory while easily creating ads and shoppable posts right where your customers are.

Grow your business on Facebook and Instagram while managing orders, returns and more. Easily promote your products and target accurately using powerful sales and marketing tools. Reach new customers and offer a seamless in-app shopping experience, from discovery to checkout. Automatically sync your eligible products to your Facebook and Instagram shop, so you can sell from one inventory while easily creating ads and shoppable posts right where your customers are. more
  • Get shop insights, including best performing products and top tagged content
  • Help drive better ad performance by setting up a conversion pixel
  • Easily set up your shop with a one-time account connection
  • Sell from one inventory that automatically syncs to your shop
  • 从元得到电子邮件和即时聊天的支持


Free to install

When you run a campaign, you set the budget and the ad spend is billed directly to your Facebook ad account.

Free to install

When you run a campaign, you set the budget and the ad spend is billed directly to your Facebook ad account.

All charges are billed in USD.

4,057 reviews

Overall rating
Counts per rating level
  • 63% of ratings are 5 stars
  • 16% of ratings are 4 stars
  • 5% of ratings are 3 stars
  • 2% of ratings are 2 stars
  • 15% of ratings are 1 stars
Edited May 6, 2023

Consider bringing back our ability to post product for marketing . It was deleting by your developer team in Nov. Being able to be synced with Facebook to post product was simple and help business promote our product effectively. have been speaking to other businesses and It has been so damaging to not have this option. It is a shame Facebook has done away with our option to connect with our customers and audience this way. It is useless to speak with support as they act as if they know nothing about Facebook or changes. have sent feedback but pretty sure ignored. You need to really bring the gap of communication with Meta and Sellers. It is important and your team seem to lose touch with us. 4 month past Update to this review: You interface now has so many issues it is unbelievable every week you are changing something and simple breaking it just stop and go back to Oct 2022 and the enhances all those feature and all operations all changes since them have been very damaging to say the lest. Even product I do not give Facebook permission to show show on my store and your support is so poor and never helps they take my request and concerns and never generate a solution. I am luck if I get a response or follow up. You got to do better asap or Facebook will lose badly

Trinity Skys
United States
Over 2 years using the app
元replied May 4, 2023

Hi There!
谢谢你花时间留下评论。我们美联社ologize for the inconvenience caused and would like to assist you with a resolution. Please contact our Business Support team via this link https://fburl.com/r6pazraf so we can follow up with you directly and ensure you have the best possible experience.

Thank you,
[Meta Support].

May 18, 2023

When we click on stores in Instagram, I want to remove the cargo and delivery field in the product detail area, but I cannot remove it, all websites with shopify software have the same problem in their ig stores, it is not possible to completely remove this field, you should make a development about it.

Piano Jewellery
Over 1 year using the app
元replied May 22, 2023

Hi There!
谢谢你花时间留下评论。我们美联社ologize for the inconvenience caused and would like to assist you with a resolution. Please contact our Business Support team via this link https://help.shopify.com/en/support/support-type?returnTo=topic-select/sales-channels/sell-on-facebook-or-instagram
so we can follow up with you directly and ensure you have the best possible experience.

Thank you,
[Meta Support].

December 30, 2022

The worst support on the planet!!! My shop disappeared with active customers and I’ve emailed meta over 15 times with each rep not having a single clue on how to fix the situation. This started when they implemented the new update and now we all have the same complain but don’t waste your time contact meta corporate as these meta support “contractors” barely speak English or understand how to fix the situation! They act like they have no clue what’s wrong or what’s going on with the site and make it seem like it’s something you did wrong when clearly based off all these new reviews it’s not just me or any of the other people who left a review, we all have the exact same issues, just know it’s the meta support people that’s the problem and they do not know how to fix the situation, since Oct 2022 I’m still without a shop and I lost all my customers and months of my time! The meta contractors who answer these emails never do their job or don’t know how to speak English, and they just disappear after the first email explaining to them what’s wrong cause they have absolutely no clue on how to respond, fix the situation or they just do not UNDERSTAND ENGLISH ALL TOGETHER!!! I’ve asked for a manager and never get one! I have over 15 emails and two months later and I’m still sitting here with all my shops shut down, my personal fb pages disabled and my pixel no longer working on my Shopify site. I now have chargebacks on my store as my shop where I’ve been selling for the last two years that had active customers and orders literally disappeared in the middle of the night back in November and when I explain this to meta contractors cause that’s what they are and who responds back, they act like it’s you and something you did wrong when clearly it’s not just me based off of all the reviews I’ve just read!!!!! Meta than tells me I’m no longer the admin of my store and I need to be added but who disconnected me from my store? I’m the only owner? So explain that? Everything was connected perfectly and I’ve never advertised but since the new update all my stores are gone, I can’t even add me to my own Facebook account cause I’m now restricted from advertising and when that happens you can not add or manage anything on Facebook so how am I to add me back to the business than? Who removed me? Where is my store? My customers had already paid me and I can’t even ship them products since all the stores are gone!!! Meta try’s to tell me that I do not get paid till after I ship a product which is untrue if you are paid through Shopify only which I am so I get my money on my debit card within 24 hours weather I ship or not!!!! Meta has no clue how things work! After 15 emails and countless screen shots they are now asking me for a video as they do not understand English or understand what I’ve explain in my really long and detailed emails Ive sent to each support person! DONT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THE SUPPORT PEOPLE, they have not fixed one account yet since the update!!!! CONTACT CORPORATE IN WRITING LIKE I DID AND SEND OVER ALL THE RESPONSES META SENDS TO YOU TO SHOW THE PROOF THAT META CONTRACTORS HAVE NO CLUE, don’t speak an ounce of ENGLISH NOR UNDERSTAND English! All my personal fb pages are now disabled and blocked from advertising and the meta people tell me to make myself the admin which I never removed than meta asked me to give them permission to go into my accounts and fix everything which I gave them twice and all they did was connect the wrong shops to the wrong websites and made things so bad now I lost so much money I’m thinking about court action! I’ve asked for months for a manager, for my issues to be escalated to someone who can help and they meta people either do not respond and disappear so I have to keep creating new tickets in hoping to get someone who can fix the situation but based off of all the new recent reviews I’ve just read, this tells me they still have no clue on how to fix this issue!!!! Thanks for nothing “porsha” Candace, John, mealy, Joanne, William, Steve and this is just a few of the people contracted from meta who wasted weeks of my time or just plain old disappeared!!!

United States
Over 3 years using the app
元replied May 4, 2023

Hi There!
谢谢你花时间留下评论。我们美联社ologize for the inconvenience caused and would like to assist you with a resolution. Please contact our Business Support team via this link https://fburl.com/r6pazraf so we can follow up with you directly and ensure you have the best possible experience.

Thank you,
[Meta Support].

July 19, 2023

Installed, connected, and received a letter:
Effective August 10, 2023, Shops will no longer be available in your region

专注on products which drive the highest performance and ROI, and give shoppers the most personalized experience, Shops will no longer be available in your region effective August 10, 2023. Product tagging in posts, Reels, or Stories, and creating audiences derived from people who visited your shop will also become unavailable. To find customers and drive sales to your website, we encourage you to use personalized ads, Reels and messaging.
Explain to me what it means that the store in MY REGION will no longer be open? I live in Europe, do I plan for the store to work all over the world? then why do we need your application, and to charge the store if in 2 weeks - it will be discontinued?

5 days using the app
元replied July 28, 2023

Hi There!

谢谢你花时间留下评论。Please contact our Business Support team via this link regarding the updates for your region:

We can follow up with you directly and ensure you have the best possible experience.

Thank you,

March 9, 2023

Spent about 10 hours over the phone so far trying to get my products to sync. First/initial setup was OK I was able to sync about 75% of our products, some were missing, then I realised newly added products were not syncing... so I tried to fix this issue and has been ongoing for weeks and taking up a huge amount of time. You'd think the official FB app would be working ok for the most part but i've had nothing but issues. Also despite doing multiple screenshares, emails, sending screenshots and more... they are still unable to fix this issue. Now I have products "stuck" on FB that I cannot delete (many 1000s) because you can only do it within this app and the app after reinstalling it in an attempt to fix is syncing a total of 0 products this time around... which means that we are STILL trying to find workarounds. Going to try another app and see if I can resolve this. But even if Meta do manage to resolve my issues, I am 100% not satisfied with the overall experience and time waste i've had to incur because of this app not working properly from the get-go. This has caused me some levels of stress and unhappiness - naturally as no one likes their time wasted!

Attic Discovery Shop
United Kingdom
About 1 month using the app
元replied June 27, 2023

Hi There!

谢谢你花时间留下评论。我们美联社ologize for the inconvenience caused and would like to assist you with a resolution.

Please contact our Business Support team via this link: https://help.shopify.com/en/support/topic-select/sales-channels/sell-on-facebook-or-instagram?shopDomain=otowear.myshopify.com

We can follow up with you directly and ensure you have the best possible experience.

Thank you,

About this app


October 4, 2018



Works with

Facebook, Instagram

Built by Meta

About Meta

3.3 average rating

5 years building apps for the Shopify App Store




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