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Informazioni sull’app
Inglese。Danese。Tedesco. Spagnolo. Finlandese. Francese. Italiano. Giapponese. Coreano. Norvegese (Bokmål). Ceco. Olandese. Polacco. Portoghese (Brasile). Portoghese (Portogallo). Svedese. Tailandese. Turco. Vietnamita. Cinese (semplificato) e Cinese (tradizionale)
Download digitaliDigital Downloads semplifica la vendita di file digitali, direttamente dal tuo negozio Shopify.
Vendi file digitali come eBook, arte digitale, grafica e altro ancora dal tuo negozio Shopify con l’app Digital Downloads. Che tu sia un creatore di contenuti o un’azienda di piccole o grandi dimensioni, questa app si integra perfettamente con il tuo negozio Shopify per consentirti di aggiungere file digitali a prodotti nuovi o esistenti, monitorare gli ordini, inviare link per il download diretto ai clienti e altre operazioni in modo facile e veloce
Aggiungi file PDF, JPEG, ZIP e altri a qualsiasi prodotto direttamente dall’app.
Imposta limiti di download su misura e invia i link quando vuoi dopo l’acquisto.
Combina file digitali con varianti di prodotti digitali o fisici.
380 recensioni
Since last update I cannot access upload from within my product in shopify. "add digital file), error "no such page". But instead have to go the Apps new dashboard, search again for the product and only then can upload. THIS IS A MUCH WORSENED WORKFLOW!!
Will you do something about it?
Thank you for taking the time to share your review. We would like to help you look into this further. Please contact us directly using this link: https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA. We look forward to supporting you. -Olivia
I used digital downloads for the first few years my store was open and then switched to an app with more bells and whistles. I have tried out the new version and would like to switch back, but it cannot access orders placed when the app wasn't installed. There is no download link on their order status page and no downloads email. So any customer that needs to access their download again, I will have to send manual links to each product they purchased.
Seems like really terrible UX, especially when I got an email from Shopify telling me to switch back when the new version was released. Seems like you might want to support previous orders and not create a customer service headache.
We appreciate your honest feedback regarding our Digital Downloads app and will work towards creating a better experience! We will pass this feedback on to our developers! - Nia, Shopify Support
Great free app which works pretty well for us, but feel this could be very greatly improved in one area which to me seems a simple fix. The emails that are sent out to your customers are nothing like the order confirmation sent by Shopify. All the branding ie logo, images, buttons and colours are missing which makes your email seem very basic and affecting your customers experience. Is there any way to attach your brand logo..? at least to both the download and product update emails...
Hi, there. Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review for digital downloads! These are some great suggestions you have here, and I'm happy to share the desire to customize the branding of these email templates with our developers for their consideration. I'm unable to say for certain what the outcome of your feedback will be, but you can trust that the team has been made aware of your review and feedback. Thanks again! -Imogen, Shopify Support
The app seems to work fine! When you upload a pdf file to a product it will be sent to the buyers e-mail.
The only issue that I had is that I want the pdf to show up at the products so my customers can download it for free (if they want) before buying the product. But anyway this is a free app so I am thankful anyway.
Useful app for my site - but there was a recent change where download file purchases can no longer be automatically flagged as Fulfilled. Is it possible to provide this option again?
Hey, there! This update only applies for bundled digital and physical products - you should still be able to automatically flag single file purchases as fulfilled. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team and let us know! - Brie
Informazioni sull’app
Inglese。Danese。Tedesco. Spagnolo. Finlandese. Francese. Italiano. Giapponese. Coreano. Norvegese (Bokmål). Ceco. Olandese. Polacco. Portoghese (Brasile). Portoghese (Portogallo). Svedese. Tailandese. Turco. Vietnamita. Cinese (semplificato) e Cinese (tradizionale)
Download digitaliSviluppata da Shopify
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Crea app per l’App Store di Shopify da 13 anni
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